Berkeley, California, bans candy, junk food at grocery checkouts

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
In my opinion, this is a great example of totalitarianism being implemented under the guise of good intentions.

It's not the job of politicians and government bureaucrats to decide where a storeowner locates their different merchandise. That decision should be up to the store owner.

Berkeley, California, bans candy, junk food at grocery checkouts

September 25, 2020

The city of Berkeley, California is back on the attack against unhealthy habits.

The progressive university town this time has passed an ordinance requiring stores over 2,500 square feet in size to sell more nutritious food and beverage options in their checkout areas.

That means no more candy, soda and salty snacks available for impulsive shoppers waiting in line to pay at the register. The ban is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation.

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,” said a city report on the ordinance passed this week by the city council. “Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”
In my opinion, this is a great example of totalitarianism being implemented under the guise of good intentions.

It's not the job of politicians and government bureaucrats to decide where a storeowner locates their different merchandise. That decision should be up to the store owner.

Berkeley, California, bans candy, junk food at grocery checkouts

September 25, 2020

The city of Berkeley, California is back on the attack against unhealthy habits.

The progressive university town this time has passed an ordinance requiring stores over 2,500 square feet in size to sell more nutritious food and beverage options in their checkout areas.

That means no more candy, soda and salty snacks available for impulsive shoppers waiting in line to pay at the register. The ban is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation.

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,” said a city report on the ordinance passed this week by the city council. “Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

I actually SUPPORT this and they are not outright banning the sale of them it's JUST from the checkout areas:

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,”

“Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

As a parent of 6 kidlets I SUPPORT this because we should not be encouraging our children to be wanting all this crap, we should be encouraging them to eat more healthy foods. Mr. Lucy and me do allow the kidlets SOME sugary drinks and candy etc but we ALSO encourage them to eat more healthy foods and for them to learn that the sugary drinks and candy etc are ONLY to be OCCASIONAL situations. We do NOT want our kidlets full of E numbers and sugar and general bad crap that has NO nutritional value.
In my opinion, this is a great example of totalitarianism being implemented under the guise of good intentions.

It's not the job of politicians and government bureaucrats to decide where a storeowner locates their different merchandise. That decision should be up to the store owner.

Berkeley, California, bans candy, junk food at grocery checkouts

September 25, 2020

The city of Berkeley, California is back on the attack against unhealthy habits.

The progressive university town this time has passed an ordinance requiring stores over 2,500 square feet in size to sell more nutritious food and beverage options in their checkout areas.

That means no more candy, soda and salty snacks available for impulsive shoppers waiting in line to pay at the register. The ban is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation.

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,” said a city report on the ordinance passed this week by the city council. “Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

I actually SUPPORT this and they are not outright banning the sale of them it's JUST from the checkout areas:

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,”

“Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

As a parent of 6 kidlets I SUPPORT this because we should not be encouraging our children to be wanting all this crap, we should be encouraging them to eat more healthy foods. Mr. Lucy and me do allow the kidlets SOME sugary drinks and candy etc but we ALSO encourage them to eat more healthy foods and for them to learn that the sugary drinks and candy etc are ONLY to be OCCASIONAL situations. We do NOT want our kidlets full of E numbers and sugar and general bad crap that has NO nutritional value.
..that's where it's the parents' problem-issue and NOT the stores'....
..either the family has the discipline/culture/etc to ''avoid'' the candy/etc---and have a healthy lifestyle--or they do not
...I see fatties eating LOTS of McDs/etc all the time ....they GO to the fat foods
That town must suck to live in, what do they do give each resident a 10,000,000,000,000 page law book a year?
People who move to progressive jurisdictions like Berkeley, Havana or Pyongyang expect and welcome this kind of micro management of their lives and businesses. Doesn't bother them at all, they appreciate the idea the despots of those towns know how to run their lives better than they do.

Liberals know more than we do.
In my opinion, this is a great example of totalitarianism being implemented under the guise of good intentions.

It's not the job of politicians and government bureaucrats to decide where a storeowner locates their different merchandise. That decision should be up to the store owner.

Berkeley, California, bans candy, junk food at grocery checkouts

September 25, 2020

The city of Berkeley, California is back on the attack against unhealthy habits.

The progressive university town this time has passed an ordinance requiring stores over 2,500 square feet in size to sell more nutritious food and beverage options in their checkout areas.

That means no more candy, soda and salty snacks available for impulsive shoppers waiting in line to pay at the register. The ban is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation.

