Biden Administration Is Unraveling


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
If ever there was a US presidential administration that was in free fall, 6 months from its inauguration, this is it. Let Sean Hannity tell it straight & to the point, with a few additions of my own.

1. Inflation is at record levels.
2. Businesses can't find employees (while Biden pays them to stay home).
3. More lockdowns wrecking the economy are now imminent, even supported by the administration.
4. Mexican border is in total chaos & dissaray, while Biden/Harris can't face it by going there.
5. Violent crime is rising in almost every major city in this country.
6. Russia (or Russians) attacking critical supplylines every month.
7. China is openly threatening the US, the US military, & US allies.
8. Iran is again enriching uranium at an alarming rate. Likely to have a nuclear bomb within weeks.
9. Withdrawl from Afghanistan is a poorly planned debacle, leaving behind tons of military equipment, all being confiscated by the Taliban.
10. Biden Covid relief plan being decimated by the courts, for racial discrimination against whites.
11. Polls indicate majority of Americans don't believe Biden is in charge. Don't know who is.
12. Biden cognitive struggle is in bad shape.
13. Police departments all over America are having a hard time hiring police. Thousands of cops have quit, after Democrats have vilified them, cut their budgets, and failed to support them.
14. Transexual men ruining women's sports/Olympics. Biden in support.
If ever there was a US presidential administration that was in free fall, 6 months from its inauguration, this is it. Let Sean Hannity tell it straight & to the point, with a few additions of my own.

1. Inflation is at record levels.
2. Businesses can't find employees (while Biden pays them to stay home).
3. More lockdowns wrecking the economy are now imminent, even supported by the administration.
4. Mexican border is in total chaos & dissaray, while Biden/Harris can't face it by going there.
5. Violent crime is rising in almost every major city in this country.
6. Russia (or Russians) attacking critical supplylines every month.
7. China is openly threatening the US, the US military, & US allies.
8. Iran is again enriching uranium at an alarming rate. Likely to have a nuclear bomb within weeks.
9. Withdrawl from Afghanistan is a poorly planned debacle, leaving behind tons of military equipment, all being confiscated by the Taliban.
10. Biden Covid relief plan being decimated by the courts, for racial discrimination against whites.
11. Polls indicate majority of Americans don't believe Biden is in charge. Don't know who is.
12. Biden cognitive struggle is in bad shape.
13. Police departments all over America are having a hard time hiring police. Thousands of cops have quit, after Democrats have vilified them, cut their budgets, and failed to support them.
14. Transexual men ruining women's sports/Olympics. Biden in support.
It’s only unraveling in the delusional minds of treasonous trumpscum
Just because you aren't smart enough to see the truth, doesn't mean that everyone else is.
protectionist said:

It’s only unraveling in the delusional minds of treasonous trumpscum
Wow, what an informative, enlightening, substantive post. :laugh: :slap:
Bless her heart! She can't help it! She's a brainwashed liberal!

The failure of the Biden Crime Family Administration should be obvious to anyone who has advanced beyond puberty, including those within it.
It’s only unraveling in the delusional minds of treasonous trumpscum
I have recently noticed Trump supporters have been called ”treasonous“ lately. Is that because the terms “fascist” and ”racist” have be so overused they no longer have much effect?
I think it's because Nancy Pelosi and her liberal parrots have labeled conservatives as domestic terrorists. She'll push this narrative at least through 2022 with her "select committee" inquisition and possibly extend it through 2024. It is a useful tool of the useful idiots.
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And the Cretin in Thief has done all this damage, only in a few months......imagine how things are going to look in 3 and a half more years.

Braise yourselves, the worst is yet to come.:mad-61:
Even Dems know Biden is an incompetent moron. Yeah lets put him in charge, brilliant idea. He's trying to appease all his fringe groups while wrecking things in the process.
Gee whiz!I was under the impression rumputin did that stuff. Maybe I need to look at life more carelessly.
So much hate for a man who will save America from phony protectionist kind.
Under the "impression", created by being under the spell of CNN/MSNBC/PBS.

Only ones being saved by Biden are Europeans and Chinese enemies, criminals, Mexican cartels, transsex cheaters, and illegal aliens.
If ever there was a US presidential administration that was in free fall, 6 months from its inauguration, this is it. Let Sean Hannity tell it straight & to the point, with a few additions of my own.

