Biden to undo sanctions on Iran, world’s leading financier of terrorism

What happens when you elect a feeble, senile gentleman who spent his life as a chameleon, and as Obama's lapdog, a position he still fills.

The Trump sanctions have had a tremendous impact on Iran, tanking their economy, currency, oil exports and increasing the cost of living inside the country. This is absolutely something the Biden administration should continue, but of course they want to reinstate the phony Iran nuclear deal and repeal all sanctions that Trump has since imposed.

Which will just makes the world’s largest state sponsor of terror much richer. How is that even close to a good idea? It’s utterly irresponsible, but that’s what Teleprompter Joe is best known for these days…

I agree with your assessment...
What happens when you elect a feeble, senile gentleman who spent his life as a chameleon, and as Obama's lapdog, a position he still fills.

The Trump sanctions have had a

currency, oil exports and increasing the cost of living inside the country. This is absolutely something the Biden administration should continue, but of course they want to reinstate the phony Iran nuclear deal and repeal all sanctions that Trump has since imposed.

Which will just makes the world’s largest state sponsor of terror much richer. How is that even close to a good idea? It’s utterly irresponsible, but that’s what Teleprompter Joe is best known for these days…

I think its probably a good idea.. Maybe they will stop funding the Al Houthis in Yemen. Iran needs to join the international community

Why do you want a radical theocracy that executes homosexuals and treats women like cattle in the "international community"? I think I know, but go ahead and confirm it for me...
Like the Saudis you mean ?

LOLOL.. Saudi doesn't execute homosexuals.. Their women make up 67% of university students.. and 70% of the business licenses. They own and operate everything from restaurants to import-export companies to small factories, publishing companies, plus beauty shops, furniture stores etc.

Correct. Iran executes homosexuals. Then you and they both defend it:

If you read the cases, the men who were executed raped young boys.

What happens when you elect a feeble, senile gentleman who spent his life as a chameleon, and as Obama's lapdog, a position he still fills.

The Trump sanctions have had a

currency, oil exports and increasing the cost of living inside the country. This is absolutely something the Biden administration should continue, but of course they want to reinstate the phony Iran nuclear deal and repeal all sanctions that Trump has since imposed.

Which will just makes the world’s largest state sponsor of terror much richer. How is that even close to a good idea? It’s utterly irresponsible, but that’s what Teleprompter Joe is best known for these days…

I think its probably a good idea.. Maybe they will stop funding the Al Houthis in Yemen. Iran needs to join the international community

Why do you want a radical theocracy that executes homosexuals and treats women like cattle in the "international community"? I think I know, but go ahead and confirm it for me...
Like the Saudis you mean ?

LOLOL.. Saudi doesn't execute homosexuals.. Their women make up 67% of university students.. and 70% of the business licenses. They own and operate everything from restaurants to import-export companies to small factories, publishing companies, plus beauty shops, furniture stores etc.

Correct. Iran executes homosexuals. Then you and they both defend it:

If you read the cases, the men who were executed raped young boys.


Do you do any research for yourself?

Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni - Wikipedia
After four men were hanged for unspecified "sexual offenses" in Iran, Ireland found verbal similarity in the reporting enough to "strongly suggest" that they were hanged for homosexuality. The men were hanged for heterosexual rape – two for the rape of girls aged 8 and 10. When I made this clear to Ireland, he never qualified his earlier claim.
President Biden...
"I support corporations banning Georgia!!!... (in effect, just like sanctions)


"Let's stop the sanctions against Iran"

because... this makes sense.

You don’t help your arguments when you use baseless hyperbole.

In a free market, a corporation is free to do business with whom ever they choose. If major-league baseball, which is a private corporation, chooses not to do business with in the state of Georgia, it’s their legal prerogative to make that choice.

In fact this is the essential essence a free market. Let the market choose what’s right and what’s wrong and who they want to do business with. Now that such principles are not working in favour of conservatives, suddenly even the free market isn’t good enough for you fools.
You really are this dense aren't you?
Biden said he supports it. I didn't say a freaking thing about busines decisions or anything other than...
Biden said he supports those are are, in effect, sanctioning Georgia. - THIS IS A FACT. He likes it. Wants more of it actually, that is what he said.
But a country that finances terrorism, treats women worse than the family dog, executes homosexuals' and are as racist as they come - he is going to stop sanctions on THEM.

