Biden White House Is Discussing Preemptive Pardons for Those in Trump's Crosshairs

Wasn't it just a short time ago I used to read people here all ragging about how Trump would abuse his power and give all the J6ers a free ride out of jail the minute he entered office? Is there ever a time the democrats don't accuse others of what they did, did first and far worse?

If Biden starts pardoning a whole bunch of powerful people even before they are accused much less convicted of anything, this will destroy the presidential pardon power and congress will have to put limits on it for all future presidents.

Another thing the left have turned to absolute shit and ruined in this country.
I don't even know if such "pardons" could survive a legal challenge, as their basis is a presumption of guilt.
such as the officer who lawfully killed the domestic terrorist, Ashli Babbitt.

This is why we cant have a reasonable discussion of the issues

Ashli Babbitt was not a domestic terrorist
You can't have any kind of conversation, let alone a reasonable one, with C_Blowhard_Windbag because he monologues instead of dialoguing.
You can't have any kind of conversation, let alone a reasonable one, with C_Blowhard_Windbag because he monologues instead of dialoguing.
Its so clearly wrong

What good does he think it serves to lie that way?
There are judges, DAs, prosecutors, members of Congress, journalists, whistleblowers, jurors, and private citizens whose lives, livelihoods, and peace of mind are at grave risk from the Trump regime – such as the officer who lawfully killed the domestic terrorist, Ashli Babbitt.
:auiqs.jpg: :funnyface: :itsok:
“President Joe Biden’s senior aides are conducting a vigorous internal debate over whether to issue preemptive pardons to a range of current and former public officials who could be targeted with President-elect Donald Trump’s return to the White House, according to senior Democrats familiar with the discussions.

Biden’s aides are deeply concerned about a range of current and former officials who could find themselves facing inquiries and even indictments, a sense of alarm which has only accelerated since Trump last weekend announced the appointment of Kash Patel to lead the FBI. Patel has publicly vowed to pursue Trump’s critics.
The deliberations touch on pardoning those currently in office, elected and appointed, as well as former officials who’ve angered Trump and his loyalists.”

Very good.

There are judges, DAs, prosecutors, members of Congress, journalists, whistleblowers, jurors, and private citizens whose lives, livelihoods, and peace of mind are at grave risk from the Trump regime – such as the officer who lawfully killed the domestic terrorist, Ashli Babbitt.
There is a long list of democrat traitors and democrat lowlifes who should be looking over their shoulder for the justice hammer coming to cave their skulls in.
“President Joe Biden’s senior aides are conducting a vigorous internal debate over whether to issue preemptive pardons to a range of current and former public officials who could be targeted with President-elect Donald Trump’s return to the White House, according to senior Democrats familiar with the discussions.

Biden’s aides are deeply concerned about a range of current and former officials who could find themselves facing inquiries and even indictments, a sense of alarm which has only accelerated since Trump last weekend announced the appointment of Kash Patel to lead the FBI. Patel has publicly vowed to pursue Trump’s critics.
The deliberations touch on pardoning those currently in office, elected and appointed, as well as former officials who’ve angered Trump and his loyalists.”

Very good.

There are judges, DAs, prosecutors, members of Congress, journalists, whistleblowers, jurors, and private citizens whose lives, livelihoods, and peace of mind are at grave risk from the Trump regime – such as the officer who lawfully killed the domestic terrorist, Ashli Babbitt.
So you believe that Biden is justified in the pre-emptive pardons like this?
Accordingly Joey B has justified murder as follows:

Biden Spits in the Face of J6 Victims and Americans by Pardoning Capitol Hill Cop Michael Byrd, Who Killed Trump Supporter Ashli Babbitt

20 Jan 2025 ~~ By Cullen Linebarger

As Jim Hoft reported earlier, Joe Biden pardoned Tony Fauci, General Mark Milley, and the entire J6 Select Committee of liars in his final act as president.
They were all faithful servants to the Democrat machine. Now comes their reward.
Now, we learn Biden has extended one final middle finger to the victims of J6 by pardoning all of the Capitol police officers who testified regarding the J6 protests. This means a full pardon to incompetent US Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd, who killed Air Force veteran and American war hero Ashli Babbitt.

Ask yourselves if a president has ever pardoned someone never charged with a crime. Then ask yourself why has Biden 'pardoned' all these people.
All these "Get out of jail free cards", shows is that these people are guilty in the conspiracy to destroy America by any means necessary including murder in the case of now captain Byrd.
Biden's actions proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the entire actions by Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Milley, the DNC and rest of the Neo-Marxists Democrats in 2020 was a Coup d’etat.
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Biden's Preemptive Pardons Undermine Official Accountability

and the Rule of Law

His last-minute acts of clemency invite Trump and future presidents to shield their underlings from the consequences of committing crimes in office.