1. Inflation is at record levels.
2. Businesses can't find employees (while Biden pays them to stay home).
3. More lockdowns wrecking the economy are now imminent, even supported by the administration.
4. Mexican border is in total chaos & dissaray, while Biden/Harris can't face it by going there.
5. Violent crime is rising in almost every major city in this country.
6. Russia (or Russians) attacking critical supplylines every month.
7. China is openly threatening the US, the US military, & US allies.
8. Iran is again enriching uranium at an alarming rate. Likely to have a nuclear bomb within weeks.
9. Withdrawl from Afghanistan is a poorly planned debacle, leaving behind tons of military equipment, all being confiscated by the Taliban.
10. Biden Covid relief plan being decimated by the courts, for racial discrimination against whites.
11. Polls indicate majority of Americans don't believe Biden is in charge. Don't know who is.
12. Biden cognitive struggle is in bad shape.
13. Police departments all over America are having a hard time hiring police. Thousands of cops have quit, after Democrats have vilified them, cut their budgets, and failed to support them.
14. Transexual men ruining women's sports/Olympics. Biden in support.
It’s only unraveling in the delusional minds of treasonous trumpscum
What.... you don't think Transexual men being in the Olympics is Biden's fault? LOL

If ever there was a US presidential administration that was in free fall, 6 months from its inauguration, this is it. Let Sean Hannity tell it straight & to the point, with a few additions of my own.

1. Inflation is at record levels.
2. Businesses can't find employees (while Biden pays them to stay home).
3. More lockdowns wrecking the economy are now imminent, even supported by the administration.
4. Mexican border is in total chaos & dissaray, while Biden/Harris can't face it by going there.
5. Violent crime is rising in almost every major city in this country.
6. Russia (or Russians) attacking critical supplylines every month.
7. China is openly threatening the US, the US military, & US allies.
8. Iran is again enriching uranium at an alarming rate. Likely to have a nuclear bomb within weeks.
9. Withdrawl from Afghanistan is a poorly planned debacle, leaving behind tons of military equipment, all being confiscated by the Taliban.
10. Biden Covid relief plan being decimated by the courts, for racial discrimination against whites.
11. Polls indicate majority of Americans don't believe Biden is in charge. Don't know who is.
12. Biden cognitive struggle is in bad shape.
13. Police departments all over America are having a hard time hiring police. Thousands of cops have quit, after Democrats have vilified them, cut their budgets, and failed to support them.
14. Transexual men ruining women's sports/Olympics. Biden in support.
It’s only unraveling in the delusional minds of treasonous trumpscum
No liberalism is starting to unwind, finally!
What.... you don't think Transexual men being in the Olympics is Biden's fault? LOL

LOL. You don't think Transexual men being in the Olympic s was helped by Biden's signing an executive order mandating it, on his first day in office ? What...? what...? LOL. What...? :laugh:

Yeah, it's partially Biden's fault. You think executive orders are meaningless ? Carry no weight ? :laugh:

If ever there was a US presidential administration that was in free fall, 6 months from its inauguration, this is it. Let Sean Hannity tell it straight & to the point, with a few additions of my own.

1. Inflation is at record levels.
2. Businesses can't find employees (while Biden pays them to stay home).
3. More lockdowns wrecking the economy are now imminent, even supported by the administration.
4. Mexican border is in total chaos & dissaray, while Biden/Harris can't face it by going there.
5. Violent crime is rising in almost every major city in this country.
6. Russia (or Russians) attacking critical supplylines every month.
7. China is openly threatening the US, the US military, & US allies.
8. Iran is again enriching uranium at an alarming rate. Likely to have a nuclear bomb within weeks.
9. Withdrawl from Afghanistan is a poorly planned debacle, leaving behind tons of military equipment, all being confiscated by the Taliban.
10. Biden Covid relief plan being decimated by the courts, for racial discrimination against whites.
11. Polls indicate majority of Americans don't believe Biden is in charge. Don't know who is.
12. Biden cognitive struggle is in bad shape.
13. Police departments all over America are having a hard time hiring police. Thousands of cops have quit, after Democrats have vilified them, cut their budgets, and failed to support them.
14. Transexual men ruining women's sports/Olympics. Biden in support.

