Belarus has opened the World Covid - 19 conspiracy


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
So, where did the coronavirus go during the protests against Lukashenko?

At one time President Lukashenko was accused of ignoring the pandemic. Today we see hundreds of thousands of people protesting in Minsk, but there are no bursts of coronavirus incidence.

As we know, now in Belarus, mass opposition protests continue. Hundreds of thousands of people regularly take part in protest actions. Naturally, we are not talking about any effective protection against the virus: even if some of the protesters wear medical masks and gloves, it is a "drop in the sea" against the background of the main "maskless" masses. Even from the footage of the protests it can be seen - in the sanitary protection means several dozens of the whole crowd.

Opposition protesters are in daily contact with each other. People are different - of different sexes, ages, from different regions of the country.

They are not only young people, but also mature people. Naturally, among them should be those who are called carriers of coronavirus, but there is no mass spike in morbidity in Belarus. At least, nothing has been heard about overcrowded clinics in Belarusian cities.

Interestingly, in the spring of 2020, the entire world community was angrily condemning Lukashenko, accusing him of ignoring the pandemic and not taking measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The president joked, advised to drink vodka, eat lard and steam in the bath.

As a result, it turns out that Lukashenko was right: so much time has passed, and there is no evidence in favor of the catastrophic epidemiological situation in Belarus. In the conditions of mass protests, hospitals in Minsk and other cities of the country should have been "tied up". But they functioned in a normal mode.

What is it? Does the coronavirus not work on those who protest against the "dictator"?

The situation in Belorussia makes one think about the very nature of the whole information hysteria that bloated during spring and summer of 2020 around the coronavirus pandemic.

The countries imposed severe restrictions on citizens, closed down businesses, followed by huge financial losses, but as soon as it was necessary to bring leftists and African-Americans to the streets of American cities, the pandemic was blown away by the wind: no problems, hundreds of thousands of people in the streets, tent cities. We saw this in Belarus as well.

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