Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

This is not the first time that Carson has spoken about the need to eradicate alleged political bias from college classrooms. In June, he offered the same idea while appearing as a guest on a Las Vegas radio show.

Carson often complains that the United States is weighed down by what he calls a "
PC culture." It seems that his defense of intemperate speech doesn't extend to political speech that he finds objectionable.

One minute Tea Baggers and far-righties are FOR the U.S. Constitution, and the next minute they are AGAINST it's protections. Strange, very strange.

Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

This is not the first time that Carson has spoken about the need to eradicate alleged political bias from college classrooms. In June, he offered the same idea while appearing as a guest on a Las Vegas radio show.

Carson often complains that the United States is weighed down by what he calls a "
PC culture." It seems that his defense of intemperate speech doesn't extend to political speech that he finds objectionable.

One minute Tea Baggers and far-righties are FOR the U.S. Constitution, and the next minute they are AGAINST it's protections. Strange, very strange.

Teachers don't have the right of free speech in the class room any more than you have the right of free speech in your place of employment.
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

He never made such claim, dumbass.
Sure, he said we can't elect Muslim Presidents.

That would take a consitutional amendment.

Own it Bripat!

You wouldn't allow a Muslim president either.

You righties gotta start backing up your angry old white guy rhetoric
and since a muslim won't do that then Ben would not advocate for that particular muslim running for President of the USA .
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

He never made such claim, dumbass.
Sure, he said we can't elect Muslim Presidents.

That would take a consitutional amendment.

Own it Bripat!

You wouldn't allow a Muslim president either.

You righties gotta start backing up your angry old white guy rhetoric

"I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation," is exactly what he said. He didn't mention the amending the Constitution.

I definitely would never vote for a Muslim for President, or a Democrat, for that matter.

Own the fact that you're a dumbass.
Why not, he already wants to amend the Constitution to dissallow Muslims from holding elected Federal office

He never made such claim, dumbass.
Sure, he said we can't elect Muslim Presidents.

That would take a consitutional amendment.

Own it Bripat!

You wouldn't allow a Muslim president either.

You righties gotta start backing up your angry old white guy rhetoric

Two dumbasses agree. How nauseating.
No reasonable person doubts that political bias and indoctrination exists on college campuses.

NOT supporting, with American tax money, an anti-american political movement is completely reasonable.

Lefty teachers are welcome to exercise their Freedom of Speech.

Just not on my dime.
Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

This is not the first time that Carson has spoken about the need to eradicate alleged political bias from college classrooms. In June, he offered the same idea while appearing as a guest on a Las Vegas radio show.

Carson often complains that the United States is weighed down by what he calls a "
PC culture." It seems that his defense of intemperate speech doesn't extend to political speech that he finds objectionable.

One minute Tea Baggers and far-righties are FOR the U.S. Constitution, and the next minute they are AGAINST it's protections. Strange, very strange.

He's correct. There should not be politics in any class unfortunately everything is political in public schools.

They set 15 minutes aside in a college class here so that an Obama operative could come in and speak about Obamacare.
Ben Carson Wants to Censor Speech on College Campuses

"I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said. "It would be to monitor our institutions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny federal funding if it exists."

This is not the first time that Carson has spoken about the need to eradicate alleged political bias from college classrooms. In June, he offered the same idea while appearing as a guest on a Las Vegas radio show.

Carson often complains that the United States is weighed down by what he calls a "
PC culture." It seems that his defense of intemperate speech doesn't extend to political speech that he finds objectionable.

One minute Tea Baggers and far-righties are FOR the U.S. Constitution, and the next minute they are AGAINST it's protections. Strange, very strange.


Didn't know Ben Carson was on the Liberal ticket. I guess he must be because you are worried about what he believes. What's the matter? Neither Hillary or Bernie give you Liberals anything to talk about?
Remember that up until a year ago, he was a Democrat:
Carson said, “I was a rabid, left-wing Democrat. I'm running as a Republican because you have to run as something.” Dr. Carson, who has said several times he will make a formal announcement in May as to whether he is running for the Republican nomination for president, said voters should, “Listen to my solutions.Feb 24, 2015
People wake up and pay attention
Remember that up until a year ago, he was a Democrat:
Carson said, “I was a rabid, left-wing Democrat. I'm running as a Republican because you have to run as something.” Dr. Carson, who has said several times he will make a formal announcement in May as to whether he is running for the Republican nomination for president, said voters should, “Listen to my solutions.Feb 24, 2015
People wake up and pay attention

Are you a card-carring member of the KKK?
Pointing out that one of the top Republican presidential candidates said he use to be a rabid, left-wing Democrat.
and is running as a Republican because you have to run as something. is racist how exactly?
Remember that up until a year ago, he was a Democrat:
Carson said, “I was a rabid, left-wing Democrat. I'm running as a Republican because you have to run as something.” Dr. Carson, who has said several times he will make a formal announcement in May as to whether he is running for the Republican nomination for president, said voters should, “Listen to my solutions.Feb 24, 2015
People wake up and pay attention

Are you a card-carring member of the KKK?
Pointing out that one of the top Republican presidential candidates said he use to be a rabid, left-wing Democrat.
and is running as a Republican because you have to run as something. is racist how exactly?

If Trump was a Demcrat
and Carson was a Democrat,

Is it possible that conservatives want a Democrat to run for them?

Jim Webb is a democrat--support Webb! 2016
I love how these rightwing "less intrusive government" candidates turn around and propose increasingly intrusive government actions - such as monitoring higher education for "extreme political bias".

I wonder how they will determine what that is?
I love how these rightwing "less intrusive government" candidates turn around and propose increasingly intrusive government actions - such as monitoring higher education for "extreme political bias".

I wonder how they will determine what that is?

It's a real shame your own candidates leave you with nothing to talk about. LOL!!
I love how these rightwing "less intrusive government" candidates turn around and propose increasingly intrusive government actions - such as monitoring higher education for "extreme political bias".

I wonder how they will determine what that is?

It's a real shame your own candidates leave you with nothing to talk about. LOL!!

They're pretty boring next to the Republican field...

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