Beware Of Biden


Sep 23, 2010
You might say that today is Watergate Day, but only if the House Oversight Committee does a good job of getting to the full truth about Benghazi and the coverup:

By Lindsey Boerma / CBS News/ May 8, 2013, 5:52 AM
Benghazi "whistleblowers" head to House committee

Benghazi "whistleblowers" head to House committee - CBS News

At this moment in time the consensus says the truth will bring Hussein and the Clintons down together. As much as I find the three of them detestable, the buzz that the Chicago sewer rat might leave office over Benghazi and the ensuing coverup is no cause for elation. Primarily, every American should consider the horror of Biden becoming president? Going back to Hussein’s first term and the Eligibility Clause, I said it would be better to leave Hussein in office than to get Biden.

Admittedly, after Hussein signed the monster healthcare bill I never for a minute thought he would get a second term. I was wrong about a second term, but still right about Biden. Benghazi changes nothing insofar as Biden becoming president goes. In fact, one might say that the murders of Glen Doherty, Tyrone S. Woods, Sean Smith, J. Christopher Stevens, would be doubly tragic if their deaths are forever linked to “President” Biden.

Now that resignations are in the wind the ideal scenario is to have Biden resign immediately —— then find a vice president with clean underwear and an empty head; preferably not someone from the Senate. Hussein can resign after the vacuum is sworn in.

The second best scenario is to let Hussein remain in office, but render him so powerless he will make a lame duck look like a screaming eagle. That includes the media not reporting anything he says or does. In short: Make him a non-president. A harmless Hussein until January of 2017 is still a long haul, but not as long as would be a President Biden until the expiration date arrives.

My second scenario is not a radical suggestion. It’s high time members of Congress, and the Courts, stop behaving like they are executives executing the policies of a corporate CEO.

The United Nations

For years I’ve maintained that no decision in Washington is arrived at until it is certain the United Nations will not be harmed by that decision. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING foreign and domestic, is implemented if it harms the UN in any way. Proof: I’ve never seen one decision hurt the UN, while I’ve seen plenty that strengthen the UN; all of the environmental crap comes to mind. Considering the Beltway mindset, has anyone in Congress asked about a UN connection to the murders and the coverup? Remember that US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, was the first liar in the coverup. Here are the questions I would ask:

1. Why was Susan Rice sent to the talk shows instead of someone from the Administration with no ties to the United Nations?

2. How would the truth about Benghazi hurt the UN?

3. What the hell did the United Nations have to do with the murders of four Americans?

4. If the UN is more involved than concerned Americans realize, exactly which UN-US policies is the coverup protecting?

Anyway, here’s the link to one article talking about Hussein resigning:

Benghazi buzz: Obama predicted to leave office
More serious than Watergate 'because 4 Americans did in fact die'
Published: 9 hours ago

Benghazi buzz: Obama predicted to leave office
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I predict no impeachment. The Republicans will be only too happy to try and embarrass Obama and Clinton, but I doubt they're stupid enough to initiate a process that's just going to blow up in their faces again.
Impeachment is off the table, since it would be labeled as racism. Hillary could be wounded, but probably not fatally. The real question is, who else would want to take over this mess in 2017?
Take a listen to the brief video (45 seconds) at this link:

Washington buzzing about impeaching Obama
'I'm not willing to take it off the table'
Published: 17 hours ago

Washington buzzing about impeaching Obama

Instead of congressional Republicans talking about impeaching Hussein they better pray like hell that he does not resign so Biden can take over.

There is only one dubious benefit to handing Biden the Democrat party’s nomination in 2016 —— Hillary Clinton won’t get it. On the face of it that’s the best news possible for the country. Unfortunately, Biden will probably pick her as his running mate.

I’m certain Biden has no objections to betraying the country alongside Vice President Hillary Clinton, and Secretary General Bill, running the world together. Naturally, a President Hillary Clinton would be better for the UN-loving traitors. That’s not to be unless Biden wins the election; then has the good sense to croak.

Bottom line: In light of Hillary’s responsibilities for the Benghazi murders, and involvement in the coverup, political reality dictates that Biden share the glory.

