Bernie Sanders and Illhead Ogre now want universal free school lunch


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Soon, these leftist cretins will be wanting government to come to your ass so they can wipe your ass and tuck you in bed.

Ilhan Omar and Bernie Sanders want to bring woke socialism to the school cafeteria​

Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Ilhan Omar aren’t content with pushing “Medicare for all” and the “Green New Deal.” Now, they want to bring their socialist schemes to your child’s school cafeteria.

I'd have to think about this a while.

Everyone's gonna' get taxed for something. If I'm going to be taxed more, I'd rather it be to help ensure that kids get a decent lunch as opposed to some negro getting more money in his gub'mint check every month...
I'd have to think about this a while.

Everyone's gonna' get taxed for something. If I'm going to be taxed more, I'd rather it be to help ensure that kids get a decent lunch as opposed to some negro getting more money in his gub'mint check every month...
Are you suggesting that unless lunch is provided by the school no child, not one child in the entire country will have a decent meal?
Soon, these leftist cretins will be wanting government to come to your ass so they can wipe your ass and tuck you in bed.

Ilhan Omar and Bernie Sanders want to bring woke socialism to the school cafeteria​

Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Ilhan Omar aren’t content with pushing “Medicare for all” and the “Green New Deal.” Now, they want to bring their socialist schemes to your child’s school cafeteria.

Is there anything that helps people that you won't have appoplexy over?
I'd have to think about this a while.

Everyone's gonna' get taxed for something. If I'm going to be taxed more, I'd rather it be to help ensure that kids get a decent lunch as opposed to some negro getting more money in his gub'mint check every month...
Are you suggesting that unless lunch is provided by the school no child, not one child in the entire country will have a decent meal?

How in the fuck did you reach such an ignorant conclusion.

I've suggested nothing of the sort...
I'd have to think about this a while.

Everyone's gonna' get taxed for something. If I'm going to be taxed more, I'd rather it be to help ensure that kids get a decent lunch as opposed to some negro getting more money in his gub'mint check every month...
Are you suggesting that unless lunch is provided by the school no child, not one child in the entire country will have a decent meal?

How in the fuck did you reach such an ignorant conclusion.

I've suggested nothing of the sort...
Sorry. I must have misread "I'd rather it be to help ensure that kids get a decent lunch."
I'd have to think about this a while.

Everyone's gonna' get taxed for something. If I'm going to be taxed more, I'd rather it be to help ensure that kids get a decent lunch as opposed to some negro getting more money in his gub'mint check every month...
Are you suggesting that unless lunch is provided by the school no child, not one child in the entire country will have a decent meal?

How in the fuck did you reach such an ignorant conclusion.

I've suggested nothing of the sort...
Sorry. I must have misread "I'd rather it be to help ensure that kids get a decent lunch."

You certainly did.

If you can find where I suggest that no child would otherwise have a decent lunch I'll buy you a house...
I'd have to think about this a while.

Everyone's gonna' get taxed for something. If I'm going to be taxed more, I'd rather it be to help ensure that kids get a decent lunch as opposed to some negro getting more money in his gub'mint check every month...
Are you suggesting that unless lunch is provided by the school no child, not one child in the entire country will have a decent meal?

How in the fuck did you reach such an ignorant conclusion.

I've suggested nothing of the sort...
Sorry. I must have misread "I'd rather it be to help ensure that kids get a decent lunch."

You certainly did.

If you can find where I suggest that no child would otherwise have a decent lunch I'll buy you a house...
The proposal is for a universal lunch program. This means no child is exempt. No child. You just forgot the qualifier poor. I'd rather it be to help ensure that POOR kids get a decent lunch."
I'd have to think about this a while.

Everyone's gonna' get taxed for something. If I'm going to be taxed more, I'd rather it be to help ensure that kids get a decent lunch as opposed to some negro getting more money in his gub'mint check every month...

And doing so simply trains another generation to look to the government for everything.

This sends the message to parents they don't need to be the ones responsible to feed their kids, and it sends the message to the kids, that the government nipple is their salvation.

This is the way Dimocrats work, they throw shit like this out, and once they've addicted people to their handouts, then most of the time they have lifelong voters. They take advantage of the weak and lazy, they are evil bastards and need to be kicked to the gutter. Unfortunately, they have millions of these weak lazy people that support them, so they're not going anywhere.
The bag lunch kids took to school years ago will be in a museum soon. This has been increasing for a long time. And why with the war on poverty now over 55 years is baffling.
My daughter's school used to offer both breakfast and lunch, free of charge, to all students.

Oddly, the world didn't collapse around us...
I feed our children, I'm not paying to feed everyone else's

Oh yes you are if Democrats are in charge. It's not so much about feeding kids than it is creating more government dependents. Brainwash them from early on that government is there to take care of all your needs and they raise little Nazis.
Soon, these leftist cretins will be wanting government to come to your ass so they can wipe your ass and tuck you in bed.

Ilhan Omar and Bernie Sanders want to bring woke socialism to the school cafeteria​

Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Ilhan Omar aren’t content with pushing “Medicare for all” and the “Green New Deal.” Now, they want to bring their socialist schemes to your child’s school cafeteria.

This is a very good idea and would completely eliminate a number of problems.

To start with you have a peanut allergy problem in inner-city schools.

Then there is the expense in administration for the school lunch programs. Hiring and paying people to determine which children qualify for free lunches and which don’t is an expensive process and it would probably just be cheaper to feed the whole school, than to be pay salaries to administer payments and qualifications.
My daughter's school used to offer both breakfast and lunch, free of charge, to all students.

Oddly, the world didn't collapse around us...

Free of charge? So you mean nobody paid for it?

The taxpayers, of course, paid the bill. The kids going through the line did not have to pay anything out of pocket to eat.

My point is that taxes are going to happen. We can't escape them. So, if taxes are going to happen, I'd rather they happen so that kids can get a decent lunch instead of taxes going to some research group trying to determine the mating habits of subterranean rodents in Zimbabwe...
The taxpayers, of course, paid the bill. The kids going through the line did not have to pay anything out of pocket to eat.

My point is that taxes are going to happen. We can't escape them. So, if taxes are going to happen, I'd rather they happen so that kids can get a decent lunch instead of taxes going to some research group trying to determine the mating habits of subterranean rodents in Zimbabwe...

And why is it right that taxpayers feed your kids or mine? If I had kids, it would be my responsibility to feed them, not my neighbors. You are not going to pay taxes anyway. Taxes are to fund social programs like this. The more programs you have, the more taxes we all must pay.

Over half of my property taxes go to schools that I nor any of my tenants ever had kids in. Tens of thousands of dollars to educate other peoples children. Oh! But that isn't enough for you to pay to educate my child. You must also pay for their sports activities, pay for their books, pay for their transportation to and from school, keep paying those teachers who are sitting at home using the excuse of Covid for a year long vacation. Now we must feed them too????

Maybe it's I'm getting old. You see, most of my education was in a private Catholic school. We only had one classroom that we sat in all day. We had no cafeteria. Your parents made you lunch and you brought it with you every day. From time to time we had Pizza day, but you had to pay for that yourself. If not, just bring your regular lunch in, and make sure it's nothing that needs refrigeration either. They only had one cooler in the school and that was to store milk that you had to pay for.

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