Biden's New Press Secretary Plays Dumb...


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Sunny Florida
When asked about Joe Biden's false claim that he was appointed to the Naval Academy, his new Press Secretary claimed she hadn't seen his Naval Academy speech! Anyone buying that?
When asked about Joe Biden's false claim that he was appointed to the Naval Academy, his new Press Secretary claimed she hadn't seen his Naval Academy speech! Anyone buying that?

She's not playing. She's for real.
It's not much of a stretch for her to play dumb, it's her natural state of being.

I swear it's like damn near the whole administration is "on the spectrum".

I told ya we would be missing the soulless ginger.....At least her IQ seemed to be above that of cold dishwater. ;)
It's not much of a stretch for her to play dumb, it's her natural state of being.

I swear it's like damn near the whole administration is "on the spectrum".

I told ya we would be missing the soulless ginger.....At least her IQ seemed to be above that of cold dishwater. ;)

Why did she immigrate here, to such a horrible, racist, anti LBGTQWXYZ country?
When asked about Joe Biden's false claim that he was appointed to the Naval Academy, his new Press Secretary claimed she hadn't seen his Naval Academy speech! Anyone buying that?

Face it . . . Biden can get away with anything—including theft of a presidential election.
When asked about Joe Biden's false claim that he was appointed to the Naval Academy, his new Press Secretary claimed she hadn't seen his Naval Academy speech! Anyone buying that?
It's not an act.
So this dumb BITCH admits she doesnt listen to Joe Biden’s speeches?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

What a fucking lying piece of shit.

Where you at, fact checkers?

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