Biden Must Send Troops Back To Afghanistan-Rescue Americans


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
What in the world is Joe Biden doing ? Is this a crazy man ? He claims to have evacuated 124,000 PEOPLE from Afghanistan, BUT ONLY 6000 AMERICANS. I highly doubt that even 1000 or maybe even 100, or maybe even 10 Americans have been evacuated from Afghanistan.

Even if the numbers the Biden administration is announcing were true, one would ask why so many Afghans (almost none of whom have VISAs or any documentation, and whose friendliness to America is a question mark) -and why so relatively few Americans ?

But I haven't seen a shred of evidence that a single American has been rescued and evacuated. Has anyone SEEN a single AMERICAN here in the US, who was allegedly evacuated from Afghanistan ? One would think their pictures would be all over the internet. Videos of them at home in Georgia, Ohio, Nebraska, Montana, etc, being interviewed on their front lawns, or in their living rooms would be all over the news. That's exactly what we saw when the US hostages were released from Iran in 1981. We saw them before they even left the airport on their arrivals.



Even the Biden administration, while minimizing the numbers as much as they can, admits that there are still Americans stuck in Afghanistan, and needing to be rescued. Reports are that the Taliban are going house to house, hunting these Americans down, and killing them when they find them. They are also killing Afghans who were friendly to the US military, and assisted in translating.

One report was about a 10 year old girl whose whole family was murdered before her eyes, and then taken as a child bride for a Taliban army officer. Were is this girl now ? Looks like Joe Biden isn't asking that question, or is the least bit concerned about it. A few weeks ago, Mitch McConnell stated that Biden needed to send US troops back in to Afghanistan, and just do what the French did. Send in dozens of SUVs and buses under military escort, and get the people out.

Biden's incredible actions of removing US troops entirely (against the advice of his military generals), while Americans were still in the country, has astonished the whole world, including our closest allies like the UK and France who, unlike Biden, both got their people out to safety.
As a result of Biden's callous indifference, Americans still in Afghanistan are reported to be in hiding, every minute wondering if they will get caught and be beheaded.

This issue has not changed one iota from what it was 2 months ago. Biden has left this unresolved, and how in the world can anybody extend an ounce of trust, in any way to this man, who does not even act to protect his own countrymen ? (noting that to Biden, they are not "countrymen", because as a pure globalist, Biden has no country, and obviously, owes allegiance to no country in particular)

McConnell demands Biden commit to sending more troops back to Afghanistan

Not Shocking: The Taliban Are Hunting Americans Stranded by Biden in Afghanistan

Are we shocked? The Taliban know as long as Joe Dementia remains president, we’re not going to re-invade. We’re out of Afghanistan. Our longest war is over. It was a

Taliban soldiers are reportedly going door-to-door and executing people – 'They haven't stopped killing'

After the Taliban seized Afghanistan last month, it made a point of issuing conciliatory words. But worrying reports are already emerging about its brutal rule.
What in the world is Joe Biden doing ? Is this a crazy man ? He claims to have evacuated 124,000 PEOPLE from Afghanistan, BUT ONLY 6000 AMERICANS. I highly doubt that even 1000 or maybe even 100, or maybe even 10 Americans have been evacuated from Afghanistan.

Even if the numbers the Biden administration is announcing were true, one would ask why so many Afghans (almost none of whom have VISAs or any documentation, and whose friendliness to America is a question mark) -and why so relatively few Americans ?

But I haven't seen a shred of evidence that a single American has been rescued and evacuated. Has anyone SEEN a single AMERICAN here in the US, who was allegedly evacuated from Afghanistan ? One would think their pictures would be all over the internet. Videos of them at home in Georgia, Ohio, Nebraska, Montana, etc, being interviewed on their front lawns, or in their living rooms would be all over the news. That's exactly what we saw when the US hostages were released from Iran in 1981. We saw them before they even left the airport on their arrivals.

View attachment 549946


Even the Biden administration, while minimizing the numbers as much as they can, admits that there are still Americans stuck in Afghanistan, and needing to be rescued. Reports are that the Taliban are going house to house, hunting these Americans down, and killing them when they find them. They are also killing Afghans who were friendly to the US military, and assisted in translating.

One report was about a 10 year old girl whose whole family was murdered before her eyes, and then taken as a child bride for a Taliban army officer. Were is this girl now ? Looks like Joe Biden isn't asking that question, or is the least bit concerned about it. A few weeks ago, Mitch McConnell stated that Biden needed to send US troops back in to Afghanistan, and just do what the French did. Send in dozens of SUVs and buses under military escort, and get the people out.

