Between 20-24" of rain have fallen in South Carolina since Thursday...

As North Carolina and South Carolina are said to be Satan's headquarters for the eastern part of the United States it is quite interesting that none of the Satanists /witches / occultists that live there ----> could stop the rain. Where was Baal? Asleep?

On the West coast again said to be Satan's headquarters - more witches and Satanists than in many other states - they cannot cause the rain to come down. Where is Baal? Is he asleep? Doesn't he know there is a drought?

Perhaps these people need to realize that Lucifer isn't in control. Jesus Christ is. Lucifer cannot do a thing without getting permission from God first.
hese Last Days News - September 6, 2013

Eight Jesuit Priests Survive Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Blast Through the Power of the Rosary...

"Realize the power in your hand with the Rosary, for in your hands you hold the power of God. If you do not recognize the Rosary, can you expect to be recognized by My Son? How much can you expect? Why do you hide My Rosary? It was with a Mother's loving heart that I chose to give you these pearls of Heaven that you reject.
"Woe to all dedicated who seek to remove these from the little ones' hands, for their punishment will be metered in accordance to it!
"Why has sophisticated man cast aside these tokens of My love? Those who remain true to My Rosary will not be touched by the fires. Gather these treasures, My children, for the time will come that you will not find them on the counters of your stores."
- Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1970

Eight Jesuit Priests Survive Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Blast Through the Power of the Rosary...
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?

Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.
Did that ever happen? I heard on the radio that SC got 16 inches in 24 hours and that was the second highest 24 hour total recorded. They didn't say who beat them.

Oh it happened.
The Greatest 24-Hour Deluge in the US Ever
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?

Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.
Did that ever happen? I heard on the radio that SC got 16 inches in 24 hours and that was the second highest 24 hour total recorded. They didn't say who beat them.

Oh it happened.
The Greatest 24-Hour Deluge in the US Ever
Yeah, I saw that. Flat land rain is much easier to take.
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?

Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.
Did that ever happen? I heard on the radio that SC got 16 inches in 24 hours and that was the second highest 24 hour total recorded. They didn't say who beat them.

Oh it happened.
The Greatest 24-Hour Deluge in the US Ever
Yeah, I saw that. Flat land rain is much easier to take.
That flowed right into the bay. Terrible rain but not the end of the world.
As North Carolina and South Carolina are said to be Satan's headquarters for the eastern part of the United States it is quite interesting that none of the Satanists /witches / occultists that live there ----> could stop the rain. Where was Baal? Asleep?

On the West coast again said to be Satan's headquarters - more witches and Satanists than in many other states - they cannot cause the rain to come down. Where is Baal? Is he asleep? Doesn't he know there is a drought?

Perhaps these people need to realize that Lucifer isn't in control. Jesus Christ is. Lucifer cannot do a thing without getting permission from God first.

You know Jeri..

Some day a nice man in a white coat is going to come and lock you up for this stuff


God is in full control. I'm not worried about it. The truth is the world has become so twisted, so perverted in mind, word and deed that to hear a Christian speak up for God's Word and warn of God's judgment on the sinner - is not going to be received by most people.

We're living in a very dark hour as a nation. Truly it is sad to see because God blessed this nation greatly when people were seeking Jesus Christ first, going to church and reading the Bible was considered a normal person's daily life. Today? People such as yourself mock Christians and mock the Word of God, RightWinger. Then when disaster falls on you and on your own house? You blame God. Go figure.
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?

Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.
Did that ever happen? I heard on the radio that SC got 16 inches in 24 hours and that was the second highest 24 hour total recorded. They didn't say who beat them.

Oh it happened.
The Greatest 24-Hour Deluge in the US Ever
Yeah, I saw that. Flat land rain is much easier to take.

Not really,it doesnt get concentrated in low lying areas because there really aren't any,it covers everything.
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?

Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.
Did that ever happen? I heard on the radio that SC got 16 inches in 24 hours and that was the second highest 24 hour total recorded. They didn't say who beat them.

Oh it happened.
The Greatest 24-Hour Deluge in the US Ever
Yeah, I saw that. Flat land rain is much easier to take.

Not really,it doesnt get concentrated in low lying areas because there really aren't any,it covers everything.
But it doesn't wash things away or cause flash floods...unless a levee breaks.
As North Carolina and South Carolina are said to be Satan's headquarters for the eastern part of the United States it is quite interesting that none of the Satanists /witches / occultists that live there ----> could stop the rain. Where was Baal? Asleep?

On the West coast again said to be Satan's headquarters - more witches and Satanists than in many other states - they cannot cause the rain to come down. Where is Baal? Is he asleep? Doesn't he know there is a drought?

Perhaps these people need to realize that Lucifer isn't in control. Jesus Christ is. Lucifer cannot do a thing without getting permission from God first.

You know Jeri..

Some day a nice man in a white coat is going to come and lock you up for this stuff


God is in full control. I'm not worried about it. The truth is the world has become so twisted, so perverted in mind, word and deed that to hear a Christian speak up for God's Word and warn of God's judgment on the sinner - is not going to be received by most people.

We're living in a very dark hour as a nation. Truly it is sad to see because God blessed this nation greatly when people were seeking Jesus Christ first, going to church and reading the Bible was considered a normal person's daily life. Today? People such as yourself mock Christians and mock the Word of God, RightWinger. Then when disaster falls on you and on your own house? You blame God. Go figure.
Jesus thinks you are crazy
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?

Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.
Did that ever happen? I heard on the radio that SC got 16 inches in 24 hours and that was the second highest 24 hour total recorded. They didn't say who beat them.
Doesn't matter, it's terrible. And what is terrible is a person claiming she prayed for it to happen because she disagreed with other peoples' decisions. It is not just that such a person is loony, it is a major concern if that person has responsibility or control of others.
And claiming she is a christian.

I am a Christian. I prayed against a Satanic rave festival in Georgia and the Popes visit. I prayed for rain. God answered. As for S. Carolina? I did notice the areas hardest hit are known as satanic strongholds. Coincidence? I doubt it.
Satanic strongholds? WTF?
Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.
Did that ever happen? I heard on the radio that SC got 16 inches in 24 hours and that was the second highest 24 hour total recorded. They didn't say who beat them.
Doesn't matter, it's terrible. And what is terrible is a person claiming she prayed for it to happen because she disagreed with other peoples' decisions. It is not just that such a person is loony, it is a major concern if that person has responsibility or control of others.
And claiming she is a christian.

I am a Christian. I prayed against a Satanic rave festival in Georgia and the Popes visit. I prayed for rain. God answered. As for S. Carolina? I did notice the areas hardest hit are known as satanic strongholds. Coincidence? I doubt it.
Satanic strongholds? WTF?

As if you didn't know? Please.
As North Carolina and South Carolina are said to be Satan's headquarters for the eastern part of the United States it is quite interesting that none of the Satanists /witches / occultists that live there ----> could stop the rain. Where was Baal? Asleep?

On the West coast again said to be Satan's headquarters - more witches and Satanists than in many other states - they cannot cause the rain to come down. Where is Baal? Is he asleep? Doesn't he know there is a drought?

Perhaps these people need to realize that Lucifer isn't in control. Jesus Christ is. Lucifer cannot do a thing without getting permission from God first.

You know Jeri..

Some day a nice man in a white coat is going to come and lock you up for this stuff


God is in full control. I'm not worried about it. The truth is the world has become so twisted, so perverted in mind, word and deed that to hear a Christian speak up for God's Word and warn of God's judgment on the sinner - is not going to be received by most people.

