Biden: Corzine is Architect of Failed Stimulus


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
[ame=]Joe Biden calls Jon Corzine for Advice Again - YouTube[/ame]

No, this is not a Biden joke.

Biden on video admitting that Jon Corzine, whose firm apparently absconded with $600MM of client funds and fired 1,000 worker with no warning or severance, was the financial architect of the Failed, Not so Shovel ready Stimulus.

Joe Biden calls Jon Corzine for Advice Again - YouTube

No, this is not a Biden joke.

Biden on video admitting that Jon Corzine, whose firm apparently absconded with $600MM of client funds and fired 1,000 worker with no warning or severance, was the financial architect of the Failed, Not so Shovel ready Stimulus.


Corzine midas in reverse

Consider a big mystery solved. One of the puzzlements of the Obama administration is how it managed to concoct an $872 billion stimulus that broke the bank yet failed to stimulate. The White House insisted the package of small tax cuts, bailouts for government unions and money for “shovel ready” projects that didn’t exist would keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent.

We know how it worked out, and now we know how the administration hit on the dopey plan in the first place. An online video has surfaced showing Vice President Joe Biden talking about the early days of the administration — and crediting then-New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine with the stimulus.

“I literally picked up the phone and called Jon Corzine,” Biden told a Jersey crowd as he stumped for Corzine’s re-election in 2009, “and I said ‘Jon, what do you think we should do?’ ”

“We trusted his judgment,” Biden continued. “What we heard from Jon was what we needed to do.”

The revelation proves that Corzine is the Zelig of Disaster, with one difference—he causes them.

Read more: Mayor Bloomberg forgot lessons of New York City’s crime-ridden past in coddling Occupy Wall Street - I correct that Corzine, Biden and Obama are...Democrats?
Joe Biden calls Jon Corzine for Advice Again - YouTube

No, this is not a Biden joke.

Biden on video admitting that Jon Corzine, whose firm apparently absconded with $600MM of client funds and fired 1,000 worker with no warning or severance, was the financial architect of the Failed, Not so Shovel ready Stimulus.


Corzine midas in reverse

Consider a big mystery solved. One of the puzzlements of the Obama administration is how it managed to concoct an $872 billion stimulus that broke the bank yet failed to stimulate. The White House insisted the package of small tax cuts, bailouts for government unions and money for “shovel ready” projects that didn’t exist would keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent.

We know how it worked out, and now we know how the administration hit on the dopey plan in the first place. An online video has surfaced showing Vice President Joe Biden talking about the early days of the administration — and crediting then-New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine with the stimulus.

“I literally picked up the phone and called Jon Corzine,” Biden told a Jersey crowd as he stumped for Corzine’s re-election in 2009, “and I said ‘Jon, what do you think we should do?’ ”

“We trusted his judgment,” Biden continued. “What we heard from Jon was what we needed to do.”

The revelation proves that Corzine is the Zelig of Disaster, with one difference—he causes them.

Read more: Mayor Bloomberg forgot lessons of New York City’s crime-ridden past in coddling Occupy Wall Street - I correct that Corzine, Biden and Obama are...Democrats?

I have peer reviewed this post and find it 100% accurate
Joe Biden calls Jon Corzine for Advice Again - YouTube

No, this is not a Biden joke.

Biden on video admitting that Jon Corzine, whose firm apparently absconded with $600MM of client funds and fired 1,000 worker with no warning or severance, was the financial architect of the Failed, Not so Shovel ready Stimulus.


Corzine midas in reverse

Consider a big mystery solved. One of the puzzlements of the Obama administration is how it managed to concoct an $872 billion stimulus that broke the bank yet failed to stimulate. The White House insisted the package of small tax cuts, bailouts for government unions and money for “shovel ready” projects that didn’t exist would keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent.

We know how it worked out, and now we know how the administration hit on the dopey plan in the first place. An online video has surfaced showing Vice President Joe Biden talking about the early days of the administration — and crediting then-New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine with the stimulus.

“I literally picked up the phone and called Jon Corzine,” Biden told a Jersey crowd as he stumped for Corzine’s re-election in 2009, “and I said ‘Jon, what do you think we should do?’ ”

“We trusted his judgment,” Biden continued. “What we heard from Jon was what we needed to do.”

The revelation proves that Corzine is the Zelig of Disaster, with one difference—he causes them.

Read more: Mayor Bloomberg forgot lessons of New York City’s crime-ridden past in coddling Occupy Wall Street - I correct that Corzine, Biden and Obama are...Democrats?

I have peer reviewed this post and find it 100% accurate

You weren't able to use the "PEER REVIEWED" stamp 'cause Old Rocks used it up on global warming reports?
Corzine midas in reverse

Consider a big mystery solved. One of the puzzlements of the Obama administration is how it managed to concoct an $872 billion stimulus that broke the bank yet failed to stimulate. The White House insisted the package of small tax cuts, bailouts for government unions and money for “shovel ready” projects that didn’t exist would keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent.

We know how it worked out, and now we know how the administration hit on the dopey plan in the first place. An online video has surfaced showing Vice President Joe Biden talking about the early days of the administration — and crediting then-New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine with the stimulus.

“I literally picked up the phone and called Jon Corzine,” Biden told a Jersey crowd as he stumped for Corzine’s re-election in 2009, “and I said ‘Jon, what do you think we should do?’ ”

“We trusted his judgment,” Biden continued. “What we heard from Jon was what we needed to do.”