NOTE: Biden’s mouth got plenty of positive coverage for everything that happened in the past four or so years, yet the media seldom mentions his name in connection with Benghazi, or any of the scandals for that matter. Ask yourself why not?
There is not a chance Biden will do the perp walk for this:

Three months after they killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in neighboring Pakistan and cemented their place in military legend, the SEALs suffered a devastating loss when nearly two dozen of the elite troops were among 30 Americans who died when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan early Saturday.

SEAL Team 6 members among 38 killed in Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times

Nobody near the top goes to jail for anything; so nailing one of the two pieces of garbage at the top is a fantasy:

“Shortly after that successful raid on bin Laden, the president – through the vice president for political purposes – released the name of SEAL Team Six. That’s classified information, and even (then) Defense Secretary Robert Gates was critical of that. So that was like putting a target on the backs of the sons of my clients,” said Klayman, who revealed the helicopter may have been infiltrated by the Taliban before the crash because the Afghans on board were last-minute changes from the names on the original flight manifest.

Klayman said Vice President Joe Biden deserves special blame for these deaths.

“Biden did something, which was more than irresponsible. He served on foreign relations committees, intelligence committees. He knew, or should have known, what he was doing. He should be held accountable. Frankly, he should even be held criminally accountable for doing that,” Klayman said.

Biden is finally getting blamed for something even though it’s not going anywhere. The media will continue to portray Biden as a super swell guy who tells the truth with gaffes. The best anyone can do to combat that false image is to show Biden for what he is should he try for the nomination in 2016. Like my title says: Beware Of Biden.

Parenthetically, Hussein is not running for office again, but he should be held accountable for this before he leaves office:

Perhaps the greatest insult to the families was at the funeral for their sons in Afghanistan. The military refused to allow a Christian minister or chaplain at the service and instead brought in a Muslim cleric who proceeded to slander the fallen.

“For some bizarre reason, probably this Muslim outreach again of Barack Obama, they had a Muslim cleric give a prayer. Why the heck you would have a Muslim prayer and the servicemen are Christian is beyond imagination. So it has to come from the top down. And this cleric then proceeded in Arabic. No one understood it at the time, but we have a video of it, and it was translated by certified translators. He proceeded to damn my clients’ sons, and others who died, as infidels and that they should go to hell under Allah, the Muslim god,” he said.

“That’s unbelievable. We’ve never even gotten an apology from the military that they did that,” said Klayman, who is demanding a congressional investigation and added that an announcement of litigation will be coming soon.

Biden now blamed in SEAL Team 6 deaths
Attorney: 'He should even be held criminally accountable'
Published: 11 hours ago

Biden now blamed in SEAL Team 6 deaths

Hussein’s defenders never stop telling us that he is the commander in chief and that his authority is absolute. Okay, that’s true. It’s also true that there is zero chance that an American military officer would make such a decision on his own. It had to come from the commander in chief.

There is one other explanation. Afghanistan is a UN-approved NATO war; so the only other possibility is that the Muslim cleric was chosen by NATO at the behest of the United Nations.

22 Navy SEALs among 30 U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan as NATO helicopter is shot down
By Kevin Sieff and Greg Jaffe,August 06, 2011

22 Navy SEALs among 30 U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan as NATO helicopter is shot down - Washington Post
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There is nothing to fear from Biden he is a moron, his party doesn't even take him serious.
My take in the OP, along with the three linked articles, will give anybody who is interested in the impeachment question everything they need to know. Two of the three pieces mention Biden in passing.

Frankly, I cannot believe that average Americans will get lost in legalese. It’s a cut and dried proposition to most. Hussein or Biden. More than any other factor, I think a lot of Americans will oppose impeaching Hussein because of Biden. Note that “Clinton or Gore” was not a factor in Clinton’s impeachment.

In any event, the American people have no say in the judicial proceedings. So assuming Republicans take the Senate in 2014, there is a chance Senator McConnell will pull a Trent Lott.

Clinton was not going to be removed because a two-thirds majority was needed to convict. The Senate was split 50-50. Votes did not matter because the trial was a farce. Trent Lott made sure the public never learned the full truth about the Clintons. I use the plural because the truth about Bill had to expose Hillary’s collusion in Bill’s sexual activities, not to mention covering up his crimes. Lott on the Republican side helping Democrats whitewash the Clintons at the Senate trial already bit the country on the ass when she became a senator. There’s a good chance she’ll take a bigger bite in 2016.

