Biden administration plans to end Covid public health emergency on May 11


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2021
Finally. From CNBC:

The Biden administration plans to end the Covid public health emergency this spring, as the U.S. shifts away from responding to the pandemic as a national crisis and instead manages the virus more like a seasonal respiratory disease.

The White House, in a statement on Monday, said it would terminate on May 11 the public health and national emergencies that the Trump administration first declared in 2020.

No more free vaccines, so a lot of the idiots who otherwise would get them, won't. Get ready to be bombarded by Pfizer treatment commercials.

The White House is also planning to transition the Covid vaccines to the private market in the near future, though the exact timing is unclear. This means the cost of the vaccines would be covered by patients’ insurance policies rather than the federal government.

Moderna and Pfizer have both said they may charge as much as $130 per dose of vaccine, quadruple what the federal government pays.

I wonder if we will still require proof of vaccination to enter this country legally. Will Novak Djokovic be able to play in the US Open? All this and more in the next episode of As the Goofy World of Biden Turns.
Finally. From CNBC:

The Biden administration plans to end the Covid public health emergency this spring, as the U.S. shifts away from responding to the pandemic as a national crisis and instead manages the virus more like a seasonal respiratory disease.

The White House, in a statement on Monday, said it would terminate on May 11 the public health and national emergencies that the Trump administration first declared in 2020.

No more free vaccines, so a lot of the idiots who otherwise would get them, won't. Get ready to be bombarded by Pfizer treatment commercials.

The White House is also planning to transition the Covid vaccines to the private market in the near future, though the exact timing is unclear. This means the cost of the vaccines would be covered by patients’ insurance policies rather than the federal government.

Moderna and Pfizer have both said they may charge as much as $130 per dose of vaccine, quadruple what the federal government pays.

I wonder if we will still require proof of vaccination to enter this country legally. Will Novak Djokovic be able to play in the US Open? All this and more in the next episode of As the Goofy World of Biden Turns.

Think of all the poor sods who are going to run out and get all their boosters before May 11th. You would think they would know better, but here we are.
Here is what I will never understand. Why was certain businesses permitted to make record profits off a public health emergency?
Here is what I will never understand. Why was certain businesses permitted to make record profits off a public health emergency?
Not new with covid. Lily has always sold insulin for far more than they could make it and a reasonable profit. For example.
Not new with covid. Lily has always sold insulin for far more than they could make it and a reasonable profit. For example.

Insane profits aren't new but my question is why they were allowed to make record profits off a public health emergency?
Insane profits aren't new but my question is why they were allowed to make record profits off a public health emergency?
Diabetes is a public health concern, perhaps it would qualify as an emergency. Anyway, our health care system is profit based, so profits are what you would expect.
Diabetes is a public health concern, perhaps it would qualify as an emergency. Anyway, our health care system is profit based, so profits are what you would expect.
I didn't say public health concern.
Oh, so you are going to make a differentation between concern emergency and concern. Diabetes is a public health emergency in the US. I think 35 million Americans have it. that is an emergency.

Yes, I am going to differentiate between the two.
we were co-conspirators in 'gain of function' , outed by Rep Paul w/Fauci in Congress.

further, and even more distressing is , big pharma is still dabbling in it


I've noted many times how we funded it but that is a seperate issue that has been discussed many times.
Since people now know it's the "vaccine" thats killing people and the virus is just another form of the flu.....................
they can't keep the charade up any longer.

Which is strange, considering how many other charades they've been keeping going for decades.
Oh, so you are going to make a differentation between emergency and concern. Diabetes is a public health emergency in the US. I think 35 million Americans have it. that is an emergency.

When ears created Commie Care, he didn't seem to think it was much of an emergency. He mandated that all women be covered for birth control instead.
Biden is big on prechosen dates. I can still remember how great the predetermined withdrawal from Afghanistan went.
So now you upset he ending the Covid emergency too?

Or is this just a way to complain about him ending the war in Afghanistan when your cult leader was too bitch to do it...

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