All of this is a fact.
Biggest piece of crap in the universe to ever have a rigged elected put him in power.

You know what illegitimate leaders do? They hide behind armies, fortifications, and bunkers, like Hitler, Maduro and Fraud Biden do.

Joe Biden took the Capital of Freedom, Washington DC, and turned it in to a fortified bunker, because he knows he is a usurper.
President Biden...
"I support corporations banning Georgia!!!... (in effect, just like sanctions)


"Let's stop the sanctions against Iran"

because... this makes sense.

You don’t help your arguments when you use baseless hyperbole.

In a free market, a corporation is free to do business with whom ever they choose. If major-league baseball, which is a private corporation, chooses not to do business with in the state of Georgia, it’s their legal prerogative to make that choice.

In fact this is the essential essence a free market. Let the market choose what’s right and what’s wrong and who they want to do business with. Now that such principles are not working in favour of conservatives, suddenly even the free market isn’t good enough for you fools.
You really are this dense aren't you?
Biden said he supports it. I didn't say a freaking thing about busines decisions or anything other than...
Biden said he supports those are are, in effect, sanctioning Georgia. - THIS IS A FACT. He likes it. Wants more of it actually, that is what he said.
But a country that finances terrorism, treats women worse than the family dog, executes homosexuals' and are as racist as they come - he is going to stop sanctions on THEM.

All of this is a fact.
Biggest piece of crap in the universe to ever have a rigged elected put him in power.

You know what illegitimate leaders do? They hide behind armies, fortifications, and bunkers, like Hitler, Maduro and Fraud Biden do.

Joe Biden took the Capital of Freedom, Washington DC, and turned it in to a fortified bunker, because he knows he is a usurper.

Boy, that's stupid.. Fascism is hard right like Hitler and Mussolini.

What type of fascism is driving the far right today ...
Jul 21, 2019 · The world has not seen a resurgence in the radical right since fascism was defeated in the first half of the 20th century. But these new proponents of this global right-wing upsurge markedly differ...
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Just another reason why Iran undermined the 2020 election for Xiden.
President Biden...
"I support corporations banning Georgia!!!... (in effect, just like sanctions)


"Let's stop the sanctions against Iran"

because... this makes sense.

You don’t help your arguments when you use baseless hyperbole.

In a free market, a corporation is free to do business with whom ever they choose. If major-league baseball, which is a private corporation, chooses not to do business with in the state of Georgia, it’s their legal prerogative to make that choice.

In fact this is the essential essence a free market. Let the market choose what’s right and what’s wrong and who they want to do business with. Now that such principles are not working in favour of conservatives, suddenly even the free market isn’t good enough for you fools.
You really are this dense aren't you?
Biden said he supports it. I didn't say a freaking thing about busines decisions or anything other than...
Biden said he supports those are are, in effect, sanctioning Georgia. - THIS IS A FACT. He likes it. Wants more of it actually, that is what he said.
But a country that finances terrorism, treats women worse than the family dog, executes homosexuals' and are as racist as they come - he is going to stop sanctions on THEM.

All of this is a fact.
Biggest piece of crap in the universe to ever have a rigged elected put him in power.

You know what illegitimate leaders do? They hide behind armies, fortifications, and bunkers, like Hitler, Maduro and Fraud Biden do.

Joe Biden took the Capital of Freedom, Washington DC, and turned it in to a fortified bunker, because he knows he is a usurper.

Boy, that's stupid.. Fascism is hard right like Hitler and Mussolini.
Fascism has NEVER been Right. It always resides on the Left. Progressivism is Fascism.

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Boy, that's stupid.. Fascism is hard right like Hitler and Mussolini.

No it isn't.... you guys just love parroting lies don't you?
The term "fascist" comes from an Italian word "fascismo". Which is a word they use to call a bundle of sticks. Similar to our word "cord".
Labor parties in Italy (OBVIOUSLY LEFT - DUH) used the term to describe "strength in numbers" in their party. They used this in their propaganda to promote everyone needs to agree to the same beliefs so they can be stronger.
The Brits started calling Mussolini a "fascist" (first known use of the word in English) as an insult to him for using the same tactics as those he opposed.

