Belgian Boy Forced to Kiss Muslims’ Feet is Metaphor for the Death of the West


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
No: Diversity for the sake of diversity is not our strength.

Stating this simple obvious truth doesn't make me a bigot, or a racist, or a white supermacist.

It simply means that if you are going to emigrate to a country, you assimilate and observe its cultural norms.

Once behavior like this is allowed to take root, it transforms into a societal rot eating away at the edifice of liberty the citizens of these Western nations are supposed to be guaranteed.

IE, our governments - who we subsidize with hard earned tax payer dollars - are supposed to be a bulwark against would be invaders. Whether that is in the form of an army, or a direct cultural onslaught aimed at our institutions.

Permitting wave upon wave of young men who are quite open about the fact that they have nothing but disdain for the West and its cultural mores, is a recipe for disaster.

And the following are just tiny examples of this unavoidable truth.

The scene was terrible, so much so that were the victim and victimizers reversed, the incident would’ve been front-page news. Instead, it was “Nothing to see here; move along.”

“It’s just another ‘infidel’ being forced to kiss some Muslims’ feet and then beaten.”

There’s truth to the above statement, too: The violence and humiliation, visited recently on a frightened, young Belgian boy and caught on video, was just one of many incidents involving an age-old Islamic method for asserting dominance and control.

As mentioned, however, the poor kid is hardly alone. The above video was posted August 17, and just six days later similar footage appeared, this time of a Finnish girl being forced to her knees by a Muslim mob to apologize for some unknown “transgression.”

This behavior has been seen in the Land Down Under, too. As Ibrahim related last year, quoting The Age’s reporting on incidents in Melbourne:

A 12-year-old Jewish student was forced to kneel down and kiss the shoes of a Muslim classmate, while a five-year-old boy was allegedly called a “Jewish cockroach” and repeatedly hounded in the school toilets by his young classmates….

The article then proceeds to engage in a meticulous dive into the history of this sick "tradition", citing English white slaves in Morocco and so forth.

While an interesting - if repugnant - read, the bottom line is this foul behavior would never be permitted in these "immigrants'" home countries should the shoe be on the other foot. (Couldn't resist a bad pun, so sue me.)

The ugly truth is that "wokeness", "cultural marxism", just plain ole' "white guilt" - whatever the hell you want to label it - makes fools of us all; while charting the nations in which this ideology blooms on a collision course with their own inevitable oblivion.
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No: Diversity for the sake of diversity is not our strength.

Stating this simple obvious truth doesn't make me a bigot, or a racist, or a white supermacist.

It simply means that if you are going to emigrate to a country, you assimilate and observe its cultural norms.

Once behavior like this is allowed to take root, it transforms into a societal rot eating away at the edifice of liberty the citizens of these Western nations are supposed to be guaranteed.

IE, our governments - who we subsidize with hard earned tax payer dollars - are supposed to be a bulwark against would be invaders. Whether that is in the form of an army, or a direct cultural onslaught aimed at our institutions.

Permitting wave upon wave of young men who are quite open about the fact that they have nothing but disdain for the West and its cultural mores, is a recipe for disaster.

And the following are just tiny examples of this unavoidable fact.

The article then proceeds to engage in a meticulous dive into the history of this sick "tradition", citing English white slaves in Morocco and so forth.

While an interesting - and repugnant - read, the bottom line is this foul behavior would never be permitted in these "immigrants'" home countries should the shoe be on the other foot. (Couldn't resist a bad pun, so sue me.)

The ugly truth is that "wokeness", "cultural marxism", just plain ole' "white guilt" - whatever the hell you want to label it - makes fools of us all; while charting the nations in which this ideology blooms on a collision course with its own inevitable oblivion.

Where are the adults?! Wtf?!
No: Diversity for the sake of diversity is not our strength.

Stating this simple obvious truth doesn't make me a bigot, or a racist, or a white supermacist.

It simply means that if you are going to emigrate to a country, you assimilate and observe its cultural norms.

Once behavior like this is allowed to take root, it transforms into a societal rot eating away at the edifice of liberty the citizens of these Western nations are supposed to be guaranteed.

IE, our governments - who we subsidize with hard earned tax payer dollars - are supposed to be a bulwark against would be invaders. Whether that is in the form of an army, or a direct cultural onslaught aimed at our institutions.

Permitting wave upon wave of young men who are quite open about the fact that they have nothing but disdain for the West and its cultural mores, is a recipe for disaster.

And the following are just tiny examples of this unavoidable truth.

The article then proceeds to engage in a meticulous dive into the history of this sick "tradition", citing English white slaves in Morocco and so forth.

While an interesting - and repugnant - read, the bottom line is this foul behavior would never be permitted in these "immigrants'" home countries should the shoe be on the other foot. (Couldn't resist a bad pun, so sue me.)

