Biden admin taking credit for Trump admin work


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
An Associated Press reported took State Department spokesman Ned Price to task Monday for suggesting that President Joe Biden was responsible for a policy that had started under the Trump administration.

At Monday’s press conference, Price seemed to suggest that the Biden administration’s efforts. That the aforementioned entities have wound down their activities in the pipeline project, Price said, demonstrated that Biden and Congress’s strategy "has been working to good effect."

"You guys have only been in office for a month, right? Are you telling me that in the last four weeks these 18 companies all of the sudden decided to say, ‘Oh my God! We better not doing anything with Nord Stream 2," Lee said. "You guys are taking credit for stuff the previous administration did. Yes or no?"

State Dept briefing gets heated as reporter asks if Biden admin taking credit for Trump accomplishments
An Associated Press reported took State Department spokesman Ned Price to task Monday for suggesting that President Joe Biden was responsible for a policy that had started under the Trump administration.

At Monday’s press conference, Price seemed to suggest that the Biden administration’s efforts. That the aforementioned entities have wound down their activities in the pipeline project, Price said, demonstrated that Biden and Congress’s strategy "has been working to good effect."

"You guys have only been in office for a month, right? Are you telling me that in the last four weeks these 18 companies all of the sudden decided to say, ‘Oh my God! We better not doing anything with Nord Stream 2," Lee said. "You guys are taking credit for stuff the previous administration did. Yes or no?"

State Dept briefing gets heated as reporter asks if Biden admin taking credit for Trump accomplishments
Yet they won't take credit for the 100,000 that died of COVID since Xiden was sworn in.
Didn't he say he would beat COVID while he was running for orifice?
Joseph Stolen has been plagiarizing creative people since, presumably, kindergarten. He's been outed as academically substandard, dimwitted and even his own handlers see him as ignorant and "don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up".

I don't know why he doesn't have more confidence in his eloquence. Here some of his original work.... it's quite good!

So Trump gets credit for the latest jobs figures then too right?

Ya'll haven't given Trump credit for anything during his tenure, except the negative effects from the pandemic that were instituted by the states governors.
Not ture.

At least stopped the escalation of troops in the ME. He did so out of cowardice of course. But the net result is that fewer American soldiers are dying over there. He failed to bring them home which sucks but. The de-escalation is a plus.

He proposed to make drug companies and hospitals present up front pricing. Of course he failed to follow through. Which is another failure. But it’s still a good idea.

His judicial nominees haven’t been the holy terrors I expected.

His blobness has largely exiled himself from public view so we don’t see him a lot on sports and entertainment programs which is a big plus.
So Trump gets credit for the latest jobs figures then too right?

Considering how many Biden tossed out on day one ya gotta be pretty stupid to say Trump had anything to do with it.

Considering that you believe the've got to be pretty stupid to think that way.

The "myth" Biden didn't toss thousands out of work on day one? Fricken idiot.

Correct. It is a myth.
So Trump gets credit for the latest jobs figures then too right?

Ya'll haven't given Trump credit for anything during his tenure, except the negative effects from the pandemic that were instituted by the states governors.
Not ture.

At least stopped the escalation of troops in the ME. He did so out of cowardice of course. But the net result is that fewer American soldiers are dying over there. He failed to bring them home which sucks but. The de-escalation is a plus.

He proposed to make drug companies and hospitals present up front pricing. Of course he failed to follow through. Which is another failure. But it’s still a good idea.

His judicial nominees haven’t been the holy terrors I expected.

His blobness has largely exiled himself from public view so we don’t see him a lot on sports and entertainment programs which is a big plus.

You call THAT giving him credit for those things???? Looks more like you made the attempt but failed miserably
So Trump gets credit for the latest jobs figures then too right?

Ya'll haven't given Trump credit for anything during his tenure, except the negative effects from the pandemic that were instituted by the states governors.
Not ture.

At least stopped the escalation of troops in the ME. He did so out of cowardice of course. But the net result is that fewer American soldiers are dying over there. He failed to bring them home which sucks but. The de-escalation is a plus.

He proposed to make drug companies and hospitals present up front pricing. Of course he failed to follow through. Which is another failure. But it’s still a good idea.

His judicial nominees haven’t been the holy terrors I expected.

