Beck, Open book test.

The various 'lefties' on the broad have answered the initial challenge
The structure of this thread is watch the video make note of the offending lies according to the time count on the video and bring proof they are lies.

None have even attempted beyond the first one to get close to anything other than the normal list of annoying traits .

The structure of this thread is watch the video make note of the offending lies according to the time count on the video and bring proof they are lies.

The structure of this thread is watch the video make note of the offending lies according to the time count on the video and bring proof they are lies.
[ame=]YouTube - 111[/ame]

Day 1
- Can we survive this debt? If yes, how?
- Why the rush on health care reform, cap-and-trade?
- Who is writing these bills?
- Will Washington read and understand the bills?
- Why are you called "grassroots" if you are for, but "Astroturf" if you are against?
- Our unfunded liabilities for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid is close to $100 trillion. Is there any way to pay for these programs without bankrupting America?
- We are in so much debt, why spend more borrowed money on cap-and-trade and health care programs before we stop the flow of red ink?
- The stimulus package funneled billions of dollars to ACORN: How does giving billions of dollars to ACORN stimulate the economy?
- If it was so important for Congress to pass the stimulus bill before they even had time to read it, why has only a fraction of the stimulus money been spent six months later?
- Former President Bush said he had to abandon free market principles in order to save them; how exactly does that work?
- Why won’t member of Congress read the bills before they vote on them?
- Why are citizens mocked and laughed at when they ask their congressman to read the bills before they vote on them?
- Was the "cash for clunkers" program meant to save the Earth or the economy? Did it accomplish either?
- How did Van Jones, a self-proclaimed communist, become a special adviser to the president?
- Did President Obama know of Van Jones’ radical political beliefs when he named him special adviser?
- The Apollo Alliance claimed credit for writing the stimulus bill; why was this group allowed to write any portion of this bill?
- If politicians aren’t writing the bills and aren’t reading the bills, do they have any idea what these 1,000-page plus bills actually impose on the American people?
- If the "public option" health care plan is so good, why won’t politicians agree to have that as their plan?
- If town hall meetings are intended for the politicians to learn what’s on our mind, why do they spend so much time talking instead of listening?
- Politicians are refusing to attend town hall meetings complaining, without evidence, that they are scripted. Does that mean we shouldn’t come out and vote for you since every campaign stop, baby kiss and speech you give is scripted?
- Why would you want to overwhelm the system?
- Is using the economic crises to rush legislation through Congress what Rahm Emanuel meant when he talked about not letting a crisis go to waste?
- What are the president's "czars" paid? What is the budget for their staffs/offices?
[ame=]YouTube - The New Republic: America's future 2[/ame]

Day 2
- Who is "surrounding" the president in the White House?
- Do any of the president's advisers have criminal records?
- Are the president's advisers working to better the country or their own ideals?
- Who are the anti-capitalists in Washington?
- What role do they have in crafting bills?
- What was "STORM"? What happened to the founders; where are they now?
- What qualifications must one have to be a presidential adviser?
- What is the difference between a community organizer and a community activist?
- Do the "czars" have power?
- Should a communist have the ear of the president of the United States?
- What role did the Apollo Alliance play in crafting bills?
- Does the president know the co-founder of the Weather Underground is a board member of the Apollo Alliance?
- How many people in the administration are connected to the Movement for a Democratic Society?
- What role does George Soros play... constitutionally?
[ame=]YouTube - The New Republic: America's future 3[/ame]

Day 3
- Why does the FCC have a diversity "czar"?
- Who is Mark Lloyd and how does he plan to "balance" the airwaves?
- Will he bring back the Fairness Doctrine or worse?
- Cass Sunstein once said he wants to balance the Internet; is that next?
- Will broadcasters who leave the airwaves be allowed to go to satellite or Internet without government regulation?
- Is there any place (that has a mass audience) where the government wont regulate free speech?
- Why does it seem every member of the Obama advisory team hates capitalism, unless those companies (like G.E.) are in bed with the administration?
If Lloyd has his way, stations who don't comply to the governments definition of the "public interest" will have to pay a massive fine — that helps support public broadcasting:
- What will be the definition of "public interest"?
- Who defines "public interest"?
- Why should it be balanced? Because it's public airwaves? (Well, there are public roads that go by my house and I don't count how many Republicans and Democrats are driving on them)
[ame=]YouTube - The New Republic: America's future 4[/ame]

Day 4
- Why do we need a civilian force?
- Who is posing a threat to us?
- Who will this "force" be made up of?
- Who is the real enemy?
- Does the president know of a coming event? If not, who builds an army against an unrecognized enemy?
- Why won't the media get off their butts and look into these radicals in the White House? And into this civilian army?
[ame=]YouTube - The New Republic: America's future 5[/ame]

Day 5

All week on radio and TV Glenn asked the tough questions -- because our republic is being transformed before our very eyes. The time for silent dissent has long passed, and now the hard questions need to be asked. Maybe there are perfectly logical explanations for Obama's 'Civilian National Security Force' he wants funded as well as the military. But what is it? Who are the radical Czars in the White House, and why are they there? Does the President actually listen to Communist ideas? Here is the ENTIRE RECAP of this weeks shows -- the monologues, the questions, the amazing interview with Rush Limbaugh and more. Please, read it and pass it around to all of your friends. These questions need to be asked and answered. Get started!
This is a great thread, deserving of some answers, let's ask the reasonable questions

Are Mark Loyd and Van Jones the 2 most disturbing "czars" in the obama administration?

Is it looking like an oligarchy?

Does Obama care about nothing but his popularity, is he being used as the talking head the deliverer of the "policies"?

