"Biden republicans" Bolton and Cheney blame trump...


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Breitbart is now reporting that Zionist 911 W warmonger John Bolton is joining Liz Cheney in blaming trump for Biden's failure to live up to the standard of "any functioning adult" managing the afghan pullout.

Nobody in the media will ever ask Bolton or Cheney the following questions, because all the media already know the answers.....

1. When we first arrived in afghan after 911, there was an ongoing civil war between Taliban and TNA The Northern Alliance. Please explain why we did not help TNA win that war.....

2. Please explain the wisdom of making "Osama" "not a priority"

3. Many Americans are outraged over the lies regarding the death of Pat Tillman. Originally reported as a combat death by AQ, we now know Pat was shot by another Army Ranger. Pat's family says they got multiple versions of what happened. The autopsy concluded Pat was hit by AR16 fire 10 yards away, making Elliott's most recent claim yet another lie. What did you do to find out the truth about pat Tillman, and why should anyone believe you were not behind the original lie that

"AQ did it"

Bolton and Cheney are neither honest nor patriotic Americans....
Breitbart is now reporting that Zionist 911 W warmonger John Bolton is joining Liz Cheney in blaming trump for Biden's failure to live up to the standard of "any functioning adult" managing the afghan pullout.

Nobody in the media will ever ask Bolton or Cheney the following questions, because all the media already know the answers.....

1. When we first arrived in afghan after 911, there was an ongoing civil war between Taliban and TNA The Northern Alliance. Please explain why we did not help TNA win that war.....

2. Please explain the wisdom of making "Osama" "not a priority"

3. Many Americans are outraged over the lies regarding the death of Pat Tillman. Originally reported as a combat death by AQ, we now know Pat was shot by another Army Ranger. Pat's family says they got multiple versions of what happened. The autopsy concluded Pat was hit by AR16 fire 10 yards away, making Elliott's most recent claim yet another lie. What did you do to find out the truth about pat Tillman, and why should anyone believe you were not behind the original lie that

"AQ did it"

Bolton and Cheney are neither honest nor patriotic Americans....

AR16? This is the second time I've seen you post that today.
Cheney will be getting kicked out of office by the voters. She’s just trying to be as big a pain in the ass as she can on her way out.
His mayesty the Trump is a Republican? Thought Trump is a Donald.

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Trump hiring a zionist, neocon psychopath like Bolton proves Trump was ZOG, deep state himself.
Bolton is a war mongering prick who never forgave Trump for not attacking Iran. Bolton had his cushy retirement plan all set and Trump said "Nope, not taking the bait". Liz Cheney is a Daddy's girl who has no business being in public office. She should go to work for CNN.

Yeah.....one of Trump's super powers...beside the Trump Boomerang....is his ability to reveal the true nature of squish republicans......it is something the republican party has needed for years....
Trump hiring a zionist, neocon psychopath like Bolton proves Trump was ZOG, deep state himself.
He may be, but if true then the nation is done. I understand what the Founding Fathers tried to impress on us more and more. Even with a document that would not have been passed without a flaw. Different eras of our nation beginning and ending with each other has gotten us to where we are at today. The deal with the devil we have with a large government and a generous social welfare system is just we see today. Government one quarter the size at all levels would not have people taking advantage by influencing many about agendas.
Trump hiring a zionist, neocon psychopath like Bolton proves Trump was ZOG, deep state himself.

Trump is out of office solely because he appointed so many Zionists to high places, specifically Wray and the three traitors on the SCOTUS.

Trump made plenty of errors, but it clearly was "DEEP STATE" engaging in massive election fraud against him.
Breitbart is now reporting that Zionist 911 W warmonger John Bolton is joining Liz Cheney in blaming trump for Biden's failure to live up to the standard of "any functioning adult" managing the afghan pullout.

Nobody in the media will ever ask Bolton or Cheney the following questions, because all the media already know the answers.....

1. When we first arrived in afghan after 911, there was an ongoing civil war between Taliban and TNA The Northern Alliance. Please explain why we did not help TNA win that war.....

2. Please explain the wisdom of making "Osama" "not a priority"

3. Many Americans are outraged over the lies regarding the death of Pat Tillman. Originally reported as a combat death by AQ, we now know Pat was shot by another Army Ranger. Pat's family says they got multiple versions of what happened. The autopsy concluded Pat was hit by AR16 fire 10 yards away, making Elliott's most recent claim yet another lie. What did you do to find out the truth about pat Tillman, and why should anyone believe you were not behind the original lie that

"AQ did it"

Bolton and Cheney are neither honest nor patriotic Americans....

Also HR McMaster, Mark Esper, Lisa Curtis and Larry Kudlow. You are the one who is dishonest and unpatriotic.
Trump fired Bolton and will be the reason Liz is unemployed after the next election. So this is just two crybaby pussies who aren't ready for prime time.

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