Bidenomics vs. Standard of Living


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Furgit all That Jazz.It ain't funny or even spooky.Some of the
Three Stooges and even Abbott & Costello were spooky.
On porpoise ... ask Flipper.
But Bidenomics is not working to maintain what Donald Trump
accomoplished.It's now FACT.That the New American Standard of Living
has just INCREASED over $ 11,000 per year.That being of course a standard
family ... Not some Cheaper by the Dozen clan.
Yes,we are being Lied to by Biden Flaks and new lefties cropping-up
like mushrooms out in the yard after a week of high humidity and proper
conditions for Shroom employment.
So it will cost More than $ 11,ooo per year { in 2024 } than it did in
2023 for the same living expenses.Ordinary expenses like Groceries,
Gas and maybe clothes and normal stuff like games or entertainment.
But that seems to be what Biden's White House is up to.Playing games
with the American Electorate.And right where it hurts.In our pockets.
There is no way short of dismissing this threat other than exposing Biden's
Go To Vehicle.The MSM and Cable outlets { CNN/MSNBC } and their
flocking flak Lying experts who twist reality into political pretzels.
And that's every hour of the weekday come Hell plus High water.
Or Floods,tornados, and now an Arctic blast.
Um ... Like weren't we told as for certain by the Global Warming
{ Turned Climate Change } crowd that Polar bears are going extinct.
That and a Mars bar is what Paul Newman told us at the end of
- Hud - { 1963 } I insist his best Movie ever.
" I was about your age when I went into the Army.Your Granddaddy
had bought me a Mars candy bar down at the station. He said to me,
character's the only thing I got to give you ... Be a man. " - { Hud }
" Well I guess he was kinda worried.Your tryin' so hard to get out
of the draft an all. " -- Lonnie Bannon { Walking down the dirt road
of the Farm he is leaving after Hud got back from burying Granddaddy.Pulling
up alongside Lonnie in his Convertible Caddy with the busted front fender }.
Hud Bannon { Newman } was The finest and most definitive example of
a Heel.Texas or no.
Somebody wanna get a mop and clean the vomit up on aisle 5? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes,over the last few days there was Obvious clean up needed
right outside the gates of Our White House.
I guess with a little effort them Nutters on the left can find
a way to Blame ALL That on Trump as usual.
The clean-up after a Real Riot took place outside Bidens's
White House by those Pushing a Pro-Palestine agenda.
There was also a display from Anti-Trump Rioters when
The Don was Potus.It was the Lafeyette Square Riot.
Where it was Not peaceful as the Scumbagger newspaper
of Record { The Washington Post }wrote about.
Mid-June { June 16th } 2020.
" bricks ,rocks,bottles it all sounded like good fun.The rioting,
the vandalizing of revered public monuments,the smashing of
windows,the burning,the looting. " --- Washington Examiner
Yes,over the last few days there was Obvious clean up needed
right outside the gates of Our White House.
I guess with a little effort them Nutters on the left can find
a way to Blame ALL That on Trump as usual.
The clean-up after a Real Riot took place outside Bidens's
White House by those Pushing a Pro-Palestine agenda.
There was also a display from Anti-Trump Rioters when
The Don was Potus.It was the Lafeyette Square Riot.
Where it was Not peaceful as the Scumbagger newspaper
of Record { The Washington Post }wrote about.
Mid-June { June 16th } 2020.
" bricks ,rocks,bottles it all sounded like good fun.The rioting,
the vandalizing of revered public monuments,the smashing of
windows,the burning,the looting. " --- Washington Examiner
This isn't satire. I know English probably isn't your first language...but this isn't satire.
This isn't satire. I know English probably isn't your first language...but this isn't satire.
However Sherlock ... Your urgency as if getting ready to deliever
a baby is ... Somewhat Satirically burlesque.As if a busty chick
needing a long and slow strip to organ grinder music as the
Baggy Pants comic sneaks off stage for a smoke.
I mean,realizing how the routine works.Same stuff twiced a
day and twee times on Sunday.
according toGDP is over 4% and UE is 3.8% and we have 8mm unfilled jobs.

Go get a job, Foolardi.
The corrupted Biden Regime double counts employment
figures.If a person holds a full time job and a part time job,
it's counted as 2 employed jobs.
- The Biden Admin has Overcounted New Jobs Almost
Every Single Month This Year - The Daily Caller
The Biden Adm. has revised down previously reported job
data for nearly every month this year,resulting in a huge job
disparity from the originally advertised numbers,according to
the Bureau of Labor Statistics { BLS }.
The corrupted Biden Regime double counts employment
figures.If a person holds a full time job and a part time job,
it's counted as 2 employed jobs.
- The Biden Admin has Overcounted New Jobs Almost
Every Single Month This Year - The Daily Caller
The Biden Adm. has revised down previously reported job
data for nearly every month this year,resulting in a huge job
disparity from the originally advertised numbers,according to
the Bureau of Labor Statistics { BLS }.
Nonsense. Our economy is good, and you are left behind because you can't think.

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