Biden’s Immigration Treachery Threatens the Nation, Not Just National Security


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
It is a shit show 24/7 from the dipshit Biden.

The president is telling Texas and other border states that the federal government will neither protect them nor allow them to protect themselves.

The photographs that should be seared in your memory from the Del Rio debacle are not those of Border Patrol agents on horseback, defamed by their federal superiors — and in particular, by President Biden himself — for daring to do their job.

Focus instead on the photos of police vehicles arrayed in long, imposing rows on the American side of the river — state police vehicles, ordered to secure the border by the governor of Texas.

Does Governor Abbott have the authority to deploy a “steel wall” of Lone Star State troopers? Well, he has the raw power to do it, and in crisis conditions, that is what tends to matter. And — capped by White House oracle Jen Psaki’s astonishing assertion that the “migrants” Democrats are inviting into our country don’t need the COVID vaccines Biden is mandating for Americans because “they are not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time” — the administration’s ineptitude was sufficiently humiliating that Biden hasn’t challenged Abbott’s démarche . . . yet, anyway.

As it happens, I believe the state of Texas does have the authority to exclude illegal aliens. But it is a debatable question thanks to a century of federal jurisprudence, culminating in Obama-era Supreme Court decisions that sided with the federal government’s willful refusal to perform its basic constitutional duties, and against the basic constitutional principle of state sovereignty — of which self-defense is an ineliminable element.


Originally, the states were responsible for policing trespassers in their territories. As Justice Scalia’s bracing question suggested, the retention by the states of the power to exclude people who lacked the legal right to be present was elemental and assumed. During the 20th century, Washington and its courts gradually divested the states of their primacy over immigration enforcement. Yet, the arrangement remained tolerable because the states were prohibited only from contravening federal law — meaning congressional statutes and regulations consistent therewith. And that law unambiguously instructs that illegal border-crossers be detained and removed.

The Obama–Biden administration took the radical position that the states were preempted from contravening not only federal law but also federal policy — meaning the executive administration’s preferences, including its distortion of the concept of prosecutorial discretion into a license to flout the president’s core constitutional duty to execute the laws faithfully. Ergo, by Obama–Biden lights, if the presidential administration chose to refrain from enforcing congressional statutes and chose to abdicate its fundamental duty to secure our borders, the states — including border states such as Texas that would bear the brunt of these derelictions — were powerless to defend themselves.

That is not our Constitution but its antithesis. As Scalia succinctly observed, had such a notion been peddled to the states in 1787, “The delegates to the Grand Convention would have rushed to the exits.”

The Obama–Biden policy, as abided by the Supreme Court, was a time bomb with potentially existential ramifications. It has detonated with President Biden’s assumption of office and his sedulous dismantling of Trump-era border-enforcement policies.

... (emphasis added)

Millions of folks came across the border in the 80's. Millions of folks came across the border in the 90's. Millions of folks came across the border in the early 2000's. In the got it...millions of folks came across the border....

Your life has likely not been affected in any way by these facts.....

Only because your blob decided to instill this as some sort of crisis does anyone talk about this "issue".
It's actually George Soros', Free Movement of People, No Nation, One World Globalization, Marxist policy that the former Democrat Party is following.
Millions of folks came across the border in the 80's. Millions of folks came across the border in the 90's. Millions of folks came across the border in the early 2000's. In the got it...millions of folks came across the border....

Your life has likely not been affected in any way by these facts.....

Only because your blob decided to instill this as some sort of crisis does anyone talk about this "issue".
You mean when Obama stood up in congress and said that there was a border crisis and it needed to be stopped that was Trump? I find that hard to believe.
when Carter stood in front of congress and said the same thing that was Trump?
I could go on but I think we both know you really have no clue
You mean when Obama stood up in congress and said that there was a border crisis and it needed to be stopped that was Trump? I find that hard to believe.
when Carter stood in front of congress and said the same thing that was Trump?
I could go on but I think we both know you really have no clue
I would love to see these quotes about the "crisis"...

Whatever.... millions have come across the border every decade....there has been very little affect on any of our lives until the blob make it a focal point.
Abbott is terrible, needs to take some lessons from DeSantis on how to deal with the biden administration. I still don't understand why republican governors are not organizing and presenting a united front against biden's human trafficking in their states, well except for most of them being rinos.
Millions of folks came across the border in the 80's. Millions of folks came across the border in the 90's. Millions of folks came across the border in the early 2000's. In the got it...millions of folks came across the border....

