Biden* Surgeon General Says Libs Should Wear Masks At Home Around Their Children


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Because kids are at high risk from dying from the ChiCom Flu?

Whatever. Now be a good Leftist and put on your double face diaper at home. Your masters need to know your slave chain is still secure around your necks.

Because kids are at high risk from dying from the ChiCom Flu?

Whatever. Now be a good Leftist and put on your double face diaper at home. Your masters need to know your slave chain is still secure around your necks.

People are seeing right through this, Murthy is obviously in the grip of the Big Masking concerns. They don't sew these face diapers for free and there are huge stocks of them at Target as well as Walmart.

But the real problem is the damage that this is doing to Murthy's credibility.

As Surgeon General, he has trashed the cigarette industry and made declarations that smoking is no damn good. Now, with this latest bullshit, people are going to doubt his word about smoking as he is being unveiled as being officially "Full of Shinola" on other issues.
The problem with Biden's surgeon general or Biden's DOJ is that they must take the administrations view point even if it conflicts with science or our constitution. The surgeon general and DOJ, especially this weak AG, are nothing more than Biden flunkies.
It's a good idea for the libs to wear masks around the house, but I feel for the poor kids.

Do you sleep in it as well? How about when driving your car alone on the Highway?

I see these people and instantly roll my eyes....

Well, of course. Will probably have to have it surgically removed at some point, but I no longer have to brush my teeth, so there's that.

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