Biden’s National Crisis to Force Reps to Pass His Payoff to Ukraine? Russia MAY Put Nukes in Space


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Well, that’s been a threat since the late 1960’s.

And since Joe promised to have a missile defense system, I wouldn’t blame Russia or China.

Joe and his wag the dog fake war threats.

Well, that’s been a threat since the late 1960’s.

And since Joe promised to have a missile defense system, I wouldn’t blame Russia or China.

Joe and his wag the dog fake war threats.

Yeah, this is hardly anything new. Though Putin, as everyone else does, sees how weak this Biden junta is.
More Biden gas lighting....

Russians have nuclear weapons all over the world. The concept of MADD still exists but the freaks who avoided the draft in the 70's are in charge today and they support a demented president who has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button. Go figure
A nuke in space isn't an anti-satellite weapon. That has to be bullshit. Satellites are hundreds of miles apart.

That Russian nuke is probably an EMP device. We'll see how dumb Putin really is if he tries to use it.
Nobody has put nukes in space though for several reasons...

Kessler effect....

Meaning that because an antisatellite nuke would create so much debris that it would cause more satellites to be destroyed in tandem and destroy all the satellites in space....everything from telecom to GPS satellites would be gone. All destroyed.

No more Google earth.

It also would effectively blind everyone from seeing who is launching nukes or anything.
Nevermind the radioactive debris if used and then the maintenance and subsequent failure because Satellites all have an expiration date....
So at some point the nuke would fall from the sky to land somewhere poisoning everything.

This is a disaster waiting to happen. Needs to be stopped. This is Russian imperialism at its biggest hubris.
A nuke in space isn't an anti-satellite weapon. That has to be bullshit. Satellites are hundreds of miles apart.

That Russian nuke is probably an EMP device. We'll see how dumb Putin really is if he tries to use it.
They only way to get a nuke into space is to put it on a missile.

Firing a nuclear armed missile?

Putin is looking to get vaporized
why would you lie like that???

you can get a nuke into space on a rocket ship too,,
Lie? You’re nuts

Putting any kind of nuke on missile of any kind has a good probability of generating a response Putin would NOT enjoy
Its a scam, either prelude to the launching of a Nato invasion of Ukraine, or just a scam to scare and intimidate, and I might add it was Mike Turner (fake republican) who lit the fuse... If you look at the list of those selling this ludicrous bunk, you will not be surprised to learn them all neocon war mongers!

Turner is using what is called at the Defense Intelligence Agency "whoopty doo" intelligence to gin up support for more billions for Ukraine for an unwinnable war. The threat is not imminent and not new.

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