The ugly truth is that "wokeness", "cultural marxism", just plain ole' "white guilt" - whatever the hell you want to label it - makes fools of us all; while charting the nations in which this ideology blooms on a collision course with their own inevitable oblivion.

If it was my kid that got bullied like that, I might handle it like this. Enjoy....

No: Diversity for the sake of diversity is not our strength.

Stating this simple obvious truth doesn't make me a bigot, or a racist, or a white supermacist.

It simply means that if you are going to emigrate to a country, you assimilate and observe its cultural norms.

Once behavior like this is allowed to take root, it transforms into a societal rot eating away at the edifice of liberty the citizens of these Western nations are supposed to be guaranteed.

IE, our governments - who we subsidize with hard earned tax payer dollars - are supposed to be a bulwark against would be invaders. Whether that is in the form of an army, or a direct cultural onslaught aimed at our institutions.

Permitting wave upon wave of young men who are quite open about the fact that they have nothing but disdain for the West and its cultural mores, is a recipe for disaster.

And the following are just tiny examples of this unavoidable truth.

The article then proceeds to engage in a meticulous dive into the history of this sick "tradition", citing English white slaves in Morocco and so forth.

While an interesting - if repugnant - read, the bottom line is this foul behavior would never be permitted in these "immigrants'" home countries should the shoe be on the other foot. (Couldn't resist a bad pun, so sue me.)

The ugly truth is that "wokeness", "cultural marxism", just plain ole' "white guilt" - whatever the hell you want to label it - makes fools of us all; while charting the nations in which this ideology blooms on a collision course with their own inevitable oblivion.

Good for nothing lying corrupted 'politicians' of former Christian countries force their citizens to kiss Muslims on ass...
All 'politicians' of all parties are insane satanists and traitors. If peoples of white countries want to survive their shall abolish the corrupted dictatorship of Freemasons by another more human system
No: Diversity for the sake of diversity is not our strength.

Stating this simple obvious truth doesn't make me a bigot, or a racist, or a white supermacist.

It simply means that if you are going to emigrate to a country, you assimilate and observe its cultural norms.

Once behavior like this is allowed to take root, it transforms into a societal rot eating away at the edifice of liberty the citizens of these Western nations are supposed to be guaranteed.

IE, our governments - who we subsidize with hard earned tax payer dollars - are supposed to be a bulwark against would be invaders. Whether that is in the form of an army, or a direct cultural onslaught aimed at our institutions.

Permitting wave upon wave of young men who are quite open about the fact that they have nothing but disdain for the West and its cultural mores, is a recipe for disaster.

And the following are just tiny examples of this unavoidable truth.

The article then proceeds to engage in a meticulous dive into the history of this sick "tradition", citing English white slaves in Morocco and so forth.

While an interesting - if repugnant - read, the bottom line is this foul behavior would never be permitted in these "immigrants'" home countries should the shoe be on the other foot. (Couldn't resist a bad pun, so sue me.)

The ugly truth is that "wokeness", "cultural marxism", just plain ole' "white guilt" - whatever the hell you want to label it - makes fools of us all; while charting the nations in which this ideology blooms on a collision course with their own inevitable oblivion.

The European left has outsourced the Nazis this time, but it's 1936 all over again.
Where are the adults?! Wtf?!

well, B. is not like Moscow 🇷🇺 ulus, those who are responsible gonna pay HEAVY PRICE FOR THIS PUBLIC HUMILIATION .

THOSE bad MUSLIMS ´D move to Muscovy , where the Muslims dominate and humiliate the weak alcoholic race of the Muscovites




And I didn't even mention the mass riots or rapes....
The Left says that it is intolerant to complain about Muslim immigrants raping their host country's women and children.
The Left wants the rape victims to be silent.

Crime Statistics: 77% of Rapes in Sweden are committed by the 2% Muslim male population​

February 20, 2017/in Culture War, Featured, Healthcare, National Security, Policy, Politics, Religion/by Dr. Rich Swier
Remember the TV Reporter Laura Logan being raped by Muslims in public in Egypt.
The Left says that it is intolerant to complain about it.

The journalist has spoken about the ordeal before, but said previous accounts of the attack had been downplayed by the media.

"You can't have a #MeToo movement standing up for women and righting the wrongs of the past but say nothing about a female journalist who was gang-raped and almost died," she told Newsweek in an interview that was published Monday.

She described the sexual assault in great detail.

A large group of people, believed to be "pro-American," were celebrating when Logan said her terrified translator urged her to start running.
Most Muslims are just your average everyday peoples; however, the radicals actually consist of up to about 300 million individuals that would like to see all non-Muslims, converted to Islam, be enslaved, or killed. That amounts to about the population of the entire United States and the radical numbers are expanding.
Most Muslims are just your average everyday peoples; however, the radicals actually consist of up to about 300 million individuals that would like to see all non-Muslims, converted to Islam, be enslaved, or killed.

That was a bit of a contradiction.

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