Biden to establish national monument honoring Emmett Till

Ashli Babbitt is dead because of Ashli Babbitt.
If she hadn't charged through a breached barrier specifically erected to bar her and the mob she led...and towards an armed officer who had warned her to back-off, to leave......she likely would be alive today.

And may internet shrillers cease dragging her bloody corpse through American social media to promote their latest grievance-filled fantasy-du-jur....thus allowing her family to find peace.


That ain't "virtue signaling" by poster Action Jackson.
That is signaling racist bigotry.

He was 14yrs old. Visiting relatives. The woman lied about her interaction with Till. She admitted so years later. The two killers admitted they brutally killed him ----- after they had been acquitted.
His killing, and his grief-stricken, but determined mother's decision to show the world what those two white racist did to her 14yr old -- by insisting on an open coffin displaying his tragically disfigured face --- THAT development spurred a righteous and overdue revulsion against the brutal racism of some elements of white society. And it was a significant step towards Civil Rights progress for America.

Do tell.
Why wouldn't a statue noting and describing the racist denouement of Till's short life and the subsequent revulsion that added to the Civil Rights movement not have resonance for our nation?
Remember the white couple on their porch when BLM insurrectionists were on their property threatening them? And the Stockholm Syndrome African American Prog female charged them with a crime. We have Jim Crow today. It's just reversed and are living it.
Babbitt is dead because of a bullet fired from the gun of a bloodthirsty, government hired hand. Period! If you or your family member trespassed on my land, would I have the right to murder you/them? Let's see if you respond in a consistent manner.
Next time Ashli will be armed.
Everyone was up-in-arms when career criminal, George Floyd, was sent to hell.
George Floyd was executed and denied his 6th Amendment rights.
The Sixth Amendment states that in all criminal prosecutions, the accused criminal has the right to a trial by an impartial jury of the state and district in which the individual allegedly committed a crime.
If you or your family member trespassed on my land, would I have the right to murder you/them?
If I trespassed into Jackson's house and he confronted me and told me to leave and I still charged towards him after shouting angry epithets at him and with my hands concealed and wearing a backpack....yeah, I think in a 'stand-your-ground' jurisdiction he likely could legally shoot.

Ashli Babbitt is dead because of Ashli Babbitt's decisions and overt actions. May her family find peace. And may social media shrillers quit dragging her bloody corpse across the internet.

Next time Ashli will be armed.
Well, good poster Scruffy, if you think her deteriorating corpse will pose a threat, even with a Glock 21 in her skeletonized grip....well son, you have bigger problems in today's world than armed zombies.
No one trusts the cops any more.

When it suits you.
Till deserves a memorial, that a white privileged, white racist is the one approving it is quite perplexing, it is going to happen, which is fine.

Chauvin is guilty of murder, Floyd was a petty career criminal but didn’t deserve to die.
Fuck Jussie Smollet this is about a young man who was murdered and his murderers were never brought to the Bar of Justice.
So you're gonna give him a statue.

Whoop dee doo.

Let me know when you figure out how People v Mendel and People v Crenshaw relate to this. I'll give you a hint: May 21, 1873.

Some bar, eh?

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