Beijing Fears COVID-19 Is Turning Point for China, Globalization

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
And the media continues to spread China's propaganda. I would say that's surprising, but it's not. If China is not taken to the woodshed over this once this is all over the western world should revolt against their elected officials

"The reality is that China did not tell its own people about the risk for weeks and refused to let in major foreign epidemiological teams, including from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Thus, the world could not get accurate information and laboratory samples early on. By then, it was too late to stop the virus from spreading, and other world capitals were as lax in imposing meaningful travel bans and quarantines as was Beijing.

Because of China’s initial failures, governments around the world, including democratic ones, now are being forced to take extraordinary actions that mimic to one degree or another Beijing’s authoritarian tendencies, thus remaking the world more in China’s image. Not least of the changes will be in more intrusive digital surveillance of citizens, so as to be able to better track and stop the spread of future epidemics, a step that might not have been necessary if Beijing was more open about the virus back in December and if the WHO had fulfilled its responsibilities earlier. "

This is much like the reaction of most governments on the planet. . . or so it seems.

COVID-19: Our Leaders Are Terrified. Not of the Virus — of Us

Leaders seem to be allergic to telling their people the truth these days. . . .
This is much like the reaction of most governments on the planet. . . or so it seems.

COVID-19: Our Leaders Are Terrified. Not of the Virus — of Us

From a look at the bottom graph, testing and tracking did more to get it under control than social distancing. Maybe I'm wrong.
Take them to the woodshed how?
Companies are going to vacate China...none of them are saying that publicly now but with the potential for more viruses popping up in China they won't want to take the know that NBA players won't want to go there for a while....same goes for Apple employees....
This is much like the reaction of most governments on the planet. . . or so it seems.

COVID-19: Our Leaders Are Terrified. Not of the Virus — of Us

From a look at the bottom graph, testing and tracking did more to get it under control than social distancing. Maybe I'm wrong.
. . . yes, it doesn't appear that martial law has any affect on those curves at all.

FT always has such useful info. IF I could afford a sub, that is probably the first place I would sub to. Good source. NYT and WaPo are such garbage.

I used to use it in H.S. and at University when you could just use the Hard Copy at the library for reports. Otherwise, Christian Science Monitor is the default.

Financial Times


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