Biden says U.S. ‘will respond if "russia" continues its harmful activities’. NATO Condemns Russia’s ‘Aggressive Actions’ Ahead of Biden-Putin Meeting


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
does it mean that Biden administration avoid (many worlds , no action , policy ) to challenge Putin´s expansionist empire ?

"President Joe Biden said he will convey to Russian President Vladimir Putin that he is “not looking for conflict.” Biden reaffirmed support with Ukraine and said “we will not fail to defend the transatlantic alliance.” "


NATO leaders emerged from their Monday summit united in their determination to counter Russia, but American officials have yet to convince their alliance counterparts to oppose China with similar full-throatedness. The communique from the summit mentions Russia 62 times, and China just 10."

Litwin, what language are you familiar with? English is obviously not it. But type in your home language and I will place that in Google language translater to English to see if you have something intelligent to say.
NATO and old Joe promoting war with Russia. When will they ever change? Do they have a death wish? Are they unaware Russia has a huge nuclear arsenal?
does it mean that Biden administration avoid (many worlds , no action , policy ) to challenge Putin´s expansionist empire ?
Depends on what "challenge" means in this context. The main goal of the US in the coming years will be to challenge China. As for Russia, they will be confronted or cooperated with depending on issues needed to resolve.

It seems that a long term goal is to prevent Russia from directly aligning with China against the West. They should be somewhere in the middle. A stick and carrot tactic.
NATO and old Joe promoting war with Russia. When will they ever change? Do they have a death wish? Are they unaware Russia has a huge nuclear arsenal?
View attachment 501637
How does that relate to this thread topic?
yes its over for a gas station masquerading as a country,
Nitwit with his never ending campaign to demonize and gin up antipathy to one of most negligible threats around. The chart presented could easily represent the ratio of which country has it’s troops stationed beyond its borders.
Had the Russians actually seized Crimea, as is often inaccurately stated, rather than responded to a referendum, it would still represent a minor act compared to organizing a coup to benefit actual Nazi political groups, or funding Islamic jihadis to make mischief and deal death and misery to people with no ideological issues with the US.
does it mean that Biden administration avoid (many worlds , no action , policy ) to challenge Putin´s expansionist empire ?

"President Joe Biden said he will convey to Russian President Vladimir Putin that he is “not looking for conflict.” Biden reaffirmed support with Ukraine and said “we will not fail to defend the transatlantic alliance.” "


NATO leaders emerged from their Monday summit united in their determination to counter Russia, but American officials have yet to convince their alliance counterparts to oppose China with similar full-throatedness. The communique from the summit mentions Russia 62 times, and China just 10."

I came up with the perfect approach to nip this hacking stuff in the bud.
It involves putting Putin, his ego, and power in question and place his claim it's not his authority in these hacks, in a checkmate to stop these hacking gangs or admit he is not in charge and has no power to control his criminals. If he refuses to stop the hacks and criminal activity by arrests or turning them over, then he is responsible and the consequences should be personal not innocent Russian corps.
Dems in bed with Russia and China are never gonna find methods to solve this problem, and this was warned during the election, you never ever ever let a compromised party and or politician be in a position to give away the store and be taken advantage of by our adversaries, because those politicians sold us out so their sons can smoke parmesan cheese off the floor in their crack pipe.
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does it mean that Biden administration avoid (many worlds , no action , policy ) to challenge Putin´s expansionist empire ?

"President Joe Biden said he will convey to Russian President Vladimir Putin that he is “not looking for conflict.” Biden reaffirmed support with Ukraine and said “we will not fail to defend the transatlantic alliance.” "


NATO leaders emerged from their Monday summit united in their determination to counter Russia, but American officials have yet to convince their alliance counterparts to oppose China with similar full-throatedness. The communique from the summit mentions Russia 62 times, and China just 10."

I came up with the perfect approach to nip this hacking stuff in the bud.
It involves putting Putin, his ego, and power in question and place his claim it's not his authority in these hacks, in a checkmate to stop these hacking gangs or admit he is not in charge and has no power to control his criminals. If he refuses to stop the hacks and criminal activity by arrests or turning them over, then he is responsible and the consequences should be personal not innocent Russian corps.
Dems in bed with Russia and China are never gonna find methods to solve this problem, and this was warned during the election, you never ever ever let a compromised party and or politician be in a position to give away the store and be taken advantage of by our adversaries, because those politicians sold us out so their sons can smoke parmesan cheese off the floor in their crack pipe.

In fact, it was Russia, who suggested The Cyberspace Security Treaty, and it was Obama, who refused to negotiate it.
I think, that we need at least discuss it.
Dems in bed with Russia and China are never gonna find methods to solve this problem
Yeah, Dems in bed with Russia but that is always the one who praises Putin here (except of the Russians themselves, of course) is a so called conservative. Go figure.
Dems in bed with Russia and China are never gonna find methods to solve this problem
Yeah, Dems in bed with Russia but that is always the one who praises Putin here (except of the Russians themselves, of course) is a so called conservative. Go figure.
Fact: it was Trump's sanctions that Biden removed, so Putin could have his pipeline, and this was done right after paying the Russian ransom on our pipeline.
EVEN A VILLAGE IDIOT can figure out Biden is compromised and can not solve this problem because he has to dance when they ask him to.
Dems in bed with Russia and China are never gonna find methods to solve this problem
Yeah, Dems in bed with Russia but that is always the one who praises Putin here (except of the Russians themselves, of course) is a so called conservative. Go figure.
Fact: it was Trump's sanctions that Biden removed, so Putin could have his pipeline, and this was done right after paying the Russian ransom on our pipeline.
EVEN A VILLAGE IDIOT can figure out Biden is compromised and can not solve this problem because he has to dance when they ask him to.
Actually, the pipeline was being built despite the sanctions. Yes, I consider it to be more a political project rather than economic one. But it should (and could) have been halted years ago, on the first stages of realisation. The Germans lobby that project. What do you propose? Direct sanctions against German energy companies or even a state?

About the hacking. I think it is a failure of a number of US administrations. There should have been a federal program, developed years ago, to secure vital objects of American economy and infrastructure from such cyber attacks.
does it mean that Biden administration avoid (many worlds , no action , policy ) to challenge Putin´s expansionist empire ?

"President Joe Biden said he will convey to Russian President Vladimir Putin that he is “not looking for conflict.” Biden reaffirmed support with Ukraine and said “we will not fail to defend the transatlantic alliance.” "


NATO leaders emerged from their Monday summit united in their determination to counter Russia, but American officials have yet to convince their alliance counterparts to oppose China with similar full-throatedness. The communique from the summit mentions Russia 62 times, and China just 10."

I came up with the perfect approach to nip this hacking stuff in the bud.
It involves putting Putin, his ego, and power in question and place his claim it's not his authority in these hacks, in a checkmate to stop these hacking gangs or admit he is not in charge and has no power to control his criminals. If he refuses to stop the hacks and criminal activity by arrests or turning them over, then he is responsible and the consequences should be personal not innocent Russian corps.
Dems in bed with Russia and China are never gonna find methods to solve this problem, and this was warned during the election, you never ever ever let a compromised party and or politician be in a position to give away the store and be taken advantage of by our adversaries, because those politicians sold us out so their sons can smoke parmesan cheese off the floor in their crack pipe.

Dems in bed with Russia and China are never gonna find methods to solve this problem
Yeah, Dems in bed with Russia but that is always the one who praises Putin here (except of the Russians themselves, of course) is a so called conservative. Go figure.

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