biden wins for ‘the most economically illiterate presidential utterance since Jimmy Carter’


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Biden wins for ‘the most economically illiterate presidential utterance since Jimmy Carter’​

Last Updated: Oct. 26, 2021 at 1:08 p.m. ETFirst Published: Oct. 26, 2021 at 1:07 p.m. ET

Michael J. Boskin​

How Biden’s claim that his $3.5 trillion ‘human infrastructure’ bill ‘costs zero dollars’ is wrong​

STANFORD (Project Syndicate) – President Joe Biden insists that his $3.5 trillion ($5 trillion without the budget gimmicks) “human infrastructure” bill “costs zero dollars” – nothing, nil, nada.

While every president makes foolish statements, this must be the most economically illiterate presidential utterance since Jimmy Carter’s demand that the Federal Reserve lower interest rates in the midst of surging double-digit inflation.

In Carter’s case, the result was a dollar crisis. What will come of the Biden administration’s foray into nonsense?

Well, the wheels on the bus go round and round all the livelong day.
And since Biden speaks for the Democrat party we must assume that all Democrats believe that you can create 3-7 trillion dollars, spend it and then claim that we have no liability. What they're trying to do is like taking out a gigantic loan and then not paying it back. That's a sure fire way to destroy the credibility of the dollar. No thanks Democrats. I want no part of your economic insanity.
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Oh I agree. The cost of everything will go up. Hell its going up now. Check the price of beef. Way over the top. Good Lord. I can just imagine what the next three years will be like.

We are stuck with a walking, talking disaster and another million illegals in the country.
Not to mention what the 3-7 trillion they want to spend on every wet dream they ever had will do to inflation. The more government money that is passed out, the higher prices will get. We're trying to do exactly what we did to college education.
The dems are intentionally running up a massive debt to give them an excuse for all these cockamame taxation gimmicks.
Rush Limbaugh said it best when he said the government will soon take all our money and give you what they think you deserve
It is why equality and equal protection of the laws matter. It is a market based metric under any form of Capitalism.
And since Biden speaks for the Democrat party we must assume that all Democrats believe that you can create 3-7 trillion dollars, spend it and then claim that we have no liability. What they're trying to do is like taking out a gigantic loan and then not paying it back. That's a sure fire way to destroy the credibility of the dollar. No thanks Democrats. I want no part of your economic insanity.
We expect infrastructure improvements to also improve our economy and raise gdp.
We expect infrastructure improvements to also improve our economy and raise gdp.
Amnesty for 10 million illegal aliens, federalizing our elections, pigeonholing everyone into the public school system, expanding Medicare, free childcare, community college, healthcare and full welfare benefits for illegal aliens are a few of the non infrastructure items that make this bill economically ridiculous. The infrastructure part would be useful but it's only a small portion of this bill, which is pretty much a Marxist wish list aimed at accumulating power and control over the American people.
I can't even understand how 20 dollars can cost zero dollars. Let alone trillions.

Nothing is free, everything costs someone money. Even if you get a free pen at the bank it might be free to you but someone still had to pay to have that pen made.

Either he is a fucking idiot and actually thinks it's free, or he thinks we're the fucking idiots that will believe anything he says.

That 3 trillion is coming from somewhere and no one is just going to give it to us out of the kindness of their heart. Someone is going to have to pay it back, and that someone in the end will be middle Americans.
Amnesty for 10 million illegal aliens, federalizing our elections, pigeonholing everyone into the public school system, expanding Medicare, free childcare, community college, healthcare and full welfare benefits for illegal aliens are a few of the non infrastructure items that make this bill economically ridiculous. The infrastructure part would be useful but it's only a small portion of this bill, which is pretty much a Marxist wish list aimed at accumulating power and control over the American people.
Sounds like mostly right-wing propaganda. Nobody who understands economics believes that.

Biden wins for ‘the most economically illiterate presidential utterance since Jimmy Carter’​

Last Updated: Oct. 26, 2021 at 1:08 p.m. ETFirst Published: Oct. 26, 2021 at 1:07 p.m. ET

Michael J. Boskin​

How Biden’s claim that his $3.5 trillion ‘human infrastructure’ bill ‘costs zero dollars’ is wrong​

STANFORD (Project Syndicate) – President Joe Biden insists that his $3.5 trillion ($5 trillion without the budget gimmicks) “human infrastructure” bill “costs zero dollars” – nothing, nil, nada.

While every president makes foolish statements, this must be the most economically illiterate presidential utterance since Jimmy Carter’s demand that the Federal Reserve lower interest rates in the midst of surging double-digit inflation.

In Carter’s case, the result was a dollar crisis. What will come of the Biden administration’s foray into nonsense?

Well, the wheels on the bus go round and round all the livelong day.
The CCP is attempting to destroy the USA THIS ELECTION CYCLE! They know that they will lose the House and Senate in 22.
The CCP is attempting to destroy the USA THIS ELECTION CYCLE! They know that they will lose the House and Senate in 22.
Not with how they steal elections, now that they know they easily can.

It's going to be hard and after all is done, only a remnant will be left.

The storm isn't here, but we are feeling the outer feeder bands. This is a cat 5 storm, it's headed right for us.

Time is literally short and I am talking to myself as much as anyone. Now is the time to turn to Christ.

Everything else in this world is utter garbage. Let the dems have their world.

Biden wins for ‘the most economically illiterate presidential utterance since Jimmy Carter’​

Last Updated: Oct. 26, 2021 at 1:08 p.m. ETFirst Published: Oct. 26, 2021 at 1:07 p.m. ET

Michael J. Boskin​

How Biden’s claim that his $3.5 trillion ‘human infrastructure’ bill ‘costs zero dollars’ is wrong​

STANFORD (Project Syndicate) – President Joe Biden insists that his $3.5 trillion ($5 trillion without the budget gimmicks) “human infrastructure” bill “costs zero dollars” – nothing, nil, nada.

While every president makes foolish statements, this must be the most economically illiterate presidential utterance since Jimmy Carter’s demand that the Federal Reserve lower interest rates in the midst of surging double-digit inflation.

In Carter’s case, the result was a dollar crisis. What will come of the Biden administration’s foray into nonsense?

Well, the wheels on the bus go round and round all the livelong day.
Trickle down economics anyone?

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