Biden and Kamala will devastate the economies of towns and regions dependent on petroleum production


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
World Oil editorial: Biden is a menace to sound energy policy and industry’s future

For several months now, we have told you our concerns about a potential Joe Biden presidency, as relates to the oil and gas industry’s future. And in those statements, we have pointed out that it is not just Biden that one has to be concerned about, but also the radical leftists behind him, who make up a growing share of “his” Democrat Party.

The key excerpt. But now, after his presidential debate performance last night (Thursday night) against incumbent U.S. President Donald Trump, it is crystal clear—Joe Biden wants to get rid of the U.S. oil and gas (O&G) industry—totally. If you don’t believe it, consider this exchange between Trump and Biden, transcribed by The Tennessean newspaper (Nashville) and other sources:

Trump: Would you close down the oil industry?

Biden: I would transition from the oil industry. Yes.

Trump: Oh, transition. That’s a big statement.

(Moderator): Why would you do that?

Biden: Because the oil industry pollutes, significantly.

Biden did not support that last comment with any additional facts or statistics, and continued with a meandering statement as to why renewable energy has to replace oil and gas, and that the federal government needs to stop giving subsidies to the industry, while it supposedly fails to give to solar and wind. “We actually do give it to solar and wind,” countered Trump. Furthermore, Biden failed to mention that the U.S. O&G industry has made great strides toward “clean energy,” which refers to the clean production of these fossil fuels with little or no emissions.
World Oil editorial: Biden is a menace to sound energy policy and industry’s future

For several months now, we have told you our concerns about a potential Joe Biden presidency, as relates to the oil and gas industry’s future. And in those statements, we have pointed out that it is not just Biden that one has to be concerned about, but also the radical leftists behind him, who make up a growing share of “his” Democrat Party.

The key excerpt. But now, after his presidential debate performance last night (Thursday night) against incumbent U.S. President Donald Trump, it is crystal clear—Joe Biden wants to get rid of the U.S. oil and gas (O&G) industry—totally. If you don’t believe it, consider this exchange between Trump and Biden, transcribed by The Tennessean newspaper (Nashville) and other sources:

Trump: Would you close down the oil industry?

Biden: I would transition from the oil industry. Yes.

Trump: Oh, transition. That’s a big statement.

(Moderator): Why would you do that?

Biden: Because the oil industry pollutes, significantly.

Biden did not support that last comment with any additional facts or statistics, and continued with a meandering statement as to why renewable energy has to replace oil and gas, and that the federal government needs to stop giving subsidies to the industry, while it supposedly fails to give to solar and wind. “We actually do give it to solar and wind,” countered Trump. Furthermore, Biden failed to mention that the U.S. O&G industry has made great strides toward “clean energy,” which refers to the clean production of these fossil fuels with little or no emissions.
Those two are economy-destroying communism super-spreaders.
Texas Oil Firms See Biden Presidency As The Biggest Threat To Growth

exas oil and gas executives have a lot on their minds right now, but their worst fear for the next twelve months is neither the recession nor the pandemic—it’s the possibility that President Biden will win the White House.

According to a recent survey of the University of Houston’s Hobby School of Public Affairs among members of the Texas Oil and Gas Association (TXOGA), 76 percent of oil and gas executives in Texas say that the election of Joe Biden is the top threat to the economic well-being of their companies.

Carney: Joe Biden’s Green Energy Plan Would Effectively Wipe Out Pennsylvania Fracking

The day after they take office, Biden and Harris are going to shut down all the oil companies.

It won't take years and planning and testing and research and construction. It won't be a process over time over which we transition.

No, they'll just shut the fuckin' oil companies down on Day One. By 5pm or so, I figure.

Paranoia can be funny.
The markets are diggin' his proposed policies. I think you need a tissue Box and a bag of Diapers.
The day after they take office, Biden and Harris are going to shut down all the oil companies.

It won't take years and planning and testing and research and construction. It won't be a process over time over which we transition.

No, they'll just shut the fuckin' oil companies down on Day One. By 5pm or so.

Paranoia can be funny.
LMFAO! You beat me to it, Macy. Oil subsidies.
Permian Crown Jewel Preps for Biden Ban

Bloomberg) -- With the U.S. oil industry reeling from the collapse in demand this year, the New Mexico shale patch has emerged as the go-to spot for drillers desperate to squeeze as much crude from the ground without bleeding cash. There’s just one problem: Joe Biden wants to ban new fracking there.

