Biden Says Press Needs ‘More Polite People,’ Refuses to Answer Questions after UFO Address


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
What a liar. He is afraid to take questions, and he has given the least amount of time answering questions than any POTUS in decades.

President Joe Biden complained that the reporters who cover him should be “more polite people,” and then refused to answer any questions at the end of a press conference on Thursday.

It was the latest example of Biden criticizing U.S. reporters for being impolite, being “stupid,” or asking “stupid” questions.

Biden gave a brief address on the country’s response to recent unidentified aerial objects on Thursday. At the conclusion of his remarks, he began to walk away, but stopped and turned around as reporters shouted questions over one another.

He appeared poised to respond to a question, but instead said, “Give me a break man.” While it was unclear which question Biden was responding to, one reporter could be heard asking the president whether his relationship with China is compromised by his family’s business relationships.


Biden Says Press Needs ‘More Polite People,’ Refuses to Answer Questions after UFO Address | National Review
What a liar. He is afraid to take questions, and he has given the least amount of time answering questions than any POTUS in decades.

President Joe Biden complained that the reporters who cover him should be “more polite people,” and then refused to answer any questions at the end of a press conference on Thursday.
It was the latest example of Biden criticizing U.S. reporters for being impolite, being “stupid,” or asking “stupid” questions.
Biden gave a brief address on the country’s response to recent unidentified aerial objects on Thursday. At the conclusion of his remarks, he began to walk away, but stopped and turned around as reporters shouted questions over one another.
He appeared poised to respond to a question, but instead said, “Give me a break man.” While it was unclear which question Biden was responding to, one reporter could be heard asking the president whether his relationship with China is compromised by his family’s business relationships.

Biden Says Press Needs ‘More Polite People,’ Refuses to Answer Questions after UFO Address | National Review

Biden needs to stop lying his ass off and being as transparent as a 6-foot thick slab of concrete.

What a liar. He is afraid to take questions, and he has given the least amount of time answering questions than any POTUS in decades.

President Joe Biden complained that the reporters who cover him should be “more polite people,” and then refused to answer any questions at the end of a press conference on Thursday.
It was the latest example of Biden criticizing U.S. reporters for being impolite, being “stupid,” or asking “stupid” questions.
Biden gave a brief address on the country’s response to recent unidentified aerial objects on Thursday. At the conclusion of his remarks, he began to walk away, but stopped and turned around as reporters shouted questions over one another.
He appeared poised to respond to a question, but instead said, “Give me a break man.” While it was unclear which question Biden was responding to, one reporter could be heard asking the president whether his relationship with China is compromised by his family’s business relationships.

Biden Says Press Needs ‘More Polite People,’ Refuses to Answer Questions after UFO Address | National Review
He wouldn't last for five minutes of what Trump had to endure non stop for more than four years.
Wow, all this hysteria over a weather balloon IS stupid.

This should have been a one day story. Chinese weather balloon gets lost, we shoot it down.
Democrats believe China. They are on the same team.

Americans be ready for the worst. Keep tabs on who in your community are Democrats because when the worst happens, you'll need to know.
Joe rarely received pushback in his 50 years of being proud to serve us. He got a little of what he deserved. A pittance for his crimes. Sentence him to spend the rest of his life in a third world slave labor lithium mine.
The CIA or NSA probably made him shut up so the doddering old fool doesn't give away the truth about UFO's to a public which has mostly outgrown the lie.

UFO's are simply a smokescreen for secret black projects and something that at one time could be used to plant the seeds of fear and paranoia.

It should make people FURIOUS that they are still using this crap 76 years after Roswell, treating us like a bunch of stupid teenagers at a drive-in movie in 1952 getting the willies about Martians invading and body snatchers. Seriously. We've fucking outgrown it. People should be utterly disgusted with a government that still tries to use this crap in this way. Not surprising, as a bunch of desperate Democrats who are running out of ways to hide their shit are in charge.

There really IS a government program which has the purpose of creating panic and resolution through convincing us UFO's are from outer space. It's called Project Bluebeam and things like lasers, holograms and secret aviation technology are all the tools of it's execution. I always said to myself that they would never pull it out of their hat unless they were desperate. Well, here we are.
You would provide cover for Jeffrey Epstein, wouldn't you??

You mean Trump's pal?


Biden allowed it to transit Alaska then a large swath of CONUS.

BTW It was a spy balloon.

