Bernie Sanders.....Can you smell the burn ???


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
meaning the burning bullshit that spewed from his communist mouth !! lots of promises with no explanation on how to achieve his anti capitalist dream ! you see folks there is a simple reason Bernie hates capitalism ......he was a lazy deadbeat looser that could not hold a job until until he got into politics ! its no wonder he hates successful business that provide jobs for millions of people , he couldnt even successfully be employed by one much less create and run one !
He was only right about one matter. CEOs make too much and they do so because of their connections to Washington (my ad lib). Otherwise he is a whacky hypocrite as he is a millionaire himself. Profiting from his fame.
meaning the burning bullshit that spewed from his communist mouth !! lots of promises with no explanation on how to achieve his anti capitalist dream ! you see folks there is a simple reason Bernie hates capitalism ......he was a lazy deadbeat looser that could not hold a job until until he got into politics ! its no wonder he hates successful business that provide jobs for millions of people , he couldnt even successfully be employed by one much less create and run one !
Bernie hates the kind of capitalism that buys politicians, fucks their employees and does things like hiking insulin prices beyond affordability. It is a mystery to me why conservatives like that sort of thing.
He was only right about one matter. CEOs make too much and they do so because of their connections to Washington (my ad lib). Otherwise he is a whacky hypocrite as he is a millionaire himself. Profiting from his fame.

What does a salary of a CEO have to do with Washington? They don't pay the CEO's.

Companies pay them such high salaries because they know how corrupt Washington is and the CEOs can help them navigate regulations, etc. They aren’t being paid just to run their respective companies.
meaning the burning bullshit that spewed from his communist mouth !! lots of promises with no explanation on how to achieve his anti capitalist dream ! you see folks there is a simple reason Bernie hates capitalism ......he was a lazy deadbeat looser that could not hold a job until until he got into politics ! its no wonder he hates successful business that provide jobs for millions of people , he couldnt even successfully be employed by one much less create and run one !
I'm sure if you get close to him you'll smell something and it won't be pleasant.
The man always looks like he just woke up on a park bench. And God forbid someone introduced him to a comb.
meaning the burning bullshit that spewed from his communist mouth !! lots of promises with no explanation on how to achieve his anti capitalist dream ! you see folks there is a simple reason Bernie hates capitalism ......he was a lazy deadbeat looser that could not hold a job until until he got into politics ! its no wonder he hates successful business that provide jobs for millions of people , he couldnt even successfully be employed by one much less create and run one !
I'm sure if you get close to him you'll smell something and it won't be pleasant.
The man always looks like he just woke up on a park bench. And God forbid someone introduced him to a comb.

This is relevant to what exactly?
He was only right about one matter. CEOs make too much and they do so because of their connections to Washington (my ad lib). Otherwise he is a whacky hypocrite as he is a millionaire himself. Profiting from his fame.


Link about my feelings on his speech? It’s an opinion? WTF are you talking about Pigo?
meaning the burning bullshit that spewed from his communist mouth !! lots of promises with no explanation on how to achieve his anti capitalist dream ! you see folks there is a simple reason Bernie hates capitalism ......he was a lazy deadbeat looser that could not hold a job until until he got into politics ! its no wonder he hates successful business that provide jobs for millions of people , he couldnt even successfully be employed by one much less create and run one !
Bernie hates the kind of capitalism that buys politicians, fucks their employees and does things like hiking insulin prices beyond affordability. It is a mystery to me why conservatives like that sort of thing.

Who said conservatives like that sort of thing?

I can explain the insulin prices. Years ago when it started going up, I wrote to the producer and asked what was going on. I didn't get much of an answer. I searched around the internet and asked every pharmacy that was in the area. One day after complaining, a pharmacist told me that Walmart had generic insulin, and perhaps I should try them.

Generic insulin? Me? Not in your life. I don't want to die from Walmart insulin.

But as prices kept increasing, it was unaffordable to me, so I had to give it a try.

I use four vials a month, but because of my uncertainty, I asked the Walmart pharmacist for one vial. It was $24.99, the same price I used to pay for insulin four years before, and certainly much lower than the prices I got from other places at $60.00 a vial.

