Berkeley UC is where crazy people set themselves on fire

And in other news at the Berkley Campus...

A human skeleton was discovered in an abandoned, graffiti-covered building on a University of California, Berkeley campus, officials say.

So they have a body decomposing right there in the middle a busy university campus and nobody notices until it's already skeletonized. WTF? The campus must smell so fragrantly woke that nobody even notices the smell of a rotting human body over the stench.

Those students are very poorly educated.
Someone who would deliberately enter that craven institution ought to be set ablaze.

There ain't a mother fucker there that is even remotely cognizant that I know of, least of all anyone that doesn't belong in a padded cell.
Unbelievable how retarded people are
Someone could of just yanked his legs out from under him real fast ...he wouldn't of even noticed it coming ...shit he's on fire ...

Hopefully he was just a prog protesting something like the," climate emergency"
No loss
I wouldn't expect much from the Social Sciences or Humanities departments at Bezerkely, because they're no doubt ultra-woke.

But in the sciences, they're still excellent, with loads of Nobel Prize winners among their alumni and faculty:
[ Berkeley's Nobel Laureates]

Of course, the Left are now advancing to attack the very idea of objective truth itself, in order to put the superstitions of savages on an equal plane with modern mathematics and science. So who knows how long Berkeley's pre-eminence in those fields will last.

(And, although I hate to sound like the people caricatured in National Review's cover of a couple of decades ago -- "How You Can Profit From the Coming Environmental Catastrophe" -- this does represent an opportunity for the Right.

There are liberals who really, genuinely believe in Free Speech. And in objective truth and modern science. As these ideals and concepts come under increasing attack from the Left, these people will have to choose which side they're on. We should do whatever we can to help them choose our side.

When you fight a war, you look for allies. We need to look for allies on the Left.

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