Biden's approval rating at 37%

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
For the Robinettes here on the board, what is it like to be in the bottom third of Americans?

I think I like this part best: The president also saw major losses among hispanics, dropping nine percentage points from 42% to 33%.

President Joe Biden’s job approval rating continues to sink, according to the results of a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday.

Just 37% of Americans say they approve of Biden’s job performance according to the poll, down a single point from 38% on Oct. 6. Biden’s losses with independents were slightly more severe, with 28% of independent voters saying they approve of his performance compared to 32% earlier in the month.

Approval among men declined from 35% to 30%, while Biden gained among women, jumping a single percentage point from 42% to 43%. The president also saw major losses among hispanics, dropping nine percentage points from 42% to 33%.
Funny that every crazy was on this board jumping up and down with joy, going look look when Trumps poll numbers were low. Now they either defend it or just shrug and claim it is no big deal.
Makes you realize that they are mentally incapable of decent thought
Funny that every crazy was on this board jumping up and down with joy, going look look when Trumps poll numbers were low. Now they either defend it or just shrug and claim it is no big deal.
Makes you realize that they are mentally incapable of decent thought
I've never thought that asking a thousand people for a poll was worth anything but propaganda.
For the Robinettes here on the board, what is it like to be in the bottom third of Americans?

I think I like this part best: The president also saw major losses among hispanics, dropping nine percentage points from 42% to 33%.

President Joe Biden’s job approval rating continues to sink, according to the results of a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday.

Just 37% of Americans say they approve of Biden’s job performance according to the poll, down a single point from 38% on Oct. 6. Biden’s losses with independents were slightly more severe, with 28% of independent voters saying they approve of his performance compared to 32% earlier in the month.

Approval among men declined from 35% to 30%, while Biden gained among women, jumping a single percentage point from 42% to 43%. The president also saw major losses among hispanics, dropping nine percentage points from 42% to 33%.
Under 30% with the indies.

"81 million votes" is a 100% fairy tale.
Funny that every crazy was on this board jumping up and down with joy, going look look when Trumps poll numbers were low. Now they either defend it or just shrug and claim it is no big deal.
Makes you realize that they are mentally incapable of decent thought
Even funnier is that it took over six years of media beating and bashing to get Chimpola Dubya under 40%....Xiden accomplished the feat in 9 months, with nearly the entirety of the media's heads jammed up his ass.
The problem here is in their methodology.

I'm sure that dead people were woefully underrepresented in their sample selection, otherwise his popularity would be much higher.
The left couldn’t post fast enough when the polls were in their favor, now they all go silent and one now claims polls don’t matter.

Polls don’t matter but the way.

Let's Take A Look At Biden's Numbers TODAY


First year polls whether high or low are meaningless
Just do your job and let the voters decide how you did
And yet you touted approval rating polls PRIOR to Trump taking office.

Your lies are exposed, liar.

Doesn't bode well for an incoming President

New poll has Trump approval rating at 37%, Obama at 55%

At this point at least, many voters don't have much confidence in Donald Trump's presidential abilities, a new poll says.

Trump "will be a worse president than Barack Obama, 45% of voters say, while 34% he will be a better president and 15% percent say he will be about the same, according to the Quinnipiac University Poll released Tuesday.

Trump enters office on Jan. 20 with a favorable rating of 37%, the poll said; Obama exits the White House with an approval rating of 55%.


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