When the pharmacist handed it to me, it looked awfully familiar; the same packaging as my regular insulin. I took it home, and the same vial.

Long story short, I figured out why prices were ridiculous. Walmart made a dirty deal with the producers of the product. They gave it to Walmart for dirt cheap, and drastically increased prices on every other pharmacy outside of Walmart and Sam's club. Same insulin, made by the same people. The only difference was the packaging at Walmart had a tiny ® which stood for Walmart's brand called Reliance.
meaning the burning bullshit that spewed from his communist mouth !! lots of promises with no explanation on how to achieve his anti capitalist dream ! you see folks there is a simple reason Bernie hates capitalism ......he was a lazy deadbeat looser that could not hold a job until until he got into politics ! its no wonder he hates successful business that provide jobs for millions of people , he couldnt even successfully be employed by one much less create and run one !
He’s too old. Next. Kampala, booker or cortez
meaning the burning bullshit that spewed from his communist mouth !! lots of promises with no explanation on how to achieve his anti capitalist dream ! you see folks there is a simple reason Bernie hates capitalism ......he was a lazy deadbeat looser that could not hold a job until until he got into politics ! its no wonder he hates successful business that provide jobs for millions of people , he couldnt even successfully be employed by one much less create and run one !

Government is where one go’s to fail up.
What sealed the deal for me after minutes of trump hating, fox hating, and conservative hating was when he was asked specifically about about the fentanyl epidemic he didn’t have any solutions to keep the stuff from coming in, he wants to set up clinics so the people that want to get off this stuff have a place to go, like they are going to come in voluntarily. Money for this grows on trees just like with everything else he suggests. When asked also how to pay for single payer he said it won’t cost more than what you are paying now in deductibles, fees and others, you will just be paying more in taxes. So the bottom 50% pay almost nothing in taxes, how is that going to work out. Oh yeah, he also said you could keep your own doctor. Ever heard that one before? He has a lying problem of his own.
meaning the burning bullshit that spewed from his communist mouth !! lots of promises with no explanation on how to achieve his anti capitalist dream ! you see folks there is a simple reason Bernie hates capitalism ......he was a lazy deadbeat looser that could not hold a job until until he got into politics ! its no wonder he hates successful business that provide jobs for millions of people , he couldnt even successfully be employed by one much less create and run one !
Bernie hates the kind of capitalism that buys politicians, fucks their employees and does things like hiking insulin prices beyond affordability. It is a mystery to me why conservatives like that sort of thing.

Who said conservatives like that sort of thing?

I can explain the insulin prices. Years ago when it started going up, I wrote to the producer and asked what was going on. I didn't get much of an answer. I searched around the internet and asked every pharmacy that was in the area. One day after complaining, a pharmacist told me that Walmart had generic insulin, and perhaps I should try them.

Generic insulin? Me? Not in your life. I don't want to die from Walmart insulin.

But as prices kept increasing, it was unaffordable to me, so I had to give it a try.

I use four vials a month, but because of my uncertainty, I asked the Walmart pharmacist for one vial. It was $24.99, the same price I used to pay for insulin four years before, and certainly much lower than the prices I got from other places at $60.00 a vial.

When the pharmacist handed it to me, it looked awfully familiar; the same packaging as my regular insulin. I took it home, and the same vial.

Long story short, I figured out why prices were ridiculous. Walmart made a dirty deal with the producers of the product. They gave it to Walmart for dirt cheap, and drastically increased prices on every other pharmacy outside of Walmart and Sam's club. Same insulin, made by the same people. The only difference was the packaging at Walmart had a tiny ® which stood for Walmart's brand called Reliance.
No Republican would ever really do anything that would end pharmaceutical price gouging and fixing. They must like it. Same goes for a million other things where big business gets to operate like monopolies. Capitalism is a fine thing but it's sick. Instead of attacking the cure for the deep corruption of big business it seems to me that we should all be working to save the formerly good name of capitalism from it's sins.

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