. . . craven Senate Republicans who effectively acquitted Bill Clinton even before his Senate trial began.


But the wrongdoings of Barack Obama are qualitatively different from the wrongdoings of Bill Clinton. Much of what Clinton did involved sexual misconduct and subsequent lying about that misconduct. Hillary was the principal offended party, and she wanted power more than any moral vindication of the Clintons' very strange marriage. What would have happened if Hillary had divorced Bill and denounced him to America? He well may have been forced out of office, but even so, his offenses related to personal misconduct that hurt individuals.

May 21, 2013
The Case for Impeachment
By Bruce Walker

Articles: The Case for Impeachment


If impeachment is to be raised, and I don't rule it out in the long run, it will have to be a bipartisan affair. Otherwise, Obama will become a martyr to crazed Republicans, out to lynch-by-impeachment the first black president, and race relations will be further shattered. If no Democrats jump ship, then bypassing the opportunity to put Biden in the White House will be the order of the day. Does anyone think he would do a better job? Obama is terrible president, to be sure, but we have to not just get rid of him but undo the damage he and the progressives have wrought during his presidency and before.

May 21, 2013
Never Mind Impeachment; Keep your Eyes on the Prize
ByThomas Lifson

Articles: Never Mind Impeachment; Keep your Eyes on the Prize


Even if we’re able to impeach Obama, who’s gonna sit in there? Biden. Nothing’s gonna change. Government’s gonna keep getting bigger. We’ve got to get rid of Democrats! …

Rush Limbaugh: 'We can't impeach Obama'
'That is a dream that's only going to remain a dream'
Published: 17 hours ago

Obama?s archenemy: ?We can?t impeach Obama?
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I predict no impeachment. The Republicans will be only too happy to try and embarrass Obama and Clinton, but I doubt they're stupid enough to initiate a process that's just going to blow up in their faces again.

The only reason it didn't work last time is because of all of the egos that were present at the impeachment hearings.

They had Clinton dead to rights and they let him get away because of infighting.

I dread 3 and a half more years of Obama. Nothing will be accomplished. Everything positive will be put on hold so the government and the media can expend all their energy on defending Obama from his critics. Problem being is his critics are barely scratching the surface on all of the wrong Obama has done since being sworn in. We don't know the half of it I'm afraid.
Biden has turned out to be a very effective veep and has actually accomplished quite a lot.

No wonder the loons are scared of him.

As for impeachment - don't be silly. The Do Nothing Obstructionists would love to get rid of President Obama but even they know he has not done anything impeachable.

Hint: Its not enough that you froot loops make up new shit every day.
Biden has turned out to be a very effective veep and has actually accomplished quite a lot.

To Luddly Neddite: Instead of a broad generalization tell me one thing Biden accomplished for the country.

No wonder the loons are scared of him.

To Luddly Neddite: For all of Biden’s decades in the Senate his fellow Democrats never gave him a leadership position, nor did he get more than 2 percent of rank & file votes in presidential primaries. There is no reason to fear him winning a general election. The fear is that he might sneak in the backdoor by replacing Hussein.

Biden is not mentioned in the linked article but Clinton’s Balkan catastrophe belongs to Biden as much as it belongs to the Clintons:

Delivering Serbs to the Wolves
By Doug Bandow on 5.21.13 @ 6:07AM
In Kosovo, one more round of Europe’s human rights hypocrisy

The American Spectator : Delivering Serbs to the Wolves

NOTE: Biden, Madeleine Albright, the Clintons, and others still tout the Dayton Accords as a howling success:

The West, however, preferred to see only Serbian crimes, intervening to impose the Dayton accords, which allowed ethnic Muslims and Croats in Bosnia to secede from Serb-dominated Yugoslavia, but required ethnic Serbs to remain in Muslim-dominated Bosnia.

This is from an August 2008 L.A. Times article:

Biden considers his most important foreign policy accomplishment to be his leadership on the Balkans in the mid-1990s. He pushed a reluctant Clinton administration first to arm Serbian Muslims and then to use U.S. air power to suppress conflict in Serbia and Kosovo.

That’s the policy of a guy who did everything he could to do to tell the enemy in Iraq to keep killing Americans until they win a political victory. Remember that he voted for the war then turned against it when Bush invaded Iraq without the UN’s final approval.