Biden's incredible actions of removing US troops entirely (against the advice of his military generals), while Americans were still in the country, has astonished the whole world, including our closest allies like the UK and France who, unlike Biden, both got their people out to safety.
As a result of Biden's callous indifference, Americans still in Afghanistan are reported to be in hiding, every minute wondering if they will get caught and be beheaded.

This issue has not changed one iota from what it was 2 months ago. Biden has left this unresolved, and how in the world can anybody extend an ounce of trust, in any way to this man, who does not even act to protect his own countrymen ? (noting that to Biden, they are not "countrymen", because as a pure globalist, Biden has no country, and obviously, owes allegiance to no country in particular)

McConnell demands Biden commit to sending more troops back to Afghanistan

Not Shocking: The Taliban Are Hunting Americans Stranded by Biden in Afghanistan

Are we shocked? The Taliban know as long as Joe Dementia remains president, we’re not going to re-invade. We’re out of Afghanistan. Our longest war is over. It was a

Taliban soldiers are reportedly going door-to-door and executing people – 'They haven't stopped killing'

After the Taliban seized Afghanistan last month, it made a point of issuing conciliatory words. But worrying reports are already emerging about its brutal rule.
Just how many US citizens are there now, do you know???
What in the world is Joe Biden doing ? Is this a crazy man ? He claims to have evacuated 124,000 PEOPLE from Afghanistan, BUT ONLY 6000 AMERICANS. I highly doubt that even 1000 or maybe even 100, or maybe even 10 Americans have been evacuated from Afghanistan.

Even if the numbers the Biden administration is announcing were true, one would ask why so many Afghans (almost none of whom have VISAs or any documentation, and whose friendliness to America is a question mark) -and why so relatively few Americans ?

But I haven't seen a shred of evidence that a single American has been rescued and evacuated. Has anyone SEEN a single AMERICAN here in the US, who was allegedly evacuated from Afghanistan ? One would think their pictures would be all over the internet. Videos of them at home in Georgia, Ohio, Nebraska, Montana, etc, being interviewed on their front lawns, or in their living rooms would be all over the news. That's exactly what we saw when the US hostages were released from Iran in 1981. We saw them before they even left the airport on their arrivals.

View attachment 549946


Even the Biden administration, while minimizing the numbers as much as they can, admits that there are still Americans stuck in Afghanistan, and needing to be rescued. Reports are that the Taliban are going house to house, hunting these Americans down, and killing them when they find them. They are also killing Afghans who were friendly to the US military, and assisted in translating.

One report was about a 10 year old girl whose whole family was murdered before her eyes, and then taken as a child bride for a Taliban army officer. Were is this girl now ? Looks like Joe Biden isn't asking that question, or is the least bit concerned about it. A few weeks ago, Mitch McConnell stated that Biden needed to send US troops back in to Afghanistan, and just do what the French did. Send in dozens of SUVs and buses under military escort, and get the people out.

Biden's incredible actions of removing US troops entirely (against the advice of his military generals), while Americans were still in the country, has astonished the whole world, including our closest allies like the UK and France who, unlike Biden, both got their people out to safety.
As a result of Biden's callous indifference, Americans still in Afghanistan are reported to be in hiding, every minute wondering if they will get caught and be beheaded.

This issue has not changed one iota from what it was 2 months ago. Biden has left this unresolved, and how in the world can anybody extend an ounce of trust, in any way to this man, who does not even act to protect his own countrymen ? (noting that to Biden, they are not "countrymen", because as a pure globalist, Biden has no country, and obviously, owes allegiance to no country in particular)

McConnell demands Biden commit to sending more troops back to Afghanistan

Not Shocking: The Taliban Are Hunting Americans Stranded by Biden in Afghanistan

Are we shocked? The Taliban know as long as Joe Dementia remains president, we’re not going to re-invade. We’re out of Afghanistan. Our longest war is over. It was a

Taliban soldiers are reportedly going door-to-door and executing people – 'They haven't stopped killing'

After the Taliban seized Afghanistan last month, it made a point of issuing conciliatory words. But worrying reports are already emerging about its brutal rule.

Afghan Americans don't need US visas.. They have US passports.. .. and they cannot be forced to leave Afghanistan..

Further, the US State Dept has had level 4 travel warnings about Afghanistan for years.
What in the world is Joe Biden doing ? Is this a crazy man ? He claims to have evacuated 124,000 PEOPLE from Afghanistan, BUT ONLY 6000 AMERICANS. I highly doubt that even 1000 or maybe even 100, or maybe even 10 Americans have been evacuated from Afghanistan.

Even if the numbers the Biden administration is announcing were true, one would ask why so many Afghans (almost none of whom have VISAs or any documentation, and whose friendliness to America is a question mark) -and why so relatively few Americans ?

