Biden Ordered Federal Agencies To COVER UP His Blunder And DELETE All Records Of Military Equipment They Gave To Afghans


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Ordered Federal Agencies To COVER UP His Blunder And DELETE All Records Of Military Equipment They Gave To Afghans

2 Sep 2021
Officials from Biden’s office recently instructed federal agencies to delete formal reports of any military equipment delivered to the Afghans from all public websites:

FORBES – According to an admission obtained from the State Department, Biden officials recently directed federal agencies to scrub their websites of official reports detailing the $82.9 billion in military equipment and training provided to the Afghan security forces since 2001.​
The scrubbed audits and reports included detailed accounting of what the U.S. had provided to Afghan forces, down to the number of night vision devices, hand grenades, Black Hawk helicopters, and armored vehicles.​
Reports further quantified 208 aircraft and helicopters; 75,000 war vehicles – including 22 Humvees, 50,000 tactical vehicles and nearly 1,000 mine resistant vehicles; and 600,000 weapons – including 350,000 M4 and M16 rifles, 60,000 machine guns, and 25,000 grenade launchers.​
The State Department admitted to removing the reports but justified the move as a way to protect Afghan allies. According to a spokesperson:​
“The safety of our Afghan contacts is of utmost importance to us. The State Department advised other federal agencies of to [sic] review their web properties for content that highlights cooperation/participation between an Afghan citizen and the USG or a USG partner and remove from public view if it poses a security risk.”​
It’s worth noting that the Biden administration already put these partners at risk when officials provided lists of Afghan nationals to the Taliban in a misguided attempt to clear them for evacuation. The Taliban, a known terrorist organization with a history of murdering Afghan citizens working alongside U.S. forces, should never have been trusted with those names.​
It appears that they were attempting to conceal it, as D'Souza argues above, so that the American people would not be aware of how awful Biden’s decision to enable the Taliban to have all of this weaponry was.
But the harm has been done; the Taliban now possess all of these weapons, and Biden has further limited the military’s hands by leaving American citizens stranded in Afghanistan. If they start hitting the equipment right now, the Taliban will almost certainly kidnap Americans. It’s a pure tragedy how badly Biden has messed up the entire thing.

See Also: Biden administration SCRUBS records of $83 billion sent to Afghan army

The header should have also included the participation of the "Complicit Quisling Media" that have worked hand in hand in this debacle of failure by Bai Dung and his administration.
If I am not mistaken, it is illegal to scrub these records!
Just another criminal act perpetrated by the Joey Xi Bai Ding regime.
The whole Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat criminal regime and their members need to RESIGN TODAY!
Beginning with Bai Dung, Kamaltoe, their handlers, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and all top military officials who had anything to do with these crimes.
The latest the treason of the PM/DSA Democrat Commies against America is exposed.
That being said, exposure of your criminal acts should only guarantee that you are not reelected in 2024.
Don't you worry, Uncle Joe has got everything under control. - Mission_Control.png

Biden Ordered Federal Agencies To COVER UP His Blunder And DELETE All Records Of Military Equipment They Gave To Afghans

2 Sep 2021
Officials from Biden’s office recently instructed federal agencies to delete formal reports of any military equipment delivered to the Afghans from all public websites:

FORBES – According to an admission obtained from the State Department, Biden officials recently directed federal agencies to scrub their websites of official reports detailing the $82.9 billion in military equipment and training provided to the Afghan security forces since 2001.​
The scrubbed audits and reports included detailed accounting of what the U.S. had provided to Afghan forces, down to the number of night vision devices, hand grenades, Black Hawk helicopters, and armored vehicles.​
Reports further quantified 208 aircraft and helicopters; 75,000 war vehicles – including 22 Humvees, 50,000 tactical vehicles and nearly 1,000 mine resistant vehicles; and 600,000 weapons – including 350,000 M4 and M16 rifles, 60,000 machine guns, and 25,000 grenade launchers.​
The State Department admitted to removing the reports but justified the move as a way to protect Afghan allies. According to a spokesperson:​
“The safety of our Afghan contacts is of utmost importance to us. The State Department advised other federal agencies of to [sic] review their web properties for content that highlights cooperation/participation between an Afghan citizen and the USG or a USG partner and remove from public view if it poses a security risk.”​
It’s worth noting that the Biden administration already put these partners at risk when officials provided lists of Afghan nationals to the Taliban in a misguided attempt to clear them for evacuation. The Taliban, a known terrorist organization with a history of murdering Afghan citizens working alongside U.S. forces, should never have been trusted with those names.​
It appears that they were attempting to conceal it, as D'Souza argues above, so that the American people would not be aware of how awful Biden’s decision to enable the Taliban to have all of this weaponry was.
But the harm has been done; the Taliban now possess all of these weapons, and Biden has further limited the military’s hands by leaving American citizens stranded in Afghanistan. If they start hitting the equipment right now, the Taliban will almost certainly kidnap Americans. It’s a pure tragedy how badly Biden has messed up the entire thing.

