Breaking: Joe Biden Issues Proclamation --- Transgender Americans "Shape Our Nation's Soul" --- March 31, 2023 to be Transgender Day of Visibility

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
My God in Heaven. What has happened to this nation? I consider this an impeachable offense declaring March 31 a Holiday for transgender domestic terrorists. Once again, stolen elections by a Usurper and his puppeteers have consequences. This is a heartless soulless insult to the 6 people killed this past Monday by a transgender terrorist.

My God in Heaven. What has happened to this nation?
I've been wondering about that since early 2017. I think we became so worried about "acceptance" that it never occurred to us that those we "accepted" might someday take over and refuse to return the respect we gave them.
Now their plans have reached a critical mass and because we live in an information society/culture and they own the platforms used to disseminate most of it, they have effectively taken control of the country. We will never be able to coexist with them on an equal standing because they use their media and their conspirators in government to weaponize the levers of power against those they disagree with.
The only way to return to anything like a traditional America will require secession and consolidating a portion of the current territory of the country for a new nation that keeps and respects our Constitution.
Frankly, I'm quite happy that I will not have to live in this nation much longer. My family tree is not known for longevity :)
Tranny Day of Visibility... how much more visible does it get than some dude prancing around in high heels, a dress & a wig?
They aren't exactly stealthy already.
Is this a way for the freaks to get more attention for their serious mental afflictions?

Ok, I'll look for a troon to be "visible" on that day, but don't expect me not to point, laugh, and make a rude remark.

BTW, fuck Joe Biden.
OMG has Joe just Triggered the Rabid Right Trumphlakes?


Poor poor trigger......
My God in Heaven. What has happened to this nation? I consider this an impeachable offense declaring March 31 a Holiday for transgender domestic terrorists. Once again, stolen elections by a Usurper and his puppeteers have consequences. This is a heartless soulless insult to the 6 people killed this past Monday by a transgender terrorist.

So you disagree with Biden's comment also?
I don't believe a man can transition into a woman (or visa versa) if that's what you mean, regardless of how many surgeries they have or how many different hormones they take. I have no problem with them trying and or living their life as the opposite sex, and I will treat them with the respect they command. If they act like asshole dicks then I'll treat them as such. Most of the ones I have knowns were not that different from anyone else.
A sick and warped view of America from Joe Biden.

We are being told that these mentally ill, and some are certainly possessed, must not only be accepted as normal but are worthy of worship.

President Biden issued an official proclamation declaring that transgender Americans "shape our nation's soul" and established a holiday relating to the group this week.

Biden issued the proclamation Thursday to mark March 31, 2023, as the Transgender Day of Visibility, a day some transgender activists have renamed to "day of vengeance."

"Transgender Americans shape our Nation's soul -- proudly serving in the military, curing deadly diseases, holding elected office, running thriving businesses, fighting for justice, raising families, and much more," Biden wrote in the Thursday morning proclamation.

"Today, too many transgender Americans are still denied…rights and freedoms," the president's statement continued. "A wave of discriminatory state laws is targeting transgender youth, terrifying families and hurting kids who are not hurting anyone. An epidemic of violence against transgender women and girls, in particular women and girls of color, has taken lives far too soon."


A sick and warped view of America from Joe Biden.

We are being told that these mentally ill, and some are certainly possessed, must not only be accepted as normal but are worthy of worship.

President Biden issued an official proclamation declaring that transgender Americans "shape our nation's soul" and established a holiday relating to the group this week.
Biden issued the proclamation Thursday to mark March 31, 2023, as the Transgender Day of Visibility, a day some transgender activists have renamed to "day of vengeance."
"Transgender Americans shape our Nation's soul -- proudly serving in the military, curing deadly diseases, holding elected office, running thriving businesses, fighting for justice, raising families, and much more," Biden wrote in the Thursday morning proclamation.
"Today, too many transgender Americans are still denied…rights and freedoms," the president's statement continued. "A wave of discriminatory state laws is targeting transgender youth, terrifying families and hurting kids who are not hurting anyone. An epidemic of violence against transgender women and girls, in particular women and girls of color, has taken lives far too soon."

When a Pun Turns Into a Puppet

What does a gay couple call the room they use when one of them wants to have heterosexual sex?

My God in Heaven. What has happened to this nation? I consider this an impeachable offense declaring March 31 a Holiday for transgender domestic terrorists. Once again, stolen elections by a Usurper and his puppeteers have consequences. This is a heartless soulless insult to the 6 people killed this past Monday by a transgender terrorist.

Joetard's a deviant supporting deviants.
He's consistent.
Yes they do! They should be treated with the respect as anyone else would.

They're people. To suggest otherwise is what a nazi would do.

They are mentally ill, and obviously, some are possessed. We do not normalize such people let alone celebrate them.

You and your fellow kooks want to not only celebrate them but offer them as an object of worship, false gods.

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