Biden Is the "Bully", Not Trump

Lately I've been hearing people who say they are voting for Biden, claim that Trump is a "bully". They say this is why they're voting for Biden. These people must be totally programmed by the left-wing media. Just in his 8 years as vice-president, Jabbing Joe built quite a record of bullying small, relatively weak foreign governments into giving him what he wanted.

This was in big buck$ sweetheart deals benefitting him and his family members. Besides the well-known bullying/threatening of the Ukranians, over the firing of prosecutor Victor/Shokin, Biden bullied one country after another, to make him and his relatives rich.

There was Iraq, with Biden's brother James, and his company, Hillstone International. And with James, there was Puerto Rico, Mozambique and elsewhere.

And Ukraine wasn't the only bullying victim, involving Hunter Biden. There was also Kazakhstan, and state-owned businesses in China, and the Oglala Sioux tribe in the United States.

There was the US Department of Health and Human Services, that Biden got to hand over large sums of money to his son-in law Howard Krein, and daughter Ashley, for their business, Startup Health.

Then there was Joe Biden's brother Frank, who got Joe to bully the governments of Costa Rica, and other Caribbean countries including Jamaica.

I'm not quite sure who got bullied in the US taxpayer money to the Joe Slade & Co. deals, but millions of us dollars went to the company, with the only two executives listed at the firm being Joe Slade White and Valerie Biden, joe's sister.

How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections
Political figures have long used their families to route power and benefits for their own self-enrichment. In my new book, “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,” o…
Everybody knows that isn't how Joe works...


.... as opposed to others.

This may be the biggest scandal in the history of the US. Biden trading favors to china for billions, selling out the US. Obama, biden, clinton all complicit. Big tech is running scared now for trying to cover up something of this magnitude.

Tip...of...the iceberg. Politicians are convinced that we don't pay them enough. They feel cheated and ENTITLED to graft, bribes, kick backs, quid pro quo, selling their control of government spending to the highest bidder. THAT'S why Washington is a corrupt mess.
He's the guy you turn to when Alex Jones isn't available.
He's the guy who exposes opportunist politicians, like the Bushes, criminal politicians like the Clintons, nutjob Muslims like Obama, and money-mad, corruption Biden.



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Everybody knows that isn't how Joe works....... as opposed to others.
"Everybody" who CHOOSE to not know how Biden works. Those who choose to know how he works, need only read the OP of this thread, and it's very informative link.

Lately I've been hearing people who say they are voting for Biden, claim that Trump is a "bully". They say this is why they're voting for Biden. These people must be totally programmed by the left-wing media. Just in his 8 years as vice-president, Jabbing Joe built quite a record of bullying small, relatively weak foreign governments into giving him what he wanted.

This was in big buck$ sweetheart deals benefitting him and his family members. Besides the well-known bullying/threatening of the Ukranians, over the firing of prosecutor Victor/Shokin, Biden bullied one country after another, to make him and his relatives rich.

There was Iraq, with Biden's brother James, and his company, Hillstone International. And with James, there was Puerto Rico, Mozambique and elsewhere.

And Ukraine wasn't the only bullying victim, involving Hunter Biden. There was also Kazakhstan, and state-owned businesses in China, and the Oglala Sioux tribe in the United States.

There was the US Department of Health and Human Services, that Biden got to hand over large sums of money to his son-in law Howard Krein, and daughter Ashley, for their business, Startup Health.

Then there was Joe Biden's brother Frank, who got Joe to bully the governments of Costa Rica, and other Caribbean countries including Jamaica.

I'm not quite sure who got bullied in the US taxpayer money to the Joe Slade & Co. deals, but millions of us dollars went to the company, with the only two executives listed at the firm being Joe Slade White and Valerie Biden, joe's sister.

How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections
Political figures have long used their families to route power and benefits for their own self-enrichment. In my new book, “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,” o…
Everybody knows that isn't how Joe works....... as opposed to others.
"Everybody" who CHOOSE to not know how Biden works. Those who choose to know how he works, need only read the OP of this thread, and it's very informative link.

Even if you want to pretend Biden is a bully, it comes across retarded and childish that you would think Trump isn’t one. It’s impossible to take you Trumptards seriously as adults.
Show one example of where Trump bullied foreign nations into shelling out millions of dollars$$$ to his family members. Take all day if you need it, We can wait.
Lol you’re such a pussy. You can’t even defend Trump based on his own actions. All you asshats do is deflect. You’re completely juvenile.
Lately I've been hearing people who say they are voting for Biden, claim that Trump is a "bully". They say this is why they're voting for Biden. These people must be totally programmed by the left-wing media. Just in his 8 years as vice-president, Jabbing Joe built quite a record of bullying small, relatively weak foreign governments into giving him what he wanted.

This was in big buck$ sweetheart deals benefitting him and his family members. Besides the well-known bullying/threatening of the Ukranians, over the firing of prosecutor Victor/Shokin, Biden bullied one country after another, to make him and his relatives rich.

There was Iraq, with Biden's brother James, and his company, Hillstone International. And with James, there was Puerto Rico, Mozambique and elsewhere.

And Ukraine wasn't the only bullying victim, involving Hunter Biden. There was also Kazakhstan, and state-owned businesses in China, and the Oglala Sioux tribe in the United States.

There was the US Department of Health and Human Services, that Biden got to hand over large sums of money to his son-in law Howard Krein, and daughter Ashley, for their business, Startup Health.

Then there was Joe Biden's brother Frank, who got Joe to bully the governments of Costa Rica, and other Caribbean countries including Jamaica.

I'm not quite sure who got bullied in the US taxpayer money to the Joe Slade & Co. deals, but millions of us dollars went to the company, with the only two executives listed at the firm being Joe Slade White and Valerie Biden, joe's sister.

How five members of Joe Biden’s family got rich through his connections
Political figures have long used their families to route power and benefits for their own self-enrichment. In my new book, “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,” o…
Good post

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