Bernie Explains Socialism To Fox News Viewers

It's Jimmy Dore!

What really happened to Venezuela, you ask?
At the beginning of February 1989, after celebrating his re-election with an extremely lavish ceremony, President Pérez — who in his first term of presidency became so notorious for his reliance on oil that he was dubbed the Saudi Venezuelan — promised to reject the prospect of an International Monetary Fund and never subject Venezuelans to austerity measures. Yet on Feb. 17, he shocked both his party and the nation with his announcement that Venezuela was about to experience El Gran Viraje (the Great Turn), the IMF-recommended liberalization of its economy and an end to the great social projects of the state. Austerity was to be the rule of the day as the government attempted to pay off Venezuela’s massive debt incurred when oil prices fell in the mid-1980s. No mention was made of curbing Venezuela’s massive corruption, which the populace was well aware of thanks to Pérez’s liberalization of the press.

In other words.. More Shock Doctrine Disaster Capitalism. Shocking, I know!
I think I've gone from gung-ho frontier capitalist to become a self loathing socialist, I like an awful lot about it and hate myself for
"Better check yourself before you wreck yourself!"
Socialism is just big government forcing more income and wealth distribution on you. It can be made to sound benevolent, but it never turns out that way. Ask the people of Venezuela. The ruling elite always get what they want and the people get screwed.

IMF / World Bank: "big government" comprised of unelected, stateless plutocrats imposing austerity measures from afar.. "forcing more income and wealth distribution on you."
Can you say Disaster Capitalism? I knew you could!


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