But I haven't seen a shred of evidence that a single American has been rescued and evacuated. Has anyone SEEN a single AMERICAN here in the US, who was allegedly evacuated from Afghanistan ? One would think their pictures would be all over the internet. Videos of them at home in Georgia, Ohio, Nebraska, Montana, etc, being interviewed on their front lawns, or in their living rooms would be all over the news. That's exactly what we saw when the US hostages were released from Iran in 1981. We saw them before they even left the airport on their arrivals.

View attachment 549946


Even the Biden administration, while minimizing the numbers as much as they can, admits that there are still Americans stuck in Afghanistan, and needing to be rescued. Reports are that the Taliban are going house to house, hunting these Americans down, and killing them when they find them. They are also killing Afghans who were friendly to the US military, and assisted in translating.

One report was about a 10 year old girl whose whole family was murdered before her eyes, and then taken as a child bride for a Taliban army officer. Were is this girl now ? Looks like Joe Biden isn't asking that question, or is the least bit concerned about it. A few weeks ago, Mitch McConnell stated that Biden needed to send US troops back in to Afghanistan, and just do what the French did. Send in dozens of SUVs and buses under military escort, and get the people out.

Biden's incredible actions of removing US troops entirely (against the advice of his military generals), while Americans were still in the country, has astonished the whole world, including our closest allies like the UK and France who, unlike Biden, both got their people out to safety.
As a result of Biden's callous indifference, Americans still in Afghanistan are reported to be in hiding, every minute wondering if they will get caught and be beheaded.

This issue has not changed one iota from what it was 2 months ago. Biden has left this unresolved, and how in the world can anybody extend an ounce of trust, in any way to this man, who does not even act to protect his own countrymen ? (noting that to Biden, they are not "countrymen", because as a pure globalist, Biden has no country, and obviously, owes allegiance to no country in particular)

McConnell demands Biden commit to sending more troops back to Afghanistan

Not Shocking: The Taliban Are Hunting Americans Stranded by Biden in Afghanistan

Are we shocked? The Taliban know as long as Joe Dementia remains president, we’re not going to re-invade. We’re out of Afghanistan. Our longest war is over. It was a

Taliban soldiers are reportedly going door-to-door and executing people – 'They haven't stopped killing'

After the Taliban seized Afghanistan last month, it made a point of issuing conciliatory words. But worrying reports are already emerging about its brutal rule.
He said they weee going to keep troops nearby, dum dum

maybe Donald shouldn’t have said we were leaving without setting preconditions.
Just how many US citizens are there now, do you know???
Not an exact number, and I doubt if anyone knows that, Also, the number is changing, as some of the ones who were there, have been killed by the Taliban (whom the Biden administration is insanely referring to as "professional")
The dangerous thing about Afghanistan at this time in history, is how political and radical the Biden administration is right now. If it were any other time in history, we'd see those American's being welcomed home from the war zone with fanfare, and huge receptions to be blasted all over our TV's, but nope nothing. It's as if they made these service men and women swear to secrecy not to speak to the media or anything about their experiences there, and what happened on their way out, and who has been left behind. Look at what happened to the one's that did speak out. Something is very rotten in Denmark I tell ya, and a cover up is taking place it seems. No one cares about what Trump's role was in it or any politician's role was in it, but what needs to be known now is the Truth. If we have unfinished business in Afghanistan, then we need to be aware of that, and we need to get to it. No politician should be using politics to cancel out our duties as American's, and especially our duties to stop murderers if we have knowledge of murderers murdering innocent people in the world.

God blessed us with the power and might to effect change, otherwise if change is needed in order to stop the carnage and killings of the innocents in the world, and if we decide to disobey and ignore the blessings that have been granted onto us, then those blessings will be taken away.
The dangerous thing about Afghanistan at this time in history, is how political and radical the Biden administration is right now. If it were any other time in history, we'd see those American's being welcomed home from the war zone with fanfare, and huge receptions to be blasted all over our TV's, but nope nothing. It's as if they made these service men and women swear to secrecy not to speak to the media or anything about their experiences there, and what happened on their way out, and who has been left behind. Look at what happened to the one's that did speak out. Something is very rotten in Denmark I tell ya, and a cover up is taking place it seems. No one cares about what Trump's role was in it or any politician's role was in it, but what needs to be known now is the Truth. If we have unfinished business in Afghanistan, then we need to be aware of that, and we need to get to it. No politician should be using politics to cancel out our duties as American's, and especially our duties to stop murderers if we have knowledge of murderers murdering innocent people in the world.

God blessed us with the power and might to effect change, otherwise if change is needed in order to stop the carnage and killings of the innocents in the world, and if we decide to disobey and ignore the blessings that have been granted onto us, then those blessings will be taken away.