See Also: Biden administration SCRUBS records of $83 billion sent to Afghan army

The header should have also included the participation of the "Complicit Quisling Media" that have worked hand in hand in this debacle of failure by Bai Dung and his administration.
If I am not mistaken, it is illegal to scrub these records!
Just another criminal act perpetrated by the Joey Xi Bai Ding regime.
The whole Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat criminal regime and their members need to RESIGN TODAY!
Beginning with Bai Dung, Kamaltoe, their handlers, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and all top military officials who had anything to do with these crimes.
The latest the treason of the PM/DSA Democrat Commies against America is exposed.
That being said, exposure of your criminal acts should only guarantee that you are not reelected in 2024.

And the hits just keep on coming. QPJ’s approval rating must be atrocious.

Yep. It is.

Biden Ordered Federal Agencies To COVER UP His Blunder And DELETE All Records Of Military Equipment They Gave To Afghans

2 Sep 2021
Officials from Biden’s office recently instructed federal agencies to delete formal reports of any military equipment delivered to the Afghans from all public websites:

FORBES – According to an admission obtained from the State Department, Biden officials recently directed federal agencies to scrub their websites of official reports detailing the $82.9 billion in military equipment and training provided to the Afghan security forces since 2001.​
The scrubbed audits and reports included detailed accounting of what the U.S. had provided to Afghan forces, down to the number of night vision devices, hand grenades, Black Hawk helicopters, and armored vehicles.​
Reports further quantified 208 aircraft and helicopters; 75,000 war vehicles – including 22 Humvees, 50,000 tactical vehicles and nearly 1,000 mine resistant vehicles; and 600,000 weapons – including 350,000 M4 and M16 rifles, 60,000 machine guns, and 25,000 grenade launchers.​
The State Department admitted to removing the reports but justified the move as a way to protect Afghan allies. According to a spokesperson:​
“The safety of our Afghan contacts is of utmost importance to us. The State Department advised other federal agencies of to [sic] review their web properties for content that highlights cooperation/participation between an Afghan citizen and the USG or a USG partner and remove from public view if it poses a security risk.”​
It’s worth noting that the Biden administration already put these partners at risk when officials provided lists of Afghan nationals to the Taliban in a misguided attempt to clear them for evacuation. The Taliban, a known terrorist organization with a history of murdering Afghan citizens working alongside U.S. forces, should never have been trusted with those names.​
It appears that they were attempting to conceal it, as D'Souza argues above, so that the American people would not be aware of how awful Biden’s decision to enable the Taliban to have all of this weaponry was.
But the harm has been done; the Taliban now possess all of these weapons, and Biden has further limited the military’s hands by leaving American citizens stranded in Afghanistan. If they start hitting the equipment right now, the Taliban will almost certainly kidnap Americans. It’s a pure tragedy how badly Biden has messed up the entire thing.

See Also: Biden administration SCRUBS records of $83 billion sent to Afghan army

The header should have also included the participation of the "Complicit Quisling Media" that have worked hand in hand in this debacle of failure by Bai Dung and his administration.
If I am not mistaken, it is illegal to scrub these records!
Just another criminal act perpetrated by the Joey Xi Bai Ding regime.
The whole Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat criminal regime and their members need to RESIGN TODAY!
Beginning with Bai Dung, Kamaltoe, their handlers, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and all top military officials who had anything to do with these crimes.
The latest the treason of the PM/DSA Democrat Commies against America is exposed.
That being said, exposure of your criminal acts should only guarantee that you are not reelected in 2024.

Since the dems are big on suing gun manufacturers for what criminals do with guns...along with the owners of those guns that fall into the wrong hands...shouldn't biden and company be sued for purposely arming terrorists?
Folks, we are talking Sleepy Joe inflation, so it is basically $100,000,000,000 in military gear Sleepy Joe and his generals gave to the Taliban. That is one hundred billion dollars worth of guns, etc. Meanwhile, Sleepy Joe and Zionist Taliban democrats pass laws to make legal gun ownership and acquiring ammo more and more difficult for law abiding American citizens.
Proof of the matter is how the complicit Quisling Media has changed the subject to illegal entry of Haitians and the Border Patrol supposed atrocities.
All meant to deflect the subject....
Yeah....Obama/Biden critics are the liars.....not Obama/Biden who lie like most people take a drink of water.
Just the latest from the orange retard's 30,000 plus lies.

Trump allies were delighted by the official announcement of the audit results at a Republican Senate hearing on Friday afternoon.
Predictably, Trump and his allies ran with it. The former president, seemingly pleased, released another statement calling the audit “a big win for democracy and a big win for us. Shows how corrupt the Election was.”

