Ben Carson Beaten and Thrown out of Trump Rally


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Nov 10, 2015


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Touché. Although I have to admit I was hoping somebody had taken yesterday's video and superimposed Carson's face on it.
Yeah, what America really craves is another Bilderburger/CFR pawn that is a Sal Alinsky disciple that suffers from a sense of entitlement like Hitlery Clinton. Let's just forget ALLLLL about the crimes her and Bill got away with...especially in Arkansas when they were CIA pawns in bringing in cocaine at the Mena Airport.........I mean, it's all just water under the bridge because we can trust them to do right by us.......

Holy fuck, most of you people are just hopelessly don't have the slightest clue and when the shit hits the fan, you are not going to have any place to turn...God help you.
Drumpf on Carson

Mr. Trump on Mr. Carson’s immigration views: “Ben Carson is very, very weak on immigration. He believes in amnesty strongly.”

Mr. Trump on Mr. Carson’s energy levels: “Actually, I think Ben Carson is lower energy than Jeb.”

Mr. Trump on Mr. Carson’s ability to stimulate the economy: “Ben Carson has never created a job in his life (well, maybe a nurse). I have created tens of thousands of jobs, it’s what I do.”

Mr. Trump on Mr. Carson’s fitness to lead: “It’s not his thing. He doesn’t have the temperament for it. I think Ben just doesn’t have the experience.”

Mr. Trump on Mr. Carson’s religion: “I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about, I just don’t know about.”

Mr. Trump on Mr. Carson being violent as a child: “He actually said ‘pathological temper,’ and then he defined it as disease. If you’re pathological, there’s no cure for that, folks. If you’re a child molester, a sick puppy, there’s no cure for that.”

Mr. Trump on Mr. Carson’s bad temper, continued: “Think about what Carson is saying: he hit his mother over the head with a hammer, he hit a friend in the face with a lock, he tried to kill somebody with a knife.”
Drumpf on Carson

Mr. Trump on Mr. Carson being violent as a child: “He actually said ‘pathological temper,’ and then he defined it as disease. If you’re pathological, there’s no cure for that, folks. If you’re a child molester, a sick puppy, there’s no cure for that.”

Mr. Trump on Mr. Carson’s bad temper, continued: “Think about what Carson is saying: he hit his mother over the head with a hammer, he hit a friend in the face with a lock, he tried to kill somebody with a knife.”

Why, that makes him a perfect Rumpbot, doesn't it? Give him a nice aisle seat at rallies, let him pounce, and then the blogosphere drools all over itself to call him a "patriot".
Ben said the out front violent Fascist Trump is much different than the quiet and sweet racist that he knows from behind the scene.

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