Is the enemies of freedom advising the Whitehouse?

Why doesn't the press secretary feel the need to email and return the calls of the press?

Last but not least, Do sheep ask questions?
This is a great thread, deserving of some answers, let's ask the reasonable questions

Are Mark Loyd and Van Jones the 2 most disturbing "czars" in the obama administration?

Is it looking like an oligarchy?

Does Obama care about nothing but his popularity, is he being used as the talking head the deliverer of the "policies"?

Is the enemies of freedom advising the Whitehouse?

Why doesn't the press secretary feel the need to email and return the calls of the press?

Last but not least, Do sheep ask questions?

Oo, oo pick me Mr. Kotter!!

That would be NO.
I watched the first video and that was enough. For starters, his claims that visiting means the government owns your computer is utter bullshit.

Here is the image of the original website. You don't have to believe me, just read what is written.

Click on the image to enlarge.

As for the clip from the speech he's harping on, that was a snippet from a campaign speech where Obama was talking about expanding national service programs, including have teens do volunteer work to graduate high school. How ominous.

You may be right. But there is a ... but. We already have national service programs that are fairly funded. Do we really need civilian security forces that are trained and funded equally to our armed forces?
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Can you seriously listen to this piece and consider the man balanced. 'Muscle' 'attacking' 'information changes' huh? 'Socialist indoctrination' come on, this is plain stupid and calling it something else defies the definition of stupid.
@1:26 Orelly not beck says change in information , presumable referring to the prior interview with John Bolten the UN ambassador If you do not think information or facts change during war you are miseducated
@3:18 socialist indoctrination, It is astonishing anyone would still find this as incredible
never the less, former radical speaks on the issue

YouTube - Glenn Beck on Bill O'Reilly
Thanks for posting this as well.
That you take issue with the interview says more about you and your knowledge of history honesty and integrity than you know.

[ame=]YouTube - Why Does Glenn Beck Hate America?[/ame]

Clinton elected January 20, 1993 / Oklahoma City April 19, 1995

"Civilized society is perpetually menaced with disintegration through this primary hostility of men towards one another." Sigmund Freud[/QUOTE]
From the top and through out Beck is called a racsits with no proof
he is called derogatory names simply opinion
@ : 40 The "host " states he never knows when Beck is joking this is not beck problem it is the "hosts"
Thanks for posting that . in the second video at about
@2:18 Beck has called for policies and principles to match , he is referring to both sides of the political isle, the "hosts" asks a question suggesting Beck polices are the government policies and offers no evidence that they are .
@ 2:45 on The host plays a clip where Beck makes a statement that he equivocates ( an event that happens in virtually every verbal exchange or narrative) the hosts points the this as an unreasonable mode of communication that is so confusing as to be impossible to comprehend
@6:15 beck say unfortunately shortly there after the "host says where is the compassion?
The entire clip is a testament to the unhinged nature of bigotry
@8:15 Beck asks a question of Kellison that is reasonable that sends the "host" over the edge again .
The entire clip is salted with one ad hominem after another and it is an example of refined stupidity on behalf of the" host"
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I hope that post 130 wil give becks detractor on how to use this thread.
It was not nessacery for be to provide any "facts " to back up what I objected to since the video provide prima fascia evidence of the "hosts" problem with B.D.S.
Can we survive this debt? If yes, how?
- Why the rush on health care reform, cap-and-trade?
- Who is writing these bills?
- Will Washington read and understand the bills?
- Why are you called "grassroots" if you are for, but "Astroturf" if you are against?
- Our unfunded liabilities for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid is close to $100 trillion. Is there any way to pay for these programs without bankrupting America....

This why no one can take you guys seriously, every item there has an answer that you may not agree with but is explainable given the current American situation. If Beck discussed these matters intelligently that would be fine, but what he does is spin them into a grand conspiracy that makes no sense and is only anti the democratically elected administration of this nation.

Here's a challenge for you blind followers, give us one example of a bad outcome from any of these items and allow us to answer. Not your reading of it but a specific trouble that requires a why.

Second challenge, pick anything he writes and ask us to explain the whys to you. Pick what you see as truth in the above and then ask why.

PS there is no way in hell anyone has time or the desire to answer what amounts to complete nonsense. But answer the challenges above.
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By reading this thread I see that "left" is focused on Glen Beck rather then on issues, while "right" is demanding opposite.

I already replied earlier in this thread and my question (about "civilian national security force") that did not get much attention. I have to agree that both sides have some valid points, but I still haven't seen answers based on facts, maybe because some questions are not completely clear.

To clear it up I had to research on my own and here is the result.

[ame=]Barack Obama: Call to Service in Colorado Springs, CO[/ame]​

This speech is about 26 minutes long and the part I am referring to is on 15-17 minute mark.

Today, AmeriCorps -- our nation's network of local, state, and national service programs -- has 75,000 slots. And I know firsthand the quality of these programs. My wife, Michelle, once left her job at a law firm and at City Hall to be a founding director of an AmeriCorps program in Chicago that trains young people for careers in public service. And these programs invest Americans in their communities and their country. They tap America's greatest resource -- our citizens.

And that's why as president, I will expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots and make that increased service a vehicle to meet national goals like providing health care and education, saving our planet and restoring our standing in the world, so that citizens see their efforts connected to a common purpose. People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve. Because when it comes to the challenges we face, the American people are not the problem -- they are the answer.

So we are going to send -- we're going to send more college graduates to teach and mentor our young people. We'll call on Americans to join an Energy Corps to conduct renewable energy and environmental cleanup projects in their neighborhoods all