The revelation proves that Corzine is the Zelig of Disaster, with one difference—he causes them.

Read more: Mayor Bloomberg forgot lessons of New York City’s crime-ridden past in coddling Occupy Wall Street - I correct that Corzine, Biden and Obama are...Democrats?

I have peer reviewed this post and find it 100% accurate

You weren't able to use the "PEER REVIEWED" stamp 'cause Old Rocks used it up on global warming reports?

Well I might have to ask the Koch Brothers art department to make me a new stamp.

Can you see the commercials?

"Downgraded credit...record debts and deficits, sky high unending unemployment...and who did Obama turn to for his economic ideas?

Jon Corzine

The name who devastated New Jersey and ran a trading firm to bankruptcy and stole $600MM from clients in the process.

we can't afford 4 more years of Obama's failed idea from his corrupt friends"


House Republicans needs to start an investigation into the links between Corzine, MF and Obama
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What? The Democrats are admitting that the Stimulus didn't work and wanna' blame "Dead man walking" Jon Corzine for it?

I smell bullshit!
The stimulus failed because spending money nor cutting nor raising taxes will fix our job issues, nor cure or rising health care costs, our debt, etc.
And Jobs are at the basic core of the problem since our economy is 70+% based on consumer spending.
Part of the stimulus was necessary as an pain reliever for extending unemployment benefits and social program funding as the real need for these programs rose.
However bailing out the stupid finiancial institutions was stupid. They should have failed if they could not make it.
MOre sacrifice and pain will be required for the next decade or so, and that is if we actually get our fingers out of our butts and start doing at least something in the correct direction for the long term improvement of the USA..
My God,what were they thinking putting Corzine in charge of anything? The man single-handedly destroyed New Jersey for God's sake. What a blunder.
You have to pardon the brain damaged V.P. but the left has pretty short attention span. I bet they forgot that ENRON flurished under Clinton's crooked administration and when Barry's Attorney General was Clinton's assistant A.G. he arranged for a pardon for the worst corporate criminal in histoy at the time in exchange for a donation to the Clinton library.
My God,what were they thinking putting Corzine in charge of anything? The man single-handedly destroyed New Jersey for God's sake. What a blunder.

It's such a perfect issue for Republicans to run on in 2012:

85%fully employed
credit down graded
record debt and deficits
broke Social Security
nationalized ge, gm and chrysler and lied about success of auto bailout

insisted on not so shovel ready failed stimulus that was engineered by the Jon "I bankrupted NJ, stole $600MM from my brokerage firm and fired 1,000 employees" Corzine
The stimulus failed because spending money nor cutting nor raising taxes will fix our job issues, nor cure or rising health care costs, our debt, etc.
And Jobs are at the basic core of the problem since our economy is 70+% based on consumer spending.
Part of the stimulus was necessary as an pain reliever for extending unemployment benefits and social program funding as the real need for these programs rose.
However bailing out the stupid finiancial institutions was stupid. They should have failed if they could not make it.
MOre sacrifice and pain will be required for the next decade or so, and that is if we actually get our fingers out of our butts and start doing at least something in the correct direction for the long term improvement of the USA..

If spending was the answer we would never have gotten in this mess. Didn't Bush and both parties spend a ton of money?
I am amazed that the left keeps parroting the same tired "we need more spending" when it clearly doesn't work.
Corzine Bankrupted New Jersey and is clearly a corrupt scoundrel. How could they have chosen him to be involved with something so important? It's not a surprise their "Stimulus" was an awful failure. With Corzine being the architect,it couldn't have ended up any other way.
I'm trying to remember if Corzine was among the group with Barry that was laughing about that joke they'd pulled on millions of unemployed Americans. You know, the one about the shovel ready jobs that really weren't there. Man, I'll bet those looking for work are still laughing about it. Barry & company, what knuckleheads!
I'm trying to remember if Corzine was among the group with Barry that was laughing about that joke they'd pulled on millions of unemployed Americans. You know, the one about the shovel ready jobs that really weren't there. Man, I'll bet those looking for work are still laughing about it. Barry & company, what knuckleheads!

Corzine left New Jersey in ruins. So many have suffered there because of him. He also just left his last company in ruins. Those poor employees have gotten laid off and they'll never receive their benefits. He could end up in prison. I know a lot of people would be very happy if that happened.
("It is with regret and unflinching moral certainty" Ann Barnhardt announces the closing of her firm, Barnhardt Capital, directly due to Jon Corzine's financial shenanigans.)

"The reason for my decision to pull the plug was excruciatingly simple: I could no longer tell my clients that their monies and positions were safe in the futures and options markets – because they are not. And this goes not just for my clients, but for every futures and options account in the United States. The entire system has been utterly destroyed by the MF Global collapse. Given this sad reality, I could not in good conscience take one more step as a commodity broker, soliciting trades that I knew were unsafe or holding funds that I knew to be in jeopardy….

Everything changed just a few short weeks ago. A firm, led by a crony of the Obama regime, stole all of the non-margined cash held by customers of his firm. Let’s not sugar-coat this or make this crime seem “complex” and “abstract” by drowning ourselves in six-dollar words and uber-technical jargon. Jon Corzine STOLE the customer cash at MF Global. Knowing Jon Corzine, and knowing the abject lawlessness and contempt for humanity of the Marxist Obama regime and its cronies, this is not really a surprise."

» “It is with regret and unflinching moral certainty …” - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

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