Biden Administration Begging, Trying to Bribe Taliban Not to Attack Our Billion-Dollar Afghan Embassy


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Just more of the shit-show from the dipshit Biden. What a total trainwreck Biden is.

The Biden administration is putting out feelers to the Taliban begging them not to attack our embassy in Kabul and are dangling foreign aid as a bribe. It’s a fitting end to our involvement in a “Forever War” that ended up with the United States bartering with the enemy for a safe exit.

The Biden administration is already urging Americans there who are not working for the government to get out while the going is good.

There are 1,400 Americans working at our billion-dollar embassy in Kabul and the Biden administration would rather not have a repeat of the Saigon experience where pictures and films showing our evacuation from the U.S. embassy depicted people hanging out of helicopters trying desperately to leave. The images made an indelible mark on many Americans of that generation.

New York Times:

American diplomats now are trying to determine how soon they may need to evacuate the U.S. Embassy should the Taliban prove to be more bent on destruction than a détente. On Thursday, the embassy urged Americans who were not working for the U.S. government to leave Afghanistan immediately on commercial flights.
Biden administration officials insist that there are no immediate plans to significantly draw down the embassy’s staff of 4,000 employees, including about 1,400 Americans, as U.S. troops formally complete their withdrawal from the country.


Washington Post:

The Biden administration has mounted a last-ditch effort this week to convince the Taliban, as it continues its relentless march across Afghanistan, that the world will reject it if it takes over the entire country by force.
In the largest such gathering since U.S.-Taliban talks began nearly two years ago, representatives from Russia, China, Afghanistan’s regional neighbors, European powers, the European Union, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the United Nations have converged on Doha, Qatar, for U.S.-led meetings with the militants.
The hope is that sheer numbers and a unified stance — both during the Taliban meetings and in a tough joint statement to be issued after their last session Thursday — will disabuse the militants of any notion that there are cracks in international resolve to cut any Taliban government off from all diplomatic contact and assistance.

This wouldn't have happened with previous generation of Americans.
I said it several times, this generation is not as competent as the previous ones.
Just more of the shit-show from the dipshit Biden. What a total trainwreck Biden is.

The Biden administration is putting out feelers to the Taliban begging them not to attack our embassy in Kabul and are dangling foreign aid as a bribe. It’s a fitting end to our involvement in a “Forever War” that ended up with the United States bartering with the enemy for a safe exit.
The Biden administration is already urging Americans there who are not working for the government to get out while the going is good.
There are 1,400 Americans working at our billion-dollar embassy in Kabul and the Biden administration would rather not have a repeat of the Saigon experience where pictures and films showing our evacuation from the U.S. embassy depicted people hanging out of helicopters trying desperately to leave. The images made an indelible mark on many Americans of that generation.


After the Taliban evict the people from the American Embassy in Kabul Vietnam style, they will turn the building into a pissoir, or blow it up.
Just more of the shit-show from the dipshit Biden. What a total trainwreck Biden is.

The Biden administration is putting out feelers to the Taliban begging them not to attack our embassy in Kabul and are dangling foreign aid as a bribe. It’s a fitting end to our involvement in a “Forever War” that ended up with the United States bartering with the enemy for a safe exit.
The Biden administration is already urging Americans there who are not working for the government to get out while the going is good.
There are 1,400 Americans working at our billion-dollar embassy in Kabul and the Biden administration would rather not have a repeat of the Saigon experience where pictures and films showing our evacuation from the U.S. embassy depicted people hanging out of helicopters trying desperately to leave. The images made an indelible mark on many Americans of that generation.


LOL. Yeah, when Obama found out that Russia was trying to influence our election in 2016 he asked them to please stop. How naive are these people?
Anyone else think a billion dollars was a bit much for an "embassy" in poppy field afghan....

Our "diplomats" should've been the highest ranking officer at the base. Afghan is not a country to put the wife and kids....

A billion dollars for what....

The disaster that was W is still not done inflicting harm on US
This wouldn't have happened with previous generation of Americans.
I said it several times, this generation is not as competent as the previous ones.

Yeah Vietnam went really well. Iraq also went well
The Biden administration is putting out feelers to the Taliban begging them not to attack our embassy in Kabul and are dangling foreign aid as a bribe. It’s a fitting end to our involvement in a “Forever War” that ended up with the United States bartering with the enemy for a safe exit.
Sounds just like how Biden/Obama/Kerry bargained with Iran.

There are 1,400 Americans working at our billion-dollar embassy in Kabul
I never knew it was even possible to blow a billion dollars just on one building!

and the Biden administration would rather not have a repeat of the Saigon experience where pictures and films showing our evacuation from the U.S. embassy depicted people hanging out of helicopters trying desperately to leave.
You mean like this?


Just more of the shit-show from the dipshit Biden. What a total trainwreck Biden is.

The Biden administration is putting out feelers to the Taliban begging them not to attack our embassy in Kabul and are dangling foreign aid as a bribe. It’s a fitting end to our involvement in a “Forever War” that ended up with the United States bartering with the enemy for a safe exit.
The Biden administration is already urging Americans there who are not working for the government to get out while the going is good.
There are 1,400 Americans working at our billion-dollar embassy in Kabul and the Biden administration would rather not have a repeat of the Saigon experience where pictures and films showing our evacuation from the U.S. embassy depicted people hanging out of helicopters trying desperately to leave. The images made an indelible mark on many Americans of that generation.


We should nuke it, and take out all the scum within a couple of miles radius.

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