Biden's argument to withdrawal from Afghanistan


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Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
His argument was that if we don't withdrawal our troop presence, that the Afghanis will always remain dependent on us and never stand up for themselves and defend themselves.

Think about that for a little bit. That argument completely underminds the past century of Democrat politics.
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His arguement was that if we don't withdrawal our troop presence, that the Afghanis will always remain dependent on us and never stand up for themselves and defend themselves.

Think about that for a little bit. That argument completely underminds the past century of Democrat politics.

no kiding.....when did democrats want to throw people to the wolves and gain self sufficiency?
His arguement was that if we don't withdrawal our troop presence, that the Afghanis will always remain dependent on us and never stand up for themselves and defend themselves.

Think about that for a little bit. That argument completely underminds the past century of Democrat politics.

I thought that exact thing, about their stance on welfare.

It was the only good point he made all night. Eventually you have to force those people to take care of their own shit. I actually agree with that. But where Biden lost it was saying that we just pull out no matter what in 2014. Really Joe? Even if AQ sets up shop within the Taliban again? :eusa_hand:
Biden didn't grasp how putting a timeline on ceasing Military operations endangers our National Security. Ryan nailed him good with the fact that it empowers our enemies to wait timelines out, and resume their despicable behavior after our troops have left... Biden really isn't as swift as his base would have people believe.
I think Paul Ryan's point was if you give a date to leave the enemy will hold back then attack. My opinion also was that his point was they don't have the tools to do the job
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The point is, he doesn't seem to realize his argument completely undermines the last century of Democrat welfare state policies.
I think Paul Ryan's point was if you give a date to leave the enemy will hold back then attack. My opinion also was that his point was they don't have the tools to do the job

Republicans sent American soldiers off to Iraq in old and rusty equipment.

Iraq-bound soldiers confront Rumsfeld over lack of armor | The San Diego Union-Tribune

What Republicans said:

You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time

The Obama administration trained over 300,000 soldiers in Afghanistan. A few have been hidden terrorists. It happens. Even one is too many.

But to stay forever only puts Americans in danger. Tell them you are leaving and they have to "step up" knowing we will be gone. It becomes a matter of survival for them.
The point is, he doesn't seem to realize his argument completely undermines the last century of Democrat welfare state policies.

You mean like a work requirement if you receive welfare? Cuz that's how it is since Clinton.
I think his continued shrieking about how we don't want to send Americans where it's dangerous will be viewed by most Americans, when it registers, as a commentary on American cowardice/inability to deal.
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The point is, he doesn't seem to realize his argument completely undermines the last century of Democrat welfare state policies.

You mean like a work requirement if you receive welfare? Cuz that's how it is since Clinton.

You mean the requirement Republicans dragged him to and that Obama has been undercutting?

No. I mean the entitlement mentality completely.
His arguement was that if we don't withdrawal our troop presence, that the Afghanis will always remain dependent on us and never stand up for themselves and defend themselves.

Think about that for a little bit. That argument completely underminds the past century of Democrat politics.
No it doesn't! We got no business being there in the first place. Our invasion of that country is illegal. And we certainly don't have the right to tell sovereign nations who they can (and cannot) have as their leaders. We booted the Taliban from power and installed one of the most corrupt puppet governments on the planet.

Both Biden and Ryan lied about what's going on in Afghanistan. We have lost that war. We cannot get rid of the Taliban. We cannot curb the volume of IED's being put in the ground around the country. We tried 2 tactics, 1) go out there ourselves with all our technology and root'em out, that didn't work, so 2) we tried to bribe the local tribes to turn these guys in and the amount of IED incidents went up!

That means only thing. Afghani's hate the Taliban less than US. They are sick of the occupation. They are sick of all the drone strikes killing their family members (of coarse, after their dead, we re-classify them as insurgents). They want us out of their country and so do I.

Why are we re-building that country when ours if falling apart?
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His arguement was that if we don't withdrawal our troop presence, that the Afghanis will always remain dependent on us and never stand up for themselves and defend themselves.

Think about that for a little bit. That argument completely underminds the past century of Democrat politics.
No it doesn't! We got no business being there in the first place. Our invasion of that country is illegal. And we certainly don't have the right to tell sovereign nations who they can (and cannot) have as their leaders. We booted the Taliban from power and installed one of the most corrupt puppet governments on the planet.

Both Biden and Ryan lied about what's going on in Afghanistan. We have lost that war. We cannot get rid of the Taliban. We cannot curb the volume of IED's being put in the ground around the country. We tried 2 tactics, 1) go out there ourselves with all our technology and root'em out, that didn't work, so 2) we tried to bribe the local tribes to turn these guys in and the amount of IED incidents went up!

That means only thing. Afghani's hate the Taliban less than US. They are sick of the occupation. They are sick of all the drone strikes killing their family members (of coarse, after their dead, we re-classify them as insurgents). They want us out of their country and so do I.

Why are we re-building that country when ours if falling apart?

you clearly didn't read what I actually wrote.

BTW I agree that we should be out of Afghanistan. I just dont think we should advertise when we get out.
His argument was that if we don't withdrawal our troop presence, that the Afghanis will always remain dependent on us and never stand up for themselves and defend themselves.

Think about that for a little bit. That argument completely underminds the past century of Democrat politics.

Never thought of that. Good point. But then again, doesn't it do the same for Romney/Ryan if they are in favor of leaving the troops there longer?
you clearly didn't read what I actually wrote.

BTW I agree that we should be out of Afghanistan. I just dont think we should advertise when we get out.
Oh, I read it. I might of misunderstood it. But I did read it.

I took issue with the statement about "democratic politics". I don't think democratic politics can be done at the end of a gun.
I was really disturbed by the fact that he was almost hysterical about the thought of leaving troops there when it's "dangerous". Our mission in Afghanistan wasn't to get Bin Laden. It was to stabilize the region and help the oppressed and brutalized citizens suffering under the abuse of the Taliban.

The whole justification for pulling out was that we had "accomplished our mission". Biden admitted the mission wasn't accomplished. And I'm not convinced that we have trained *replacements* for every servicemember we're removing, either.

We're deserting the Afghani people again, and there will be a blood bath...there's one now, but it is going to get a lot worse when our guys are gone, and the Taliban starts slaughtering the people willy nilly again.
Biden had a point that if we stay in Afghanistan the Afghans would never stand up for themselves and always be dependent on us. This does not recognize the reality that the fewer Americans we have in country, the fewer Americans we have to protect the Americans that are there. As American troops reduce, insider attacks raise. The taliban can afford to wait us out, but that only goes to attack the Afghan people. That's separate. As we reduce our numbers, it is more attractive to attack what Americans remain.

Are we training the Afghans to defend themselves? Evidence would say otherwise. Evidence of attacks against our military by the afghan military we are training indicates we are training the taliban in effective warfare that they will use against the Afghans as soon as we leave.
October 12, 2012

Iran's Sea Trade Buckles!!!

"Iran's vital seaborne trade is buckling under the weight of Western sanctions, deepening hardship for a population deprived of basic imports and heaping intense pressure on Tehran over its nuclear program.

Many of Iran's imports, including food and consumer goods, arrive on container, bulker and other ships, but the number of vessels calling at its ports has dived by more than half this year as the United States and European Union tighten the screws.

Analysts doubt the Iranian economy is near collapse, even though its rial currency has plunged in the last few weeks, but they say some shortages and rising prices of imported goods could provoke public unrest directed at Tehran's leadership."


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