Biden Announces U.S. Surrender To Chinese Balloon


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden Announces U.S. Surrender To Chinese Balloon
3 Feb 2023

WORLD — In a surprise statement to the world from the White House Situation Room, President Biden has announced America's unconditional surrender to the Chinese Spy Balloon.
"Listen, folks, it's over," said Biden as a single tear ran down his face. "We're outgunned here. There's no hope that we can match the awesome power of this giant balloon."
Biden's voice was drowned out by the dozens of weeping journalists gathered outside the room.
"I urge you all to hug your loved ones and embrace your children, for the end is near. God help us all," Biden finally said before signing off for the last time.
At publishing time, Americans had been urged by the administration to start learning Mandarin.

Why is that MAGA Republican AR-15s need to take on the government, but the Chinese only need a balloon?
The Chinese Spy Balloon is currently floating over our county reminding the world how utterly worthless and weak the Biden regime is.
The same exact people who call you a Putin puppet from daring to oppose over $100 billion to the Ukraine in a year - are perfectly fine with a Chinese Spy balloon over American soil.
But Not to worry ... If the China spy balloon flies over Ukraine the Biden regime will shoot it down in 5-seconds-flat.
In a recent TV appearance Baghdad Bob Mayorkas announced that U.S. Skies are secure.
I wonder where The Chinese got the idea of using a balloon as a weapon?

He's a compromised president, and the FBI, CIA, HLS, Pentagon etc knows it. They are so in the tank though, that they've ignored his bull shite to the point of our national Security being at risk.

Not sure where it all goes from here.

Corporate Elite Cartel Rule.
Continuous removal of "Constitutional Rights"
Digital Currency (for MUCH better tracking and control)
Surveillance State
Police State
The end of the right to bear Arms
Controls on food and food distribution. You behave, you get to eat.
Widespread "Treason Trials" (for those who dare think they still have rights)
Foreign troops joining Oath breakers for domestic military games and exercises (like confiscation)

My best guesses ?
Corporate Elite Cartel Rule.
Continuous removal of "Constitutional Rights"
Digital Currency (for MUCH better tracking and control)
Surveillance State
Police State
The end of the right to bear Arms
Controls on food and food distribution. You behave, you get to eat.
Widespread "Treason Trials" (for those who dare think they still have rights)
Foreign troops joining Oath breakers for domestic military games and exercises (like confiscation)

My best guesses ?
Signs of the time's my friend.

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