Biden: “My job is to protect all Americans”…..LOL…is he protecting Americans from trespassing thirdworlders?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I agree with President Biden that his job is to protect all Americans. Question is, how good a job is he doing? From Obama to Trump, and all points in between, it’s not an easy job. Coming up on 20th Anniversary of 9-11, I am reminded of President Bush saying that a President needs to be 100 percent accurate in protecting Americans where as the Adversary only needs to be correct 1 out of 1000s attempts in order to be successful.
Is this an arbitrary thing for this administration? Is he only compelled to “protect” Americans from Covid and nothing else?

And of course his job is NOT to "protect all Americans". His job is to protect our CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOMS

That's it
I want an end to the pandemic.

The virus is endemic. 60% of DEER in Michigan "test positive" for covid. All of this nonsense--the masks, the tests, the vaccines--all of it, is nonsense, for the most part. If you have risk factors, get vaccinated. If not, move on.

If we all decided THIS IS BULLSH1T and moved on TODAY this would be over. TODAY. If we all decided to be done with masks, testing, and etc today--done.

But you've been had, as have so many others. I'm not saying the virus is not dangerous FOR SOME. But then, so is the flu. Etc. We just need to be done with this and move on, but we can't, because politicians and people like you who feed off it.
The last thing Biden would ever be accused of is protecting Americans. From the free for all he has created on our southern border, to crime, to spreading COVID all around our country via illegal aliens, to accepting unscreened Muslim refugees, to forcing our citizens to get a vaccine that could kill them, to defunding police and allowing crime to run rampant, to abandoning Americans in Afghanistan, to confiscating the constitutional rights of Americans, to debilitating inflation, to country destroying spending, and on and on, Biden is a total failure at protecting Americans
Xiden needs to be impeached or removed by the 25th ASAP.
His open border disaster is still happening.
Xiden refuses to enforce immigration law.
Is this an arbitrary thing for this administration? Is he only compelled to “protect” Americans from Covid and nothing else?

1. His job is to protect US the o es he betrayed and left behind in Afghanistan?!

2. His speech to Anerica was a waste of time, his vacine mandate absurd.

His mandate is PURELY POLITICAL, as proven by his exempting of illegals crossing into the US illegally proves!

In his speech meant to show Biden is SERIOUS about taking on COVID-19, which he declared victory over several months ago, the only thing he did was prove he, his administration, and his mandates are political theater / a joke.

Biden said he is angry and has lost patience with Americans who refuse to get vaccinated (& thus must FORCE people to get the vaccines)....

...but he hasn't lost patience with the thousands of virus-infected illegals he is letting into the US and is trafficking all over the country.

His job is to keep Americans safe? Then w b y b is he flooding US communities with unvscinated, virus-infected illegals.

By declaring illegals are exempt from the vaccine Biden gave every American citizen who has not taken the vaccines more reason/ justification NOT to get them.

If rhe virus is so dangerous & Biden was so intent on protecting Americans from the virus, illegals staying in this country would depend on them getting vaccinated once caught crossing the border. You refuse to get vaccinated? Fine - we'll just dump your criminal ass right back across the border.

Again, Biden's speech just showed the American people he and his mandate are a freaking JOKE, that he isn't serious about defeating the virus he claimed 'victory' over months ago!
There is no god to protect our troops, and JoeXi knew what he was doing when he and Obama funded Duke-NUS Singapore, the same technology that vaccinated the Russian Army.
And of course his job is NOT to "protect all Americans". His job is to protect our CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOMS

That's it
actually that’s not true. He’s the head of the executive branch, which sole job is to enforce the law passed by Congress. It’s not the executive branch job to determine if something is Constitutional or not…and frankly they routinely violate 4th amendment protections when arresting and. prosecuting people.

if you feel your Constitutional freedoms have been violated by the Govt it’s your duty to raise the issue to the Judicial Branch, who determines if it in fact was or is

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