Just over the border with Texas, in a two-county stretch that forms the far western edge of the Permian shale basin, there are more rigs boring oil wells today than anywhere else in the nation. The rock here, once overlooked by wildcatters obsessed with the much-bigger Texas side, has quietly become the most profitable place to produce oil in America. That’s attracting cash-strapped fracking outfits after the pandemic pushed crude prices down to just $40 a barrel.

But there’s a different threat emerging for these drillers, one that won’t affect their counterparts across the state line. The Permian in New Mexico, unlike in Texas, lies largely on federal land. And Biden, the Democratic candidate for president, has promised to ban new fracking on federal land on “day one” if elected. That prospect has so unsettled oil executives that they’re rushing to build a war chest of federal permits to drill in the state. In the first nine months of the year, permit applications for the region — from companies like Devon Energy Corp. and Concho Resources Inc. — surged 25%.

The day after they take office, Biden and Harris are going to shut down all the oil companies.

It won't take years and planning and testing and research and construction. It won't be a process over time over which we transition.

No, they'll just shut the fuckin' oil companies down on Day One. By 5pm or so, I figure.

Paranoia can be funny.

Look Mac, it will take time, but a Biden/Kamala presidency along with a Dimocrat controlled Senate, and you're going to see a highly accelerated end of the petroleum industry.
The day after they take office, Biden and Harris are going to shut down all the oil companies.

It won't take years and planning and testing and research and construction. It won't be a process over time over which we transition.

No, they'll just shut the fuckin' oil companies down on Day One. By 5pm or so, I figure.

Paranoia can be funny.

Look Mac, it will take time, but a Biden/Kamala presidency along with a Dimocrat controlled Senate, and you're going to see a highly accelerated end of the petroleum industry.
Yes, good. As long as we're smart about it. So, we'll see.
World Oil editorial: Biden is a menace to sound energy policy and industry’s future

Yep, all the Left's rubbish about Trump being the laughing stock of the world and hated will all be forgotten after the voters elect Harris/Biden to close down the multi-trillion dollar oil industry upon which 80-90% of our energy needs come from, the raw materials for cheap fuel and energy, and for making most everything plastic plus much more, not to mention devastating the world economy costing untold hundreds of thousands of jobs and support businesses and industries.
World Oil editorial: Biden is a menace to sound energy policy and industry’s future

For several months now, we have told you our concerns about a potential Joe Biden presidency, as relates to the oil and gas industry’s future. And in those statements, we have pointed out that it is not just Biden that one has to be concerned about, but also the radical leftists behind him, who make up a growing share of “his” Democrat Party.

The key excerpt. But now, after his presidential debate performance last night (Thursday night) against incumbent U.S. President Donald Trump, it is crystal clear—Joe Biden wants to get rid of the U.S. oil and gas (O&G) industry—totally. If you don’t believe it, consider this exchange between Trump and Biden, transcribed by The Tennessean newspaper (Nashville) and other sources:

Trump: Would you close down the oil industry?

Biden: I would transition from the oil industry. Yes.

Trump: Oh, transition. That’s a big statement.

(Moderator): Why would you do that?

Biden: Because the oil industry pollutes, significantly.

Biden did not support that last comment with any additional facts or statistics, and continued with a meandering statement as to why renewable energy has to replace oil and gas, and that the federal government needs to stop giving subsidies to the industry, while it supposedly fails to give to solar and wind. “We actually do give it to solar and wind,” countered Trump. Furthermore, Biden failed to mention that the U.S. O&G industry has made great strides toward “clean energy,” which refers to the clean production of these fossil fuels with little or no emissions.
World oil news is opposed to a green energy initiative.

Whoda thunk it!
Why is this thread specific only to economies and petroleum ?...I mean Bidon and Kemela would destroy most ALL American loving freedoms.
They are not hiding their agenda.

It's all talk. Those 2 lowlife mother fuckers couldn't shut down a lemonade stand. 70 years of politics between them and the only thing they've accomplished in 70 years is to lock up black men. That's it.

I've been in the oilfield for 35 years. We shit in the face of yapping nobodies like that.
Why is this thread specific only to economies and petroleum ?...I mean Bidon and Kemela would destroy most ALL American loving freedoms.
They are not hiding their agenda.
"Biden and Kamala will devastate the economies of towns and regions dependent on petroleum production"

It's DDs OP. Why not give him a shout out in the IM instead of whining like a little Beotch on USMB?

It's all talk. Those 2 lowlife mother fuckers couldn't shut down a lemonade stand. 70 years of politics between them and the only thing they've accomplished in 70 years is to lock up black men. That's it.

I've been in the oilfield for 35 years. We shit in the face of yapping nobodies like that.
35 years? You retired?

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