We're living in a very dark hour as a nation. Truly it is sad to see because God blessed this nation greatly when people were seeking Jesus Christ first, going to church and reading the Bible was considered a normal person's daily life. Today? People such as yourself mock Christians and mock the Word of God, RightWinger. Then when disaster falls on you and on your own house? You blame God. Go figure.
Jesus thinks you are crazy

Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.
Did that ever happen? I heard on the radio that SC got 16 inches in 24 hours and that was the second highest 24 hour total recorded. They didn't say who beat them.
Doesn't matter, it's terrible. And what is terrible is a person claiming she prayed for it to happen because she disagreed with other peoples' decisions. It is not just that such a person is loony, it is a major concern if that person has responsibility or control of others.
And claiming she is a christian.

I am a Christian. I prayed against a Satanic rave festival in Georgia and the Popes visit. I prayed for rain. God answered. As for S. Carolina? I did notice the areas hardest hit are known as satanic strongholds. Coincidence? I doubt it.
Satanic strongholds? WTF?
She does not realize that one of his imps has taken residence in her brain.
Blame Bush

See hope and change

A storm has nothing to do with politics.

Are you drunk?

i guess you missed Katrina.
That was a very sad thing to watch. The people into the occult in New Orleans thought it was business as usual. Afterwards - some people woke up.
The people into the occult in New Orleans thought it was business as usual.

How insane is that statement!!
South Carolina Rainfall Is Worst In A Thousand Years, Gov. Haley Says


Being called the worst storm in 1,000 years, although I am not sure how they can measure it...

Hoping that this too shall pass quickly.

What I heard referring to "a thousand years" was the NOAA predictions describing a "once in a thousand year event" as far as a continuous perfect storm of rain.

We've been getting it here in WNC, as has northeast Georgia. It started Thursday night September 24 and except for half a day on Tuesday 9/29 hasn't stopped. We've got I'd guess at least 15 inches here in that time, probably more.

SC is (generally) lower and flatter land than here so it's going to pile up more there than here. Around here with high elevations and lots of drainage the main concern is landslides. That, and finding oneself on a little mountain-pass road that's suddenly unusable because a tree fell across it, which is why I haven't been out hardly at all.

Never seen this much rain, ever.

Me neither. God really answered my prayers beyond what I could ever have hoped or imagined, Pogo. I started asking the LORD for this rain some months ago as there was a Satanic rave in Georgia called Tomorrowland which would have (if it had not been for the rain destroying their plans and getting canceled early) very dangerous for the over 150,000 young people who had bought tickets to attend it - it was to go on until September 28th - I was also praying for rain during the anti-Christ Popes visit which fell on the same days (approximately) and so after the rave there was another event which a man at my church told me today that my prayer for rain was certainly answered by God and that God had used the rain to rain out another ungodly event (which I had no idea of!) and he and his wife surely seemed very happy about it. I had asked my church to join me in asking for the rain to start pouring on the 24th at church - I asked them to join me in agreeing for the rain the week before (if I recall the timing correctly) and everyone present did. There is tremendous power in agreement - especially in a very large group of prayer warriors. As I said before, it is the greatest answer to prayer I've received from God concerning rain that I can recall. I'm overwhelmed at His Goodness towards me! He is so wonderful! I'm praising Jesus for it!
You're a loony.

God is punishing South Carolina for flying the Confederate Flag

You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?

Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.
Did that ever happen? I heard on the radio that SC got 16 inches in 24 hours and that was the second highest 24 hour total recorded. They didn't say who beat them.
Doesn't matter, it's terrible. And what is terrible is a person claiming she prayed for it to happen because she disagreed with other peoples' decisions. It is not just that such a person is loony, it is a major concern if that person has responsibility or control of others.
And claiming she is a christian.

When the bomb at Hiroshima fell? There was a home that was owned by Christians - surrounded by unbelievers - the only home in the entire area and there were Christians inside it when the bomb fell. Guess which house was untouched? The house that belonged to the Christian. They survived.

