Being Barack Obama

The Paperboy

Times Square
Aug 26, 2008
Times Square

Remember the movie, "Being John Malkovich"? If not, let me explain: A down and out puppeteer discovers a mysterious portal in a wall, which when entered transports him into the consciousness of actor John Malkovich. He is literally in Malkovich's head. And this is what has happened to Obama: Sarah Palin has gotten into Obama's head and it has thrown Obama way off his game.

Comedian and policitcal commentator Dennis Miller nailed it when he said Palin was, "deep, deep in his mellon".

And here's how it has manifested itself:

1. The Obama campaign welcomed Palin by issuing the following statement:

"Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency".

Never mind that she is the current Governor of a state that employs 25,000 people and oversees a budget of 9 billion dollars.

2. Making matters worse Obama began to compare his executive experience with Palin's by stating the following:

"My understanding is that Gov. Palin's town, Wassilla, has I think 50 employees. We've got 2500 in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe 12 million dollars a year – we have a budget of about three times that just for the month."

Again he belittles her experience as a small town mayor (see No. 3).

His statement also begs the question: Is he saying he didn't have executive experience before running for President?

3. No. 1 and 2 above opened the door for the return of the infamous "small towns in Pennsylvania" quote in which Obama said, "it's not surprising they get bitter. They cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them..."

4. Lipstick on a Pig: Never mind if Obama intended this to be directed at Palin. It was dumb and showed incredibly poor judgement. As Obama told told us, "words matter".

5. The "McCain doesn't know how to use a computer" attack ad: Obama is trying to be more aggressive. Fair enough. But perhaps he should've had his internet wizards Google, "John McCain computer". If they'd done so they would've found multiple articles from the main stream media including one from the Boston Globe with this quote:

"McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. "

14 days ago the election was Obama's to win or lose. I think that has changed. Now I believe it is Sarah's to win or lose for McCain. I believe Obama brought this upon himself by being to proud to pick Hillary. This then opened the door for McCain to pick Govenor Palin. Even still it was Obama's to win or lose but instead of taking the high ground (and telling his friends in the press to do the same) he went negative on Palin and lost control of the election.

But then again in politics 14 days is a long time and we still have 50+ days left until the election. Say what you want it's sure gonna be interesting!
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14 days ago the election was Obama's to win or lose. I think that has changed. Now I believe it is Sarah's to win or lose for McCain. I believe Obama brought this upon himself by being to proud to pick Hillary. This then opened the door for McCain to pick Govenor Palin. Even still it was Obama's to win or lose but instead of taking the high ground (and telling his friends in the press to do the same) he went negative on Palin and lost control of the election.

I had no doubt that there were going to be events that would cause the rise and fall of both candidates, but I never thought Obama was a shoe in. He is up against a well oil propaganda machine the Republicans are well adapted to using in their favor. I don't see pointing out Palin's shortcomings as being negative. If anything the truth seems to have ruffled Republican feathers, which is sort of comical to watch.
I had no doubt that there were going to be events that would cause the rise and fall of both candidates, but I never thought Obama was a shoe in. He is up against a well oil propaganda machine the Republicans are well adapted to using in their favor. I don't see pointing out Palin's shortcomings as being negative. If anything the truth seems to have ruffled Republican feathers, which is sort of comical to watch.

Even the mainstream media is all over Charlie Gibson for his "Bush Doctrine" gaffe.

Read over the unedited version of the Palin interview. Especially her comments about Russia. Then compare those comments with what the main stream media initially reported. It is outright manipulation.

As for propaganda, please be specific.

Let's put it this way: When Washington State is in play you know the Democrats have a BIG problem. Combine that with Republicans being up 5% in the Gallup generic poll among likely voters.

It's a seismic shift.
Even the mainstream media is all over Charlie Gibson for his "Bush Doctrine" gaffe.

Read over the unedited version of the Palin interview. Especially her comments about Russia. Then compare those comments with what the main stream media initially reported. It is outright manipulation.

As for propaganda, please be specific.

Let's put it this way: When Washington State is in play you know the Democrats have a BIG problem. Combine that with Republicans being up 5% in the Gallup generic poll among likely voters.

It's a seismic shift.

Agreed--the UNEDITED version gives the viewer a much more accurate story and a different one than the editor originally presented in excepts.
Even the mainstream media is all over Charlie Gibson for his "Bush Doctrine" gaffe.

Read over the unedited version of the Palin interview. Especially her comments about Russia. Then compare those comments with what the main stream media initially reported. It is outright manipulation.

As for propaganda, please be specific.

Let's put it this way: When Washington State is in play you know the Democrats have a BIG problem. Combine that with Republicans being up 5% in the Gallup generic poll among likely voters.

It's a seismic shift.

It's pretty lame complaining about the MSM when it was ABC who did the interview.

I don't pay attention to polls because they aren't always accurate. I have seen transcripts of her interview and the Bush Doctrine question doesn't mean a lot to me other than she should be familiar with it.

I listened to her comments about Russia and I was more interested in what she didn't say. She failed to say we wouldn't commit troops to a conflict between Russia and Georgia.

Palin on what it would take to invade Russia:

When Gibson said if under the NATO treaty, the United States would have to go to war if Russia again invaded Georgia, Palin responded: "Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you're going to be expected to be called upon and help.

"And we've got to keep an eye on Russia. For Russia to have exerted such pressure in terms of invading a smaller democratic country, unprovoked, is unacceptable," she told Gibson.

Kind of ironic she didn't mention Georgia was the one who provoked Russia in the conflict. Maybe she conviently forgot to mention that small detail.

By propaganda I was referring to the half-truth being pointed out in McCains campaign ads which seem to be out of proportion to those coming from the Obama campaign. Are you saying you aren't familiar with Republican campaign tactics that have been so successful the past 8 years, or are you denying that McCain is getting caught lying?

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