His blobness has largely exiled himself from public view so we don’t see him a lot on sports and entertainment programs which is a big plus.

You call THAT giving him credit for those things???? Looks more like you made the attempt but failed miserably

Failure...thy name is Trump.

He did reduce our bodycount in the middle east. The reason? Because he didn't want to make the phone call to the families. Though his gut is large enough to have it's own zip code, he doesn't have the guts to break bad news. This was never more evident than when he called the white supremacists in Charlottesville very fine people.

He did have a good idea to make drug companies present pricing upfront. And he failed to follow through.

ACB, Kav and Gorsuch are not my ideal candidates for supreme court justices but they were far better than who I thought he was going to nominate. Surely by the time ACB rolled around, he knew that he could have nominated Judge Judy and she would have been seated.

So I give him credit for the above...which is much more than any conservative here has ever given Obama credit for. Yourself included.
Trump and his spokespeople will never stop lying and misinforming. His supporters through brainwashed idiocy or simple desperation will do the same. Simply reviewing USMB trumpoholic inspired threads confirms the alternate reality illness facing so many of our fellow citizens.
So Trump gets credit for the latest jobs figures then too right?

Ya'll haven't given Trump credit for anything during his tenure, except the negative effects from the pandemic that were instituted by the states governors.
Not ture.

At least stopped the escalation of troops in the ME. He did so out of cowardice of course. But the net result is that fewer American soldiers are dying over there. He failed to bring them home which sucks but. The de-escalation is a plus.

He proposed to make drug companies and hospitals present up front pricing. Of course he failed to follow through. Which is another failure. But it’s still a good idea.

His judicial nominees haven’t been the holy terrors I expected.

His blobness has largely exiled himself from public view so we don’t see him a lot on sports and entertainment programs which is a big plus.

You call THAT giving him credit for those things???? Looks more like you made the attempt but failed miserably

Failure...thy name is Trump.

He did reduce our bodycount in the middle east. The reason? Because he didn't want to make the phone call to the families. Though his gut is large enough to have it's own zip code, he doesn't have the guts to break bad news. This was never more evident than when he called the white supremacists in Charlottesville very fine people.

He did have a good idea to make drug companies present pricing upfront. And he failed to follow through.

ACB, Kav and Gorsuch are not my ideal candidates for supreme court justices but they were far better than who I thought he was going to nominate. Surely by the time ACB rolled around, he knew that he could have nominated Judge Judy and she would have been seated.

So I give him credit for the above...which is much more than any conservative here has ever given Obama credit for. Yourself included.

To give one credit for just that. It's not following with a 'but' afterward that negates the premise.

So like I said in the've never really given him credit for anything and never will.
So Trump gets credit for the latest jobs figures then too right?

Ya'll haven't given Trump credit for anything during his tenure, except the negative effects from the pandemic that were instituted by the states governors.
Not ture.

At least stopped the escalation of troops in the ME. He did so out of cowardice of course. But the net result is that fewer American soldiers are dying over there. He failed to bring them home which sucks but. The de-escalation is a plus.

He proposed to make drug companies and hospitals present up front pricing. Of course he failed to follow through. Which is another failure. But it’s still a good idea.

His judicial nominees haven’t been the holy terrors I expected.

His blobness has largely exiled himself from public view so we don’t see him a lot on sports and entertainment programs which is a big plus.

You call THAT giving him credit for those things???? Looks more like you made the attempt but failed miserably

Failure...thy name is Trump.

He did reduce our bodycount in the middle east. The reason? Because he didn't want to make the phone call to the families. Though his gut is large enough to have it's own zip code, he doesn't have the guts to break bad news. This was never more evident than when he called the white supremacists in Charlottesville very fine people.

He did have a good idea to make drug companies present pricing upfront. And he failed to follow through.

ACB, Kav and Gorsuch are not my ideal candidates for supreme court justices but they were far better than who I thought he was going to nominate. Surely by the time ACB rolled around, he knew that he could have nominated Judge Judy and she would have been seated.

So I give him credit for the above...which is much more than any conservative here has ever given Obama credit for. Yourself included.

To give one credit for just that. It's not following with a 'but' afterward that negates the premise.

So like I said in the've never really given him credit for anything and never will.

So it's an all or nothing proposition. You can't get partial credit for something? What a silly little world you've created in your mind.

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