Biden Adm Using Climate Change To Attack Meat Producers....Blames 'Big Meat' For Huge Rise In Meat Prices


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
A Cambridge study showed that the best way to curb consumption of meat was to intentionally raise the price so that it forces people to change their habits. It's pretty clear this is the primary push for some behind Climate Change regulations. This is criminal. This alone is worthy of impeachment. Intentionally causing the price of all meat products to double in only a few months is worthy of impeachment.

It's not just beef....but all meat products are becoming too expensive. Estimates show that Biden's actions have cost consumers an extra $175/mo because of his inflationary tactics this Summer. Democrats in congress are driving down the value of the dollar with their spending and Biden is driving up the costs of products with his regulations and his intentional gutting of our domestic energy industry.

Democrats are busy trying to raise the debt limit so they can spend more money and raise the debt while shrinking the value of the USD.


Some are wondering if Biden is trying to tank the economy on purpose.....because he's doing a great job at it.
If it wasn't for the constant sabotage by in America would be alot less frustrating.....but they refuse to work with the rest of us.

Biden says he wants to fix the teacher shortage....but at the same time he's making sure that more and more of them are fired for not getting a vaccine.
Same goes for health care workers. Uncounted numbers of health care professionals have been fired because they refused to get a shot.
Biden's September jobs report was horrible....and it's only going to get worse.

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Some are wondering if Biden is trying to tank the economy on purpose.....because he's doing a great job at it.
If it wasn't for the constant sabotage by in America would be alot less frustrating.....but they refuse to work with the rest of us.

Biden says he wants to fix the teacher shortage....but at the same time he's making sure that more and more of them are fired for not getting a vaccine.
Same goes for health care workers. Uncounted numbers of health care professionals have been fired because they refused to get a shot.
Biden's September jobs report was horrible....and it's only going to get worse.

Joe is just looking to outsource the remaining meat industry in the US to his owners in China. He's following orders.
A Cambridge study showed that the best way to curb consumption of meat was to intentionally raise the price so that it forces people to change their habits. It's pretty clear this is the primary push for some behind Climate Change regulations. This is criminal. This alone is worthy of impeachment. Intentionally causing the price of all meat products to double in only a few months is worthy of impeachment.

It's not just beef....but all meat products are becoming too expensive. Estimates show that Biden's actions have cost consumers an extra $175/mo because of his inflationary tactics this Summer. Democrats in congress are driving down the value of the dollar with their spending and Biden is driving up the costs of products with his regulations and his intentional gutting of our domestic energy industry.

Democrats are busy trying to raise the debt limit so they can spend more money and raise the debt while shrinking the value of the USD.


Yea, I just went to the store and paid more for milk cuz of big milk, and then I paid more for some bread thanks to big bread.

All thanks to big government.

When will we get big like them?
Yea, I just went to the store and paid more for milk cuz of big milk, and then I paid more for some bread thanks to big bread.

All thanks to big government.

When will we get big like them?
When a nation hasn't had much inflation over the last 40 fucking yrs, this is quite a shocker to most

Wait until the financial gimmicks run out in 22 and the lid blows. Just in time for the midterms. I see a major slaughter...and it ain't beef
Yea, I just went to the store and paid more for milk cuz of big milk, and then I paid more for some bread thanks to big bread.

All thanks to big government.

When will we get big like them?
We can always eat insects, seaweed and plankton. Plenty of protein and iron to sustain life
When a nation hasn't had much inflation over the last 40 fucking yrs, this is quite a shocker to most

Wait until the financial gimmicks run out in 22 and the lid blows. Just in time for the midterms. I see a major slaughter...and it ain't beef
And it will not stop inflation or conglomeration of collective monopolies by corporations. If the GOP is the answer why did we have inflation during Trump and the GOP controlled congress?
Joe is just looking to outsource the remaining meat industry in the US to his owners in China. He's following orders.

IDK. Tyson announced not long ago it was building a state of the art mcnugget plant around here. I don't think Biden is wrong here though. Don't get me wrong, I loathe him, but these big meat companies are really screwing people on both sides---the farmers and ranchers and the consumers. I buy local when I can get it, but that is a rarity
Truth be told we have had inflation since the year 2000. It's just been dismissed. But it's gotten so bad it can't be dismissed anymore which is a good thing.

When the cost of money is low the price of intangible items will inflate. This is an immutable law of economics.

Our government's unspoken policy of inflating their way out of debt is not sustainable. What we are seeing today is why it's not sustainable. I for one am glad it is happening. Maybe it will wake the "woke" people the fuck up.
Truth be told we have had inflation since the year 2000. It's just been dismissed. But it's gotten so bad it can't be dismissed anymore which is a good thing.

When the cost of money is low the price of intangible items will inflate. This is an immutable law of economics.

Our government's unspoken policy of inflating their way out of debt is not sustainable. What we are seeing today is why it's not sustainable. I for one am glad it is happening. Maybe it will wake the "woke" people the fuck up.
It hasn't stopped my entire life and it won't.
And it will not stop inflation or conglomeration of collective monopolies by corporations. If the GOP is the answer why did we have inflation during Trump and the GOP controlled congress?
You are one of the "woke" people that needs the fuck waking up.
I can tell you have a one track mind very limited in scope and breathe.
Sorry? I don't attack people going to bathrooms, nor am I a half wit vacuous apologist for people who do like you are.

You people need to be punched.

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