LOLOL.. ENRON still doesn't have a pipeline across Afghanistan.
Afghan Americans don't need US visas.. They have US passports.. .. and they cannot be forced to leave Afghanistan..

Further, the US State Dept has had level 4 travel warnings about Afghanistan for years.
These are the SIVs that friendly Afghans have to come to the US, but that's not who's coming here. Afghans without documentation of any kind are who is coming here unvetted, some of whom could be terrorists

"warnings" ? looks like Biden is not heeding any warnings.
They were warned not to travel to a war zone. They also knew Trump reduced troop size from 13,000 to 2500 and had released 5,000 Taliban from prison in 2020.

Talk about "nanny state".
This thread is about what Biden is not doing, not about what the Americans in Afghanistan ARE doing.
These are the SIVs that friendly Afghans have to come to the US, but that's not who's coming here. Afghans without documentation of any kind are who is coming here unvetted, some of whom could be terrorists

"warnings" ? looks like Biden is not heeding any warnings.

SIV visas have been grossly neglected for 5 years.

The Department of State warns U.S. citizens against travel to Afghanistan. The security threat to all U.S. citizens in Afghanistan remains critical. This Travel Warning supersedes the Travel Warning for Afghanistan issued on June 27, 2012, and reminds U.S. citizens of ongoing security risks, including kidnapping and insurgent attacks.
US State Department Travel Warning For Afghanistan

He said they weee going to keep troops nearby, dum dum

maybe Donald shouldn’t have said we were leaving without setting preconditions.
Do you know the slightest thing of what you're talking about, dingbat ?

Biden hasn't kept troops in Afghanistan or nearby, or anywhere to keep the Taliban from taking over, which they have done, and are killing Americans. Get it ?
LOLOL.. ENRON still doesn't have a pipeline across Afghanistan.
If it is in our national interest to have an oil pipe line anywhere in this world, and this in order to secure our military interest for the safety of our Homeland, then so be it. During world war two, all nation's in play we're strategically looking at ways to secure oil and resources to win the global war for themselves, and to bring security in the world for themselves afterwards. So during the war, the opposing nations in play "fought" to deny them those resources in the heat of war or battle. We have never truly stopped fighting the war's in the world, otherwise in the on going struggles between ideologies, culture's, and religious beliefs, and we have since just went into Lull's within the fight where peace is achieved until someone gets cocky again. Meanwhile strategies and resource minding is crucial even to this day if wanting to keep secure or to keep an edge on your opponents who are also strategically planning every single day in the same ways.

So surada, are you an enemy to America or not ? I've watched and read your post over time, and I would consider you as a person of interest for sure.
The dangerous thing about Afghanistan at this time in history, is how political and radical the Biden administration is right now. If it were any other time in history, we'd see those American's being welcomed home from the war zone with fanfare, and huge receptions to be blasted all over our TV's, but nope nothing. It's as if they made these service men and women swear to secrecy not to speak to the media or anything about their experiences there, and what happened on their way out, and who has been left behind. Look at what happened to the one's that did speak out. Something is very rotten in Denmark I tell ya, and a cover up is taking place it seems. No one cares about what Trump's role was in it or any politician's role was in it, but what needs to be known now is the Truth. If we have unfinished business in Afghanistan, then we need to be aware of that, and we need to get to it. No politician should be using politics to cancel out our duties as American's, and especially our duties to stop murderers if we have knowledge of murderers murdering innocent people in the world.

God blessed us with the power and might to effect change, otherwise if change is needed in order to stop the carnage and killings of the innocents in the world, and if we decide to disobey and ignore the blessings that have been granted onto us, then those blessings will be taken away.
What is rotten is THERE ARE NO AMERICANS BROUGHT HOME, while Biden is hoodwinking America into thinking there are. There is no "swear to secrecy not to speak to the media" There just aren't any Americans who have come back.

And if Biden wants us to believe he has brought home 5,000 Americans, WHO ARE THEY, Joe ? NAMES PLEASE. WHERE ARE THEY, Joe ? SHOW THEM TO US, Joe.
They were warned not to travel to a war zone. They also knew Trump reduced troop size from 13,000 to 2500 and had released 5,000 Taliban from prison in 2020.

Talk about "nanny state".

Slight correction! :)

Released 5000 Taliban AND ISIS K PRISONERS.
What is rotten is THERE ARE NO AMERICANS BROUGHT HOME, while Biden is hoodwinking America into thinking there are. There is no "swear to secrecy not to speak to the media" There just aren't any Americans who have come back.

And if Biden wants us to believe he has brought home 5,000 Americans, WHO ARE THEY, Joe ? NAMES PLEASE. WHERE ARE THEY, Joe ? SHOW THEM TO US, Joe.
Interesting indeed.

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