So what? Shit, China is probably getting far more information out of TicToc than they do out of a fucking weather balloon

Democrats believe China. They are on the same team.

No, I just don't think that a weather balloon is worth starting a war with China over that we would probably lose at best or end the world at worst.
I don't think some crappy little Islands in the South China Sea are worth it, either.
Or Tibet, Or Taiwan, or Hong Kong.

Americans be ready for the worst. Keep tabs on who in your community are Democrats because when the worst happens, you'll need to know.

The worst would be an unnecessary war with a country that is not our enemy. That would be the worst.
You seem awfully anxious to volunteer other people to die.

What a liar. He is afraid to take questions, and he has given the least amount of time answering questions than any POTUS in decades.

President Joe Biden complained that the reporters who cover him should be “more polite people,” and then refused to answer any questions at the end of a press conference on Thursday.

It was the latest example of Biden criticizing U.S. reporters for being impolite, being “stupid,” or asking “stupid” questions.

Biden gave a brief address on the country’s response to recent unidentified aerial objects on Thursday. At the conclusion of his remarks, he began to walk away, but stopped and turned around as reporters shouted questions over one another.

He appeared poised to respond to a question, but instead said, “Give me a break man.” While it was unclear which question Biden was responding to, one reporter could be heard asking the president whether his relationship with China is compromised by his family’s business relationships.


Biden Says Press Needs ‘More Polite People,’ Refuses to Answer Questions after UFO Address | National Review
Trump said the same thing and you agreed with him.
The CIA or NSA probably made him shut up so the doddering old fool doesn't give away the truth about UFO's to a public which has mostly outgrown the lie.

UFO's are simply a smokescreen for secret black projects and something that at one time could be used to plant the seeds of fear and paranoia.

It should make people FURIOUS that they are still using this crap 76 years after Roswell, treating us like a bunch of stupid teenagers at a drive-in movie in 1952 getting the willies about Martians invading and body snatchers. Seriously. We've fucking outgrown it. People should be utterly disgusted with a government that still tries to use this crap in this way. Not surprising, as a bunch of desperate Democrats who are running out of ways to hide their shit are in charge.

There really IS a government program which has the purpose of creating panic and resolution through convincing us UFO's are from outer space. It's called Project Bluebeam and things like lasers, holograms and secret aviation technology are all the tools of it's execution. I always said to myself that they would never pull it out of their hat unless they were desperate. Well, here we are.

Uh, as someone who has studied the UFO cultural phenomenon, the problem here isn't the government.

If anything, the Government has gone far and out of its way to debunk UFO sightings.

Let's take Roswell. At the time, Roswell was dismissed as a weather balloon (which was only half right, it was a balloon designed to detect Soviet Nuclear Tests). If fact, if you read any books about UFO's, you will find no references to Roswell prior to the late 1970's. It wasn't until Jesse Marcell, the officer who made the initial announcement in 1947, then had to humiliatingly stand in front of weather balloon wreckage, started telling tales about how he really did see UFO parts. Maybe he was senile. Maybe he was just spiteful that the Air Force ruined his career. Maybe he was just trolling the UFO enthusiasts, because those guys will believe anything.

Then Roswell became central to the UFO legend. It got more complicated in the 1990's when someone came up with the fake Alien Autopsy film.

Now, I have no doubt some UFO sightings are in fact secret government aircraft. The vast majority, however are simple mistakes, weather balloons, conventional aircraft, etc.
Uh, as someone who has studied the UFO cultural phenomenon, the problem here isn't the government.

If anything, the Government has gone far and out of its way to debunk UFO sightings.

Let's take Roswell. At the time, Roswell was dismissed as a weather balloon (which was only half right, it was a balloon designed to detect Soviet Nuclear Tests). If fact, if you read any books about UFO's, you will find no references to Roswell prior to the late 1970's. It wasn't until Jesse Marcell, the officer who made the initial announcement in 1947, then had to humiliatingly stand in front of weather balloon wreckage, started telling tales about how he really did see UFO parts. Maybe he was senile. Maybe he was just spiteful that the Air Force ruined his career. Maybe he was just trolling the UFO enthusiasts, because those guys will believe anything.

Then Roswell became central to the UFO legend. It got more complicated in the 1990's when someone came up with the fake Alien Autopsy film.