Your life has likely not been affected in any way by these facts.....

Only because your blob decided to instill this as some sort of crisis does anyone talk about this "issue".

You poor thing.

And this is the biggest influx in 20+ years.
So Biden has left in 1.5 million uneducated, unskilled and penniless illegal aliens, many infected with COVID. How many disease riddled, dirt poor toilet cleaners and strawberry pickers do we need?
I would love to see these quotes about the "crisis"...

Whatever.... millions have come across the border every decade....there has been very little affect on any of our lives until the blob make it a focal point.
I see you do not follow politics. Both speechs are on youtube. It has always been a problem and has been talked about for decades. The fact you are unaware of it does not make what you say anymore true.
the fact millions of dollars go untaxed, millions are sent across the border each year Is just one of many problems created by illegals. They help support illegal trade in fake ids, driver’s license, social security numbers. They actually bring down wages because they are willing to work for Unreported wages.
But yeah do Not bother with the truth. Why let it get in the way.
It is a shit show 24/7 from the dipshit Biden.

The president is telling Texas and other border states that the federal government will neither protect them nor allow them to protect themselves.
The states lost whatever sovereignty they had in at least 3 stages:
a. Abandonment of Articles of Confederation
b. Making the Constitution
c. Lincolns war against state sovereignty.
Since then America has become more and more a Communist country where all you have is privileges.

And what is happening now is Divine Judgement on a nation that has rejected the Word and Logic of He who would be our Savior. Isaiah 5 shows that the current invasion of America by the hordes brought in by the Prince of Gog is really Divine Judgement on America. And, We deserve every bit of it.

And most of America is due to perish or be driven out by Thirds.
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I see you do not follow politics. Both speechs are on youtube. It has always been a problem and has been talked about for decades. The fact you are unaware of it does not make what you say anymore true.
the fact millions of dollars go untaxed, millions are sent across the border each year Is just one of many problems created by illegals. They help support illegal trade in fake ids, driver’s license, social security numbers. They actually bring down wages because they are willing to work for Unreported wages.
But yeah do Not bother with the truth. Why let it get in the way.
Yet somehow in the 40 years or so were we had this mass immigration the United States has become the nation with the highest standard of living, strongest military, greatest governmental benevolent force on the planet.

We could use more of this type of “crisis”.

Let’s hear your sob story about how some gardener coming across the border has caused you great harm.
Yet somehow in the 40 years or so were we had this mass immigration the United States has become the nation with the highest standard of living, strongest military, greatest governmental benevolent force on the planet.

We could use more of this type of “crisis”.

Let’s hear your sob story about how some gardener coming across the border has caused you great harm.
Roflol. Let me see if I have this right. You idiots claim that we needed to pull out of Afghanistan in the haphazard reclles way we did because we should never have been there. that we should never have been in all the wars that we have been now suddenly you are praising them as the strongest military force. Yet somehow you seem to forget that your friends in China have more soldiers.
You praise that governmental benevolence but some how we have veterans that are homeless. We have illegals that are housed. We have veterans going without needed medication yet illegals are given it for no cost. We are paying out millions here to illegals yet neglecting our vets. We are spending trillions on the government credit card to help other nations while neglecting our own.
you claim that we have the highest standard of living yet in cities we have crime running rampant, killers, arsonists and others are called peaceful demonstrators. People are complaining that we do not have free healthcare, free housing. People are going to the bathroom on sidewalks. some Are calling for the police to be defunded. Autonomous zones are set up. and Guess where most of these great things are happening?
So I find it extremely laughable that out of one side of you and others like mouths,you praise all this, yet you say and do just the opposit.
tell me brainiac who is going to be taxed, who is taxed for the illegal that works for unreported wages? Whos taxes are paying for free healthcare, low income housing of illegals?
The states lost whatever sovereignty they had in at least 3 stages:
a. Abandonment of Articles of Confederation
b. Making the Constitution
c. Lincolns war against state sovereignty.
Since then America has become more and more a Communist country where all you have is privileges.

And what is happening now is Divine Judgement on a nation that has rejected the Word and Logic of He who would be our Savior. Isaiah 5 shows that the current invasion of America by the hordes brought in by the Prince of Gog is really Divine Judgement on America. And, We deserve every bit of it.

And most of America is due to perish or be driven out by Thirds.

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