Biden Hires LGBTQ Influencer To Shill Vaccines From Inside White House


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
China must be shaking with fear.

The Biden administration has hired 50 online “influencers” to promote COVID-19 vaccines to young Americans. One of them is a homosexual LGBTQ influencer named Cooper, who released a video from the White House showcasing his role, but it has been referred to as “cringe” by critics.​

Is that real? Seems like a fake parody video honestly.

But I'll be honest he seems so fake and forced that if that's his actual personality he doesn't even seem like a real person. Just some super concentrated amplified gay stereotype, and honestly he strikes me as a complete idiot that's not even fit to run a fry machine at McDonald's.

It makes me sad and kind of sick knowing this is what represents our younger generation.
Is that real? Seems like a fake parody video honestly.

But I'll be honest he seems so fake and forced that if that's his actual personality he doesn't even seem like a real person. Just some super concentrated amplified gay stereotype, and honestly he strikes me as a complete idiot that's not even fit to run a fry machine at McDonald's.

It makes me sad and kind of sick knowing this is what represents our younger generation.
That's Tiktok... Kids love it and they are influencers...

Honestly, while we would cringe, it is quite a bright idea to promote vaccines in a generation that has low penetration...

I am sure they cringe at something we like...

Thinking out of the box... Well Done..
You don't want the vaccine and ridiculed people who believe how important it is in the fight of COVID...

You wouldn't get this..
What's the point of the vaccine?
Please remind me.
The CDC says it doesn't keep you from getting COVID....and it doesn't stop you from spreading remind me what good the vaccine does.
What's the point of the vaccine?
Please remind me.
The CDC says it doesn't keep you from getting COVID....and it doesn't stop you from spreading remind me what good the vaccine does.
It helps you not getting it...

It also helps you if you got it...

It is not a silver bullet but an important weapon in the fight ...
It helps you not getting it...

It also helps you if you got it...

It is not a silver bullet but an important weapon in the fight ...
It is out there

So let people who want it, take it and leave the rest alone.

It really is just that simple.
China must be shaking with fear.

The Biden administration has hired 50 online “influencers” to promote COVID-19 vaccines to young Americans. One of them is a homosexual LGBTQ influencer named Cooper, who released a video from the White House showcasing his role, but it has been referred to as “cringe” by critics.​

Nothing spells out the mindset of the Democrat Party better than men wearing dresses.
Nothing spells out the mindset of the Democrat Party better than men wearing dresses.
Democrats seem to be compelled to control people, whether it is forcing you to do what they think is the right thing or forcing you to do what they think is right.

Their self righteous attitude affords them any method available in order to achieve the collective good, or at least, their perception of it. Science is always on their side as is the media in every circumstance, as they circle jerk themselves into orgasmic ecstasy.

As C. S. Lewis once said,

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”​

China must be shaking with fear.

The Biden administration has hired 50 online “influencers” to promote COVID-19 vaccines to young Americans. One of them is a homosexual LGBTQ influencer named Cooper, who released a video from the White House showcasing his role, but it has been referred to as “cringe” by critics.​

You need to explain what being LGBT+ has to do with getting people vaccinated to fight this pandemic. The only connection that I can think of is that this Mr. Cooper might be able to convince members of the LGBT+ community who are hesitant to be vaccinated to join the fight against the pandemic by getting vaccinated. The OP presents Mr. Cooper's hiring as something wrong, but I don't think so. All demographic groups are needed to fight this fight.
You need to explain what being LGBT+ has to do with getting people vaccinated to fight this pandemic. The only connection that I can think of is that this Mr. Cooper might be able to convince members of the LGBT+ community who are hesitant to be vaccinated to join the fight against the pandemic by getting vaccinated. The OP presents Mr. Cooper's hiring as something wrong, but I don't think so. All demographic groups are needed to fight this fight.
They need to explain it, not me.
What's the point of the vaccine?
Please remind me.
The CDC says it doesn't keep you from getting COVID....and it doesn't stop you from spreading remind me what good the vaccine does.

The vax allows leftists to feel good about themselves and shame republicans. Both top 5 things leftists must do to feel important.
China must be shaking with fear.

The Biden administration has hired 50 online “influencers” to promote COVID-19 vaccines to young Americans. One of them is a homosexual LGBTQ influencer named Cooper, who released a video from the White House showcasing his role, but it has been referred to as “cringe” by critics.​

The idea of a President actually shilling for Big Pharm peddling vaccines in the WH is a disgrace.

Libs complained about Good Old Bob Dole preaching about the little blue pill, but Sen. Dole LOST the election before he did that.
Bugs Bunny sold war bonds, Mr. T was used in Reagan's anti-drug campaigns. This is just government using culture to influence society. It's not new, it's not even controversial. But if you're a deep state conspiracy theorist then this probably scares the shit out of you. Along with everything else, snowflakes.

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