It's your decision to rebel against God and when you rebel against Him? You should not expect to be spared when these things happen. Maybe you should realize that you are as self sufficient as you think you are.
You mean the Jesuits?
Blame Bush

See hope and change

A storm has nothing to do with politics.

Are you drunk?

i guess you missed Katrina.
That was a very sad thing to watch. The people into the occult in New Orleans thought it was business as usual. Afterwards - some people woke up.
The people into the occult in New Orleans thought it was business as usual.

How insane is that statement!!

Not insane at all. You obviously do not know many people in New Orleans. My best friend was from New Orleans. If she were here she would tell you herself about the wickedness that was going on down there before Katrina hit. The same God that rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah is on his throne today. God is not mocked.

Some people believe it was over the deal Bush made in dividing the land of Israel (Gaza) as in this story - others believe it was because of the wickedness of that state. We know that God made clear that his judgment is going to fall on Florida, New York, California and Las Vegas, Nevada - in one hour those places will burn because God says they are like Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Day God Withdrew His Presence from America
What I heard referring to "a thousand years" was the NOAA predictions describing a "once in a thousand year event" as far as a continuous perfect storm of rain.

We've been getting it here in WNC, as has northeast Georgia. It started Thursday night September 24 and except for half a day on Tuesday 9/29 hasn't stopped. We've got I'd guess at least 15 inches here in that time, probably more.

SC is (generally) lower and flatter land than here so it's going to pile up more there than here. Around here with high elevations and lots of drainage the main concern is landslides. That, and finding oneself on a little mountain-pass road that's suddenly unusable because a tree fell across it, which is why I haven't been out hardly at all.

Never seen this much rain, ever.

Me neither. God really answered my prayers beyond what I could ever have hoped or imagined, Pogo. I started asking the LORD for this rain some months ago as there was a Satanic rave in Georgia called Tomorrowland which would have (if it had not been for the rain destroying their plans and getting canceled early) very dangerous for the over 150,000 young people who had bought tickets to attend it - it was to go on until September 28th - I was also praying for rain during the anti-Christ Popes visit which fell on the same days (approximately) and so after the rave there was another event which a man at my church told me today that my prayer for rain was certainly answered by God and that God had used the rain to rain out another ungodly event (which I had no idea of!) and he and his wife surely seemed very happy about it. I had asked my church to join me in asking for the rain to start pouring on the 24th at church - I asked them to join me in agreeing for the rain the week before (if I recall the timing correctly) and everyone present did. There is tremendous power in agreement - especially in a very large group of prayer warriors. As I said before, it is the greatest answer to prayer I've received from God concerning rain that I can recall. I'm overwhelmed at His Goodness towards me! He is so wonderful! I'm praising Jesus for it!
You're a loony.

God is punishing South Carolina for flying the Confederate Flag

Uuuuh .....I just said I live on the Texas Gulf coast.
For the last 45 years actually,and that aint shit for bad rain.
Talk to me when they see 43 inch's in 24 hours.
Did that ever happen? I heard on the radio that SC got 16 inches in 24 hours and that was the second highest 24 hour total recorded. They didn't say who beat them.
Doesn't matter, it's terrible. And what is terrible is a person claiming she prayed for it to happen because she disagreed with other peoples' decisions. It is not just that such a person is loony, it is a major concern if that person has responsibility or control of others.
And claiming she is a christian.

When the bomb at Hiroshima fell? There was a home that was owned by Christians - surrounded by unbelievers - the only home in the entire area and there were Christians inside it when the bomb fell. Guess which house was untouched? The house that belonged to the Christian. They survived.

It's your decision to rebel against God and when you rebel against Him? You should not expect to be spared when these things happen. Maybe you should realize that you are as self sufficient as you think you are.
You mean the Jesuits?
I believe the report about the Jesuits was either satire or a bad joke.