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,” said a city report on the ordinance passed this week by the city council. “Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

I actually SUPPORT this and they are not outright banning the sale of them it's JUST from the checkout areas:

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,”

“Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

As a parent of 6 kidlets I SUPPORT this because we should not be encouraging our children to be wanting all this crap, we should be encouraging them to eat more healthy foods. Mr. Lucy and me do allow the kidlets SOME sugary drinks and candy etc but we ALSO encourage them to eat more healthy foods and for them to learn that the sugary drinks and candy etc are ONLY to be OCCASIONAL situations. We do NOT want our kidlets full of E numbers and sugar and general bad crap that has NO nutritional value.
That sounds like a you problem. Not a store owners problem and certainly not one that needs a government fix.
In my opinion, this is a great example of totalitarianism being implemented under the guise of good intentions.

It's not the job of politicians and government bureaucrats to decide where a storeowner locates their different merchandise. That decision should be up to the store owner.

Berkeley, California, bans candy, junk food at grocery checkouts

September 25, 2020

The city of Berkeley, California is back on the attack against unhealthy habits.

The progressive university town this time has passed an ordinance requiring stores over 2,500 square feet in size to sell more nutritious food and beverage options in their checkout areas.

That means no more candy, soda and salty snacks available for impulsive shoppers waiting in line to pay at the register. The ban is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation.

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,” said a city report on the ordinance passed this week by the city council. “Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”
But pot is legal and the government will put you up in a hotel and buy you drugs and booze.

Why do taxpayers in California put up with this asinine shit?
“Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

Why stop there? Let's make them work for their "unhealthy choices" .


The point is, it's not up to our elected betters to make these choices for us.
In my opinion, this is a great example of totalitarianism being implemented under the guise of good intentions.

It's not the job of politicians and government bureaucrats to decide where a storeowner locates their different merchandise. That decision should be up to the store owner.

Berkeley, California, bans candy, junk food at grocery checkouts

September 25, 2020

The city of Berkeley, California is back on the attack against unhealthy habits.

The progressive university town this time has passed an ordinance requiring stores over 2,500 square feet in size to sell more nutritious food and beverage options in their checkout areas.

That means no more candy, soda and salty snacks available for impulsive shoppers waiting in line to pay at the register. The ban is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation.

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,” said a city report on the ordinance passed this week by the city council. “Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

I actually SUPPORT this and they are not outright banning the sale of them it's JUST from the checkout areas:

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,”

“Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

As a parent of 6 kidlets I SUPPORT this because we should not be encouraging our children to be wanting all this crap, we should be encouraging them to eat more healthy foods. Mr. Lucy and me do allow the kidlets SOME sugary drinks and candy etc but we ALSO encourage them to eat more healthy foods and for them to learn that the sugary drinks and candy etc are ONLY to be OCCASIONAL situations. We do NOT want our kidlets full of E numbers and sugar and general bad crap that has NO nutritional value.

Yes,PARENTS should encourage their children to eat healthier.
In my opinion, this is a great example of totalitarianism being implemented under the guise of good intentions.

It's not the job of politicians and government bureaucrats to decide where a storeowner locates their different merchandise. That decision should be up to the store owner.

Berkeley, California, bans candy, junk food at grocery checkouts

September 25, 2020

The city of Berkeley, California is back on the attack against unhealthy habits.

The progressive university town this time has passed an ordinance requiring stores over 2,500 square feet in size to sell more nutritious food and beverage options in their checkout areas.

That means no more candy, soda and salty snacks available for impulsive shoppers waiting in line to pay at the register. The ban is believed to be the first of its kind in the nation.

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,” said a city report on the ordinance passed this week by the city council. “Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

I actually SUPPORT this and they are not outright banning the sale of them it's JUST from the checkout areas:

“This ordinance is another effort to create a healthy food environment that would support families by providing them the ability to avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient food and beverages when they do their grocery and other shopping,”

“Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

As a parent of 6 kidlets I SUPPORT this because we should not be encouraging our children to be wanting all this crap, we should be encouraging them to eat more healthy foods. Mr. Lucy and me do allow the kidlets SOME sugary drinks and candy etc but we ALSO encourage them to eat more healthy foods and for them to learn that the sugary drinks and candy etc are ONLY to be OCCASIONAL situations. We do NOT want our kidlets full of E numbers and sugar and general bad crap that has NO nutritional value.
but give them a bowl of mostly sugar and send them off to school right?...
“Individuals and families who want to purchase sugary drinks, candy, chips, and other sweet and salty snacks will be able to find them in their respective aisles in the center of stores. By changing checkout norms, shoppers and their children face less temptation to consume sugary foods and there is less reinforcement of these unhealthy choices.”

Why stop there? Let's make them work for their "unhealthy choices" .

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The point is, it's not up to our elected betters to make these choices for us.
Especially in Right to Work States.
In my opinion, this is a great example of totalitarianism being implemented under the guise of good intentions.

It's not the job of politicians and government bureaucrats to decide where a storeowner locates their different merchandise. That decision should be up to the store owner.

Socialists gonna socialize.

Some people think of government as an all-purpose tool to force your will on others.

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