Biden tapping tax dollars to boost Dem registration.....More Dem money laundering of our tax dollars


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
Suspecting partisan intent behind an executive order instructing federal agencies to submit plans to expand political participation, nine ranking committee members warned administrators against "engaging in the Biden Administration's political activities."

With midterm elections just around the corner, congressional Republicans and election watchdogs are sounding alarms that the Biden administration and left-leaning nonprofits may be tapping taxpayer dollars and tax-exempt funds, respectively, to boost voter registration and turnout among Democratic constituencies under the guise of protecting "democracy."

In March 2021, Biden issued an executive order entitled "Promoting Access to Voting," which instructed federal agencies to develop proposals to expand opportunities to register to vote and participate in the political process, then submit their strategic plans to the White House Domestic Policy Council.

Congressional Republicans have written letters to 12 federal agencies and both Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young and Domestic Policy Council Director Susan Rice raising concerns about the order...

One of the questions raised by Republicans is how the departments will ensure that federal employees won't violate the Hatch Act in implementing the executive order. The Hatch Act prohibits covered federal employees from using their official titles or positions while participating in political activity, which is defined as "activity directed at the success or failure of a political party, partisan political group, or candidate for partisan political office."...

"Biden is revving up his reelection campaign with federal agencies," warns Phill Kline, the director of election watchdog organization The Amistad Project.

The effort is funded with "Biden Bucks," said Kine, alluding to "Zuckerbucks," the approximately $400 million from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg widely alleged to have been funneled through left-leaning nonprofits to turn out the Democratic vote in the 2020 presidential election...

While Biden Bucks are funding efforts similar to those funded privately in 2020 in the name of pandemic safety, the president is using taxpayer money under the pretext of democratic participation, according to Kline.

If the intent behind the executive order is to target a voter profile that benefits one political party at the expense of another, then it violates a range of laws, Kline explained. The administration, however, is "trying to disguise" its intent, he said. "The challenge," he acknowledged, "is proving intent."

The 2020 election yielded "enough evidence to prove intent," said Kline, as sophisticated technology was used "in certain areas to find Democratic voters to help turn them out while ignoring Republican profiles."

Biden tapping tax dollars to boost Dem registration, turnout, warn House GOP, voting watchdog

This is the same shit that they did in 2020, except now instead of getting Zuckerberg Bucks to foot the bill, they're using taxpayer dollars to do it.
Encouraging people to vote is now partisan?
When you use revenue collected by the Treasury (taxes) to get people to vote for one particular party, it is not only partisan, it’s criminal. While we are at it, let’s also make certain Democrats are not using public employees Union funds for campaign efforts.
Making voting easier inherently makes cheating easier. The further we get from a requirement to show a government ID in person to register, and then show it again in person to vote, the more likely that elections will be decided by cheating, and not by honest vote-winning.

So we have the choice of

a) disenfranching the relatively small percentage of voters who legitimately cannot get out of their homes, jails, hosptitals or nursing homes to vote


b) disenfranching the entire nation of voters by allowing elections to be decided by whichever side can dump the greatest number of fraudulent ballots after the in-person polling ends.

Your choice would depend on whether you think your party is the more ruthless cheaters.
When you use revenue collected by the Treasury (taxes) to get people to vote for one particular party, it is not only partisan, it’s criminal. While we are at it, let’s also make certain Democrats are not using public employees Union funds for campaign efforts.

Who is forcing anyone to vote for a political party?

The more people vote, the stronger our Democracy
In March 2021, Biden issued an executive order entitled "Promoting Access to Voting," which instructed federal agencies to develop proposals to expand opportunities to register to vote and participate in the political process,

More people VOTING!

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