Biden: Raid in Syria has taken ISIL leader ‘off the battlefield’, a good signal to ozero crime cartel, vova shorty you are the next one , said Biden


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
a good signal to ozero crime cartel, vova shorty you are the next one , said mr Biden !

United States President Joe Biden has said the leader of ISIL (ISIS) has been “taken off the battlefield” following an overnight raid in Syria that also killed six children and four women

A senior US administration official told reporters ISIL leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was killed in the raid. The official said he blew himself up during the operation.

I wonder why these guys bring women and children with them when they go into war.

Don't they know war is dangerous?
a good signal to ozero crime cartel, vova shorty you are the next one , said mr Biden !

United States President Joe Biden has said the leader of ISIL (ISIS) has been “taken off the battlefield” following an overnight raid in Syria that also killed six children and four women

A senior US administration official told reporters ISIL leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was killed in the raid. The official said he blew himself up during the operation.

Shame Biden doesn't focus on the evil right here in our own nation. So many leftist cities devolving into crime infested hell holes full of illegals.

But hey, if we kill a dozen women & children to get one guy it's a success right? I mean why not CREATE MORE TERRORISTS by slaughtering the innocent.

And before someone says something stupid I felt the same way under Trump and Obama before him.

We should not be killing people in the middle east anymore. If an imminent threat pops up, fine. But beyond that STOP BOMBING those fucking people.
a good signal to ozero crime cartel, vova shorty you are the next one , said mr Biden !

United States President Joe Biden has said the leader of ISIL (ISIS) has been “taken off the battlefield” following an overnight raid in Syria that also killed six children and four women

A senior US administration official told reporters ISIL leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was killed in the raid. The official said he blew himself up during the operation.

Yea I’m sure that’s the end of radical Islamists.

Now let’s welcome a few million more as refugees.

How fucking stupid are you people?
welcome a few million more as refugees.
we will send them all to your fav man, pootler


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