Now, I have no doubt some UFO sightings are in fact secret government aircraft. The vast majority, however are simple mistakes, weather balloons, conventional aircraft, etc.
I think the layers of the onion are a bit more complex than you realize.. agencies like the CIA have done a massive amount of research on public psychology. They anticipate assumptions different types of people make and double, triple and quadruple the twists to every story so people don't know what to believe. They will lead people through a maze of smoke and mirrors and tell you the truth on purpose knowing that you will assume it's a lie based upon red herrings periodically released into the news.

They know the hippies will want to believe in brothers from another planet.

They know conservative Old Farmers will just believe the swamp gas story since it's at least of this Earth. Old Farmers will also be the most likely to keep their mouth shut even if they do see something spectacular... For fear that they will be ridiculed within their small community.

Then there will be the Smart ones, the college educated one who knows science and will be harder to fool. That's when the program really gets ramped up and they get ivy league professors and MIT people to help explain the lie to us idiots. And if you want to keep your job as a university professor you won't contest your senior faculty members who have their connections to the government.

It doesn't matter that they didn't talk about Roswell after they claimed things up. They planted the seeds that they wanted to sell and they let them grow undisturbed in the public parodying for the next few decades. When they think people are getting too smart they add a new twist to it. Another crash with new details. Peripheral news mplicating Russians, only hinting at the topic of UFOs.... Forcing different types of people to draw certain conclusions. You really don't seem to understand how deep and twisted our intelligence community is.
It amazes me how many people ignore the sordid history of the FBI and sanctimoniously accuse anyone who questions their leadership of being disrespectful of the fine men and women who blah, blah, blah.

Yes, many fine people choose the FBI over the day-to-day exposure to violence experienced by uniformed law enforcement. Unfortunately, the upper ranks have always been highly politicized. Many of the current leadership were appointed by Obama and remain steadfastly loyal to his goals and the those of the Democratic Party regardless of who happens to hold the White House or Congress at any given year.

I hope the FBI's early retirement policy holds for upper management, but I suspect that - as with so many others - those rules will not apply to senior Democrats.
I think the layers of the onion are a bit more complex than you realize.. agencies like the CIA have done a massive amount of research on public psychology. They anticipate assumptions different types of people make and double, triple and quadruple the twists to every story so people don't know what to believe. They will lead people through a maze of smoke and mirrors and tell you the truth on purpose knowing that you will assume it's a lie based upon red herrings periodically released into the news.
Um, sorry, guy, I'm not capable of that level of paranoia. The one thing we know is that the government really can't keep a secret.

I do think some UFO sightings are experimental craft. But far more are outright hoaxes or misidentifications of conventional objects.

Consider this. Back in the 1950's, when people claimed to have contact with the occupants/pilots of UFO's, they nearly uniformly described them as being human, often of European extraction. Why? Because that's what Hollywood told them they would look like.

Then in the 1970's, they all started seeing the "Gray" aliens. Why? Because that's what Hollywood (Starting with Speilberg) told us we should see.

This is hardly the vast conspiracy, but more the human psyche. We've just replaced fairies and leprechauns with aliens.
Trump said the same thing and you agreed with him.

Trump gave more time to the press/media than any POTUS in decades, maybe since FDR. So he criticized them? He also gave an inordinate amount of time speaking with/to them, unlike Biden who slithers away.

Yeah, you've got your usual nothing.
Um, sorry, guy, I'm not capable of that level of paranoia. The one thing we know is that the government really can't keep a secret.

I do think some UFO sightings are experimental craft. But far more are outright hoaxes or misidentifications of conventional objects.

Consider this. Back in the 1950's, when people claimed to have contact with the occupants/pilots of UFO's, they nearly uniformly described them as being human, often of European extraction. Why? Because that's what Hollywood told them they would look like.

Then in the 1970's, they all started seeing the "Gray" aliens. Why? Because that's what Hollywood (Starting with Speilberg) told us we should see.

This is hardly the vast conspiracy, but more the human psyche. We've just replaced fairies and leprechauns with aliens.
Thank you! You DO understand even though you don't know you do! 😆

What were most supernatural things invented to do other than scare children and even adults into behaving...or to explain things to them that adults didn't feel like explaining, or thought their kids weren't ready to know the truth. It's just that when it military secrets there's a lot.more at stake than kids simply raiding the cookie jar or getting lost in the woods for a couple hours. So the government will go to great lengths to cover the truth. Go read up on some of the unbelievable things that we and the Soviets did during the Cold War to outsmart each other. Then come back and tell me they wouldn't create "UFO culture" to keep people guessing and arguing about mysterious lights in the sky.

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