Bernie is the only person I respect of that gaggle of ninnies


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Once him or hate him....Bernie is always Bernie. He doesn't retreat from his positions when the going gets tough. I like that about the guy. The rest of them melt like sugar sculptures in a rainstorm.... Pretty disgusting.

As for Bernie...I don't think he's realistic but he certainly is genuine... Got to give him that.

Agreed. There is a lot to like about his many long term principled positions. Unfortunately, there are many positions that aren’t good. That said, he’s the best of the bunch and most capable of beating Donnie.
He took it in the ass and smiled in 2016. He is part of the establishment, just the extreme left. If he was truly authentic, he would have run independent when the DNC fucked him....and the DNC is fucking him again in 2020.
He took it in the ass and smiled in 2016. He is part of the establishment, just the extreme left. If he was truly authentic, he would have run independent when the DNC fucked him....and the DNC is fucking him again in 2020.

Yeah.... Some pretty dirty stuff happened in 2016 I think they were holding his wife's head on The chopping block. But yes I must agree with you.

Agreed. There is a lot to like about his many long term principled positions. Unfortunately, there are many positions that aren’t good. That said, he’s the best of the bunch and most capable of beating Donnie.

Bloomberg screwed up.... He's the smartest the most capable person on that stage. He should have treated the rest of them like the children that they are in comparison to him.
He could have walked away with a hands-down victory last night if only had not taken very poor advice to be politically correct.
That was such a beating last night I'm not sure he can even recover from it. Either that or he'll have to spend the the extra billion.

Agreed. There is a lot to like about his many long term principled positions. Unfortunately, there are many positions that aren’t good. That said, he’s the best of the bunch and most capable of beating Donnie.

Bloomberg screwed up.... He's the smartest the most capable person on that stage. He should have treated the rest of them like the children that they are in comparison to him.
He could have walked away with a hands-down victory last night if only had not taken very poor advice to be politically correct.
That was such a beating last night I'm not sure he can even recover from it. Either that or he'll have to spend the the extra billion.

Bloomie is an elitist asshole totally out of touch. This column tells you all you need to know about little Mike.

FEBRUARY 20, 2020
Bloomberg is the Equal Evil
An oligarch is trying to buy the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination with cash payments from his own personal fortune. If his takeover attempt succeeds, it will smash the party and assure the reelection of Donald Trump. Given their shared interests, we might wonder whether that is Michael Bloomberg’s true intent. His cynical campaign is based on deceiving people into believing the opposite, that he would be a strong candidate against Trump. Many also believe, falsely, that Bloomberg presents a lesser evil than Trump. The following is presented in refutation of these false premises.

Bloomberg’s 12-year record as mayor of New York, his billions in personal spending as a political and “philanthropic” donor, and his many recorded public statements all suggest strongly that a Bloomberg regime would be at least as extreme, dangerous to democracy, lawless, and warlike as a second Trump term. I would never vote for either of these men, who are similar in all the ways that matter most, including a shared record as serial purveyors of misogynistic harrassment of women. Even were it possible to persuade me to “vote blue no matter who” in Bloomberg’s case, there is little point in trying. Tens of millions of others who might vote for a Democrat against Trump will never vote for Bloomberg, the Republican oligarch, if he seizes control of the party.

Republican Oligarch

Bloomberg is a long-standing Republican billionaire from New York City, rated as one of the ten richest men in the United States. He supported George W. Bush for president in 2000 and endorsed Bush’s reelection in 2004. As a speaker at the Republican nominating convention in New York that year, then Mayor Bloomberg heaped praise on the criminal invasion of Iraq and the “war on terror.” In 2008, Bloomberg endorsed John McCain against Barack Obama.
Bloomberg is the Equal Evil -
Once him or hate him....Bernie is always Bernie. He doesn't retreat from his positions when the going gets tough. I like that about the guy. The rest of them melt like sugar sculptures in a rainstorm.... Pretty disgusting.

As for Bernie...I don't think he's realistic but he certainly is genuine... Got to give him that.

I respect NONE of the clowns. Just a cast of idiots who want to screw the American people.
Once him or hate him....Bernie is always Bernie. He doesn't retreat from his positions when the going gets tough. I like that about the guy. The rest of them melt like sugar sculptures in a rainstorm.... Pretty disgusting.

As for Bernie...I don't think he's realistic but he certainly is genuine... Got to give him that.

I respect NONE of the clowns. Just a cast of idiots who want to screw the American people.

Yep even Bernie's plan amounts to that.

Once him or hate him....Bernie is always Bernie. He doesn't retreat from his positions when the going gets tough. I like that about the guy. The rest of them melt like sugar sculptures in a rainstorm.... Pretty disgusting.

As for Bernie...I don't think he's realistic but he certainly is genuine... Got to give him that.

I don't....He sold his soul when he wouldn't rip inio Hildabeest's overt corruption, then lay down like a good little whelp when the nomination was stolen from him by the DNC.

Batshit Bern is a pussy amongst pussies.

Once him or hate him....Bernie is always Bernie. He doesn't retreat from his positions when the going gets tough. I like that about the guy. The rest of them melt like sugar sculptures in a rainstorm.... Pretty disgusting.

As for Bernie...I don't think he's realistic but he certainly is genuine... Got to give him that.

Bernie's a compulsive liar.
He does not consider it lying because the ends justify the each according to his needs. Workers of the world unite!!!
Once him or hate him....Bernie is always Bernie. He doesn't retreat from his positions when the going gets tough. I like that about the guy. The rest of them melt like sugar sculptures in a rainstorm.... Pretty disgusting.

As for Bernie...I don't think he's realistic but he certainly is genuine... Got to give him that.

I can't see anybody supporting that angry old loser.

Hate to say it but only mayor Buttplug seemed rational (but I'd never vote for any of them)
Once him or hate him....Bernie is always Bernie. He doesn't retreat from his positions when the going gets tough. I like that about the guy. The rest of them melt like sugar sculptures in a rainstorm.... Pretty disgusting.

As for Bernie...I don't think he's realistic but he certainly is genuine... Got to give him that.


Bernie is a dumbass confused Communist that would destroy the US if he ever got power.

However, you are correct, he is an intellectually honest Communist dumbass that sticks to his convictions.

He lies when he tells you the Economic reasons for being a Communist but he doesn't lie about admitting he is a Left Wing kook.

The only exception is that he denies being a Communist. In his uneducated demented mind there is a distinction between being a "Democratic Socialist" and being a fucking Communist.


Once him or hate him....Bernie is always Bernie. He doesn't retreat from his positions when the going gets tough. I like that about the guy. The rest of them melt like sugar sculptures in a rainstorm.... Pretty disgusting.

As for Bernie...I don't think he's realistic but he certainly is genuine... Got to give him that.

He supported Hillary Clinton. He threw all his integrity and 30 years of rhetoric out the window.
He is a fraud just like the rest.

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