Getting back to the story about the Christians who were saved from destruction:

This story has been changed - the woman who heard about the story later joined a Seventh Day Adventist church and some one took liberty with some of the facts, I believe.......the real story is they were Christians and the LORD protected them.

Adventists Unharmed in Hiroshima 1945

Ryoko Suzuki reports the account in the August 2011 edition of Adventist World, “The Hiroshima Miracle.” This is the first time the story has been told in Adventist journals written in English, and it is in connection with the sixty-sixth anniversary of the bomb, August 6, 2011.


The world’s first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945. In the bomb’s aftermath Dr. Tomiko Kihara worked tirelessly to save many lives. She lived .62 miles from the central impact of the explosion. She was one of twenty Seventh-day Adventists miraculously spared from any injury or radiation effects.

I do not know why this story has never been told to the world before, even in Adventist journals. Mrs. Suzuki is the librarian at the Adventist Northern Asia-Pacific Division in the Republic of Korea (i.e., South Korea). Perhaps she discovered the records there. Adventists have been in Japan (in Hiroshima proper) since 1917. A fully organized church in Hiroshima was recognized in 1951. And there were articles on Advenists in Japan published in the Review & Herald (the main SDA news journal) in 1940, 1945, 1948, 1949, but none are apparently addressing this survival miracle. I do not have access to these articles presently, so I cannot affirm the accuracy of this observation. Today, certainly, there is a thriving Adventist presence in Hiroshima, and in Japan at large.

Nothing lived, or stood, animate or inanimate, within a two kilometer (1.2 mile) radius of the central impact of the bomb. All the twenty Adventist church members apparently lived less than a mile away. Iwa Kuwamoto lived .62 miles away. She is 83 years old today, still sharing her faith with whomever she can. Tomiko Kihara, a physician, also lived .62 miles away from the central impact. She arose from the rubble and spent all her time at the hospital on the edge of town, trying to help those who were so horribly burned.


Iwa Kuwamoto was .62 miles from the central impact of the atomic bomb exploded on Hiroshima, and yet she was miraculously spared.

This is a truly remarkable story, and I cannot fathom why it would not be the headline, the permanent headline, in all media of the world. Why am I just now hearing it? Why is the church just now printing it?

Asako Furunako, who interviewed the Adventist survivors of Hiroshimo, did not believe that any such stories could be true. A little Adventist girl told Ms. Furunako that her grandmother had always told her about the survivor miracle. That was in the 1970′s. After interviewing survivors, Ms. Furunako, in her 50′s, became a believer, indeed, as would we all. At the age of 58, Ms. Furunako entered the theological program at Saniku Gakuin College, graduated, and became a pastor at the Kashiwa Adventist church. She is 88 now, and continues to share her faith. Though without any earthly family, she relies entirely on her Father in Heaven.


Asako Furunako, as a young woman. She interviewed the Adventists who miraculously survived the Hiroshima bomb of August 6, 1945. In the 1970′s, most of the twenty were still living

- See more at: Adventists Unharmed in Hiroshima 1945
Blame Bush

See hope and change

A storm has nothing to do with politics.

Are you drunk?

i guess you missed Katrina.
That was a very sad thing to watch. The people into the occult in New Orleans thought it was business as usual. Afterwards - some people woke up.
The people into the occult in New Orleans thought it was business as usual.

How insane is that statement!!

Not insane at all. You obviously do not know many people in New Orleans. My best friend was from New Orleans. If she were here she would tell you herself about the wickedness that was going on down there before Katrina hit. The same God that rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah is on his throne today. God is not mocked.

Some people believe it was over the deal Bush made in dividing the land of Israel (Gaza) as in this story - others believe it was because of the wickedness of that state. We know that God made clear that his judgment is going to fall on Florida, New York, California and Las Vegas, Nevada - in one hour those places will burn because God says they are like Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Day God Withdrew His Presence from America

How come God hasn't hit Vegas yet?

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