Was it ever "raveled" ?
If ever there was a US presidential administration that was in free fall, 6 months from its inauguration, this is it. Let Sean Hannity tell it straight & to the point, with a few additions of my own.

1. Inflation is at record levels.
2. Businesses can't find employees (while Biden pays them to stay home).
3. More lockdowns wrecking the economy are now imminent, even supported by the administration.
4. Mexican border is in total chaos & dissaray, while Biden/Harris can't face it by going there.
5. Violent crime is rising in almost every major city in this country.
6. Russia (or Russians) attacking critical supplylines every month.
7. China is openly threatening the US, the US military, & US allies.
8. Iran is again enriching uranium at an alarming rate. Likely to have a nuclear bomb within weeks.
9. Withdrawl from Afghanistan is a poorly planned debacle, leaving behind tons of military equipment, all being confiscated by the Taliban.
10. Biden Covid relief plan being decimated by the courts, for racial discrimination against whites.
11. Polls indicate majority of Americans don't believe Biden is in charge. Don't know who is.
12. Biden cognitive struggle is in bad shape.
13. Police departments all over America are having a hard time hiring police. Thousands of cops have quit, after Democrats have vilified them, cut their budgets, and failed to support them.
14. Transexual men ruining women's sports/Olympics. Biden in support.

Let me know when the election is over turned. Keep lying.
If ever there was a US presidential administration that was in free fall, 6 months from its inauguration, this is it. Let Sean Hannity tell it straight & to the point, with a few additions of my own.

1. Inflation is at record levels.
2. Businesses can't find employees (while Biden pays them to stay home).
3. More lockdowns wrecking the economy are now imminent, even supported by the administration.
4. Mexican border is in total chaos & dissaray, while Biden/Harris can't face it by going there.
5. Violent crime is rising in almost every major city in this country.
6. Russia (or Russians) attacking critical supplylines every month.
7. China is openly threatening the US, the US military, & US allies.
8. Iran is again enriching uranium at an alarming rate. Likely to have a nuclear bomb within weeks.
9. Withdrawl from Afghanistan is a poorly planned debacle, leaving behind tons of military equipment, all being confiscated by the Taliban.
10. Biden Covid relief plan being decimated by the courts, for racial discrimination against whites.
11. Polls indicate majority of Americans don't believe Biden is in charge. Don't know who is.
12. Biden cognitive struggle is in bad shape.
13. Police departments all over America are having a hard time hiring police. Thousands of cops have quit, after Democrats have vilified them, cut their budgets, and failed to support them.
14. Transexual men ruining women's sports/Olympics. Biden in support.

Let me know when the election is over turned. Keep lying.

Uh.....don't think this about the election.

This is about Biden's pathetic leadership.

And Harris' not being able to blow her way out of this jam.
If ever there was a US presidential administration that was in free fall, 6 months from its inauguration, this is it. Let Sean Hannity tell it straight & to the point, with a few additions of my own.

1. Inflation is at record levels.
2. Businesses can't find employees (while Biden pays them to stay home).
3. More lockdowns wrecking the economy are now imminent, even supported by the administration.
4. Mexican border is in total chaos & dissaray, while Biden/Harris can't face it by going there.
5. Violent crime is rising in almost every major city in this country.
6. Russia (or Russians) attacking critical supplylines every month.
7. China is openly threatening the US, the US military, & US allies.
8. Iran is again enriching uranium at an alarming rate. Likely to have a nuclear bomb within weeks.
9. Withdrawl from Afghanistan is a poorly planned debacle, leaving behind tons of military equipment, all being confiscated by the Taliban.
10. Biden Covid relief plan being decimated by the courts, for racial discrimination against whites.
11. Polls indicate majority of Americans don't believe Biden is in charge. Don't know who is.
12. Biden cognitive struggle is in bad shape.
13. Police departments all over America are having a hard time hiring police. Thousands of cops have quit, after Democrats have vilified them, cut their budgets, and failed to support them.
14. Transexual men ruining women's sports/Olympics. Biden in support.
It’s only unraveling in the delusional minds of treasonous trumpscum

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