To this day you won’t find a reference to “arming Muslims” in too many places. I have to give the authors credit for going directly to arming Muslims so they could kill Christians instead of working in the standard ethnic cleansing crapola (the authors do refer to ethnic cleansing later on in the article). Nor can I fault Richter and Levey because Biden tried to turn an idiotic blunder into a gold medal.

I always said that interfering in the former Yugoslavia would not have happened after 9-11-2001 because it was civil war between Muslims and Christians. Biden originally took credit for steam rolling the Clintons into their Balkan Adventures. He later backed down a bit when he realized he was taking credit for bombing Christians to help Islam’s jihad.

Also, Biden had to be angry at the time because he did the work during the Clinton years without wearing the title of president. Unlike virtue, the power behind the throne is not its own reward.

This next excerpt identifies Biden’s much-praised foreign policy expertise:

And the two senators wanted to require United Nations authorization before any military action could be taken.

The above excerpt speaks for itself. Then-Senators Richard Lugar and Biden are the two UN-loving senators referred to. Put it context by listening to Leon Panetta and General Dempsey:

[ame=]Def Secretary Panetta tells Senator Sessions U.S. military gets authority from UN or NATO.flv - YouTube[/ame]​

The only thing I can add to Biden’s treason is to remind readers that he was the Senate’s leading advocate for ratifying the Law of the Sea Treaty. If that treaty is ever ratified it will give the UN taxing authority over the American people. Inside the Beltway that’s called bipartisanship. I call it stabbing the country in back.

There’s more good stuff in the excerpted article for anyone who wants to analyze the bullcrap:

On foreign policy, Biden is respected but not always popular
By Paul Richter and Noam N. Levey
Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
August 24, 2008

On foreign policy, he's willing to go his own way - Los Angeles Times

p.s. The global government crowd are the only ones who respect Biden’s foreign policy.
Quote #14 permalink

Clinton’s Balkan catastrophe belongs to Biden as much as it belongs to the Clintons:


Biden considers his most important foreign policy accomplishment to be his leadership on the Balkans in the mid-1990s. He pushed a reluctant Clinton administration first to arm Serbian Muslims and then to use U.S. air power to suppress conflict in Serbia and Kosovo.

In light of the two million Christian Armenians the Ottoman Empire slaughtered, I never considered resurrecting the Ottoman Empire would ever become a foreign policy goal let alone tie it to Biden. I am not surprised. Biden had no qualms about slaughtering Christians in the former Yugoslavia.


Where is T. E. Lawrence when you need him?

Since the mid-1990s the United States has intervened militarily in several internal armed conflicts in Europe and the Middle East: bombing Serbs and Serbia in support of Izetbegovic’s Moslem Regime in Bosnia in 1995, bombing Serbs and Serbia in support of KLA Moslems of Kosovo in 1999, bombing Libya’s Gaddafi regime in support of rebels in 2010. Each intervention was justified to Americans as motivated by humanitarian concerns: to protect Bosnian Moslems from genocidal Serbs, to protect Kosovo Moslems from genocidal Serbs, and to protect Libyans from their murderous dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Kaplan observes that neither President Clinton nor President Obama ever mentioned the reconstitution of the Ottoman Empire as a justification for U.S. military intervention.

The U.S. offered other reasons for intervening in Serbia, including a desire to gain a strategic foothold in the Balkans, to defeat communism in Yugoslavia, to demonstrate to the world’s Muslims that the U.S. is not anti-Muslim, and to redefine the role of NATO in the post-Cold War era.

Historian: Obama helping resurrect Ottoman Empire?
Pattern seen in 'Arab Spring' interventions began in Balkans in 1990s
Published: 12 hours ago

Historian: Obama helping resurrect Ottoman Empire?

Also, Benghazi makes perverted sense if you back it up to overthrowing Gaddafi as part of resurrecting the Ottoman Empire. No wonder Hillary and everybody else are lying and running for cover:

How Obama, Hillary wrecked Libya
Islamic law, terrorist training camps, al-Qaida headquarters
Published: 14 hours ago

How Obama, Hillary wrecked Libya

My title would have read: How Biden, Obama, and Hillary wrecked Libya.
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