20 Jan 2025 ~~ By Jacob Sullum

Last month, Joe Biden issued a broad pardon for his son Hunter that not only spared him sentencing on gun and tax charges but also barred his prosecution for any federal crimes he might have committed from January 1, 2014, through December 1, 2024. On his way out the door today, Biden granted similarly sweeping pardons to Gen. Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; and all nine members of the House select committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, plus the committee's staff and Capitol police officers who testified before it. He also issued preemptive pardons for five of his relatives: three siblings, a brother-in-law, and a sister-in-law.
According to Biden, all of these pardons are aimed at preventing President Donald Trump, who took his second oath of office today in the same building that his supporters invaded and vandalized four years ago, from retaliating against his political enemies by launching frivolous criminal investigations. But in seeking to stop Trump from abusing presidential powers, Biden stretched the limits of those powers and set a dangerous precedent that undermines the rule of law and the accountability of federal officials.
In the case of Milley, Fauci, and the January 6 committee members, by contrast, Biden cautioned that "the issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense." To the contrary, he said, the pardons were necessary because the recipients "have been subjected to ongoing threats and intimidation for faithfully discharging their duties." Milley, Fauci, and the committee members "have served our nation with honor and distinction," Biden declared, "and do not deserve to be the targets of unjustified and politically motivated prosecutions."
Thanks to Biden's pardon, we will never know if prosecutors could have proven that case beyond a reasonable doubt. Likewise for additional charges that Hunter Biden might have faced in connection with his income taxes or allegations of foreign lobbying. Nor will Trump's vague charges of corruption against "the entire Biden crime family" ever be tested by investigators, prosecutors, judges, or jurors.
If you are confident that there is nothing to any of these claims, you may think that is just as well. But as Isgur notes, the pardon power that Biden has deployed in an unprecedented way could easily become a shield for a president's political allies, including government officials, who "commit real crimes." That prospect should trouble anyone who worries that Trump or any future president might copy Nixon's example by enlisting his underlings to break the law in service of his policy, political, or personal agenda.
"I don't want to see each president hereafter on their way out the door giving a broad category of pardons to members of their administration," Rep. Adam Schiff (D–Calif.), a member of the January 6 committee, said on CNN this month. It is not hard to see why: If presidents get in the habit of preemptively pardoning their underlings, impeachment and removal will be the only real remedy for federal officials who commit crimes, and that option is available only when their abuses come to light soon enough to complete that process. Coupled with the Supreme Court's broad understanding of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for "official acts," this is a recipe for impunity that belies Biden's avowed commitment to the rule of law.

Supreme Court Ruling: Accepting a Pardon is an “Admission of Guilt!”​

20 Jan 2025 ~~ By Grant Stinchfield

A Presidential Pardon does not take effect unless the suspect accepts it. That according to a little known, 1915 ruling from the Supreme Court, once accepted, the pardon serves as an “imputation of guilt,” or what’s more commonly known as an admission. Because accepting the pardon is “essential to it’s validity,” I am demanding the Biden family, Dr. Fauci, Gen. Mark Milley, the members of the J6 Committee and everyone else Biden unsurprisingly pardoned declare their acceptance of the pardon publicly. Because, according to the Supreme Court, it would also serve as a declaration of guilt.

Undoubtedly, Joey B.m and his handlers are well aware that everyone he gave a pardon to is guilty or he wouldn’t have given them one.
Please note that Milley while General did not seize control of the nuclear arsenal outside of the chain of command on his own. Since he no longer can plead the 5th, court martial him and force him to divulge everyone involved in that treasonous act.
Milley has disgraced the uniform he wore and the oath he took in accepting commission as an officer.
As for the legitimacy of the pardons.
It can be challenged by maintaining that Joseph Biden was not the president (for instance by claiming that he did not win the 2020 elections), or that the pardons were not actually decided or issued by him (such as claiming subordinates issued them without his say so, or that he was non-compos mentis (not of sound mind). Whether there was an investigation or not is not material, but Richard Nixon had not been charged with anything when he was issued a pardon by Gerald Ford. So the precedent is solid
Somebody could try to challenge this in court, but it is very much an uphill battle unless you challenge Joseph biden's presidency, which is what I would recommend, or question whether he was in his right mind, which also would be a possibility.
“President Joe Biden’s senior aides are conducting a vigorous internal debate over whether to issue preemptive pardons to a range of current and former public officials who could be targeted with President-elect Donald Trump’s return to the White House, according to senior Democrats familiar with the discussions.

Biden’s aides are deeply concerned about a range of current and former officials who could find themselves facing inquiries and even indictments, a sense of alarm which has only accelerated since Trump last weekend announced the appointment of Kash Patel to lead the FBI. Patel has publicly vowed to pursue Trump’s critics.
The deliberations touch on pardoning those currently in office, elected and appointed, as well as former officials who’ve angered Trump and his loyalists.”

Very good.

There are judges, DAs, prosecutors, members of Congress, journalists, whistleblowers, jurors, and private citizens whose lives, livelihoods, and peace of mind are at grave risk from the Trump regime – such as the officer who lawfully killed the domestic terrorist, Ashli Babbitt.
How do you explain the pardons for his corrupt family? :cuckoo:
Biden's pre-emptive pardoning of his family re-enforces the belief that Biden and his family were deeply involved treason and corruption.
I say arrest and charge them all, then make them invoke the sham pardons as their defense.

They would then have to be adjudicated as to whether they're legit or not.
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