Former president Donald Trump and his allies are pushing new efforts to recount last year’s election results after a sham “audit” conducted by a pro-Trump contractor in Arizona reaffirmed his loss.

After five months and at least $5.7 million spent reexamining 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa County, Trump's allies had looked forward to Friday, when Arizona Republicans would release the results and prove that the election was stolen.
Just the latest from the orange retard's 30,000 plus lies.

Trump allies were delighted by the official announcement of the audit results at a Republican Senate hearing on Friday afternoon.
Predictably, Trump and his allies ran with it. The former president, seemingly pleased, released another statement calling the audit “a big win for democracy and a big win for us. Shows how corrupt the Election was.”

Former president Donald Trump and his allies are pushing new efforts to recount last year’s election results after a sham “audit” conducted by a pro-Trump contractor in Arizona reaffirmed his loss.

After five months and at least $5.7 million spent reexamining 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa County, Trump's allies had looked forward to Friday, when Arizona Republicans would release the results and prove that the election was stolen.
Imagine all of the people that would be alive today if Xiden hadn't stolen the election.
I also can imagine all of the people that would be alive today in the ME and Europe if Obama had never been president.


You can thank Obama for ISIS. After all...he armed them. Now Xiden is arming the Taliban and Iran.....and every other terrorist group that ends up with the $85 billion in US weaponry Xiden intentionally left behind.

Don't even attempt to say that Trump killed people....because since Xiden has been president the COVID deathcount has only gotten worse even tho he swore he would end the threat from the virus. Truth is he's only made it worse.
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Imagine all of the people that would be alive today if Xiden hadn't stolen the election.
I also can imagine all of the people that would be alive today in the ME and Europe if Obama had never been president.


You can thank Obama for ISIS. After all...he armed them. Now Xiden is arming the Taliban and Iran.....and every other terrorist group that ends up with the $85 billion in US weaponry Xiden intentionally left behind.

Don't even attempt to say that Trump killed people....because since Xiden has been president the COVID deathcount has only gotten worse even tho he swore he would end the threat from the virus. Truth is he's only made it worse.
'I also can imagine all the people that would be alive today in the ME and Europe if Obama had never been president'.

I can imagine all those people would be alive today, if your party, didn't lie their way into invading Iraq.

'You can thank Obama for ISIS. After all...he armed them. Now Xiden is arming the Taliban and Iran.....and every other terrorist group that ends up with the $85 billion in US weaponry Xiden intentionally left behind'.

You're delusional.
Obama nor Biden armed anyone, Reagan did that.

$85 billion is what the cost of all the weapons the US used in the Middle East in 20 years, you moron.

Biden left that to the Afghan troops to defend themselves, and they caved, like Trump did in his China trade deal.

The orange retard did kill people, almost 500,000 because he ignored it.
Biden is telling people to take precautions, it's his cult killing people now, idiot.
You're blaming Biden for YOUR stupidity?
'I also can imagine all the people that would be alive today in the ME and Europe if Obama had never been president'.

I can imagine all those people would be alive today, if your party, didn't lie their way into invading Iraq.

'You can thank Obama for ISIS. After all...he armed them. Now Xiden is arming the Taliban and Iran.....and every other terrorist group that ends up with the $85 billion in US weaponry Xiden intentionally left behind'.

You're delusional.
Obama nor Biden armed anyone, Reagan did that.

$85 billion is what the cost of all the weapons the US used in the Middle East in 20 years, you moron.

Biden left that to the Afghan troops to defend themselves, and they caved, like Trump did in his China trade deal.

The orange retard did kill people, almost 500,000 because he ignored it.
Biden is telling people to take precautions, it's his cult killing people now, idiot.
You're blaming Biden for YOUR stupidity?
Reagan died in 2004...he had been out of Washington since 1989.
You can blame Bush Senior.....and Bush Junior....and Bill Clinton...and Barack Obama for all of the wars and death.....and apparently they're all really close friends.
$85 billion was the cost of the weapons in Afghanistan that were handed over to the Taliban. When it comes to Iraq and Libya, Benghazi, Somalia, Syria, and the's in the trillions......thanks to these guys.

Reagan died in 2004...he had been out of Washington since 1989.
You can blame Bush Senior.....and Bush Junior....and Bill Clinton...and Barack Obama for all of the wars and death.....and apparently they're all really close friends.
$85 billion was the cost of the weapons in Afghanistan that were handed over to the Taliban. When it comes to Iraq and Libya, Benghazi, Somalia, Syria, and the's in the trillions......thanks to these guys.

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Reagan delivered millions of $$$ in weapons to Iran, you idiot.

Yeah, I remember when Obama invaded Iraq and Afghanistan.

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