Liberal faculty lounge dwellers are the ones that added "far-right" to define the term, and leave out the part where it's origins were actually used to describe leftist labor parties.

Just another example of history revisionist feeding shit to the mushrooms who thrive on it
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Boy, that's stupid.. Fascism is hard right like Hitler and Mussolini.

No it isn't.... you guys just love parroting lies don't you?
The term "fascist" comes from an Italian word "fascismo". Which is a word they use to call a bundle of sticks. Similar to our word "cord".
Labor parties in Italy (OBVIOUSLY LEFT - DUH) used the term to describe "strength in numbers" in their party. They used this in their propaganda to promote everyone needs to agree to the same beliefs so they can be stronger.
The Brits started calling Mussolini a "fascist" (first known use of the word in English) as an insult to him for using the same tactics as those he opposed.

Liberal faculty lounge dwellers are the ones that added "far-right" to define the term, and leave out the part where it's origins were actually used to describe leftist labor parties.

Hard right Italian conservatives embraced Mussolini.

Fascism - Wikipedia

Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. The first fascist movements emerged in Italy during World War I, before spreading to other European countries. Opposed to liberalism, democracy, Marxism, and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far right within the traditional left–right spectrum.
Great. We have no business getting involved in things like this to start with.
When nuclear missiles start flying around the middle east we’ll be involved whether you like it or not

Iran isn't going to bomb anyone regardless of what Netanyahu has been saying for 25 years.
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Illegitimate Joe will be in his fortified bunker in The Washington DC Prison Camp during WWIII he caused just like Illegitimate Hitler hid in his Fortified Bunker during WWII.
Great. We have no business getting involved in things like this to start with.
When nuclear missiles start flying around the middle east we’ll be involved whether you like it or not
Ezekiel 38 will be caused by the "Fraud Hiding" err.... Joe Biden Administration

Why are fascism and authoritarianism considered right-wing ...

The left/right wing spectrum of politics is weird, it’s not always what you’d expect, and there are a lot of inconsistencies.

Fascism is right wing, and so is libertarianism, and those two things are very different.

People who identify as “conservative” might support individual freedoms such as gun ownership, but will typically not support individual freedoms such as who you can marry. They typically will not support reproductive rights, and might not even support the separation of church and state.

There are a lot of inconsistencies on both sides of the spectrum, a lot of it doesn’t really make sense, and sometimes might require a certain amount of cognitive dissonance. Many people who identify as “conservative” or all about “individual freedoms” often want to draw the line when it comes to gay people getting married.

Often people just have opinions which don’t actually fit into the label they wish to be identified with, and just choose to to ignore that fact.

Another example would be Medicare. Most older people would want to keep it, but on paper, oppose universal healthcare, even though that is exactly what Medicare is. They want universal healthcare for themselves, but not for other people.

That is an example of cognitive dissonance, and really only requires that you not think about it too much, and you can hold both ideas in your head at the same time.
President Biden...
"I support corporations banning Georgia!!!... (in effect, just like sanctions)


"Let's stop the sanctions against Iran"

because... this makes sense.

You don’t help your arguments when you use baseless hyperbole.

In a free market, a corporation is free to do business with whom ever they choose. If major-league baseball, which is a private corporation, chooses not to do business with in the state of Georgia, it’s their legal prerogative to make that choice.

In fact this is the essential essence a free market. Let the market choose what’s right and what’s wrong and who they want to do business with. Now that such principles are not working in favour of conservatives, suddenly even the free market isn’t good enough for you fools.
Yes, it is MLB’s right to not do business with black communities.
Great. We have no business getting involved in things like this to start with.
When nuclear missiles start flying around the middle east we’ll be involved whether you like it or not

Iran isn't going to bomb anyone regardless of what Netanyahu has been saying to 25 years.
Ezekiel 38 says Iran allies with Russia and Turkey, and try to invade Israel from Syria. Sudan, Ethiopia and Libya join in on the fun.

And let's just say, at that point, God decides that he no longer wants to work quietly behind the scenes and shows up in a big way to wipe out 90% of the combined armies of that coalition in a singular miraculous event on the mountains of Israel.

BTW, Russia, Turkey and Iran are all in Syria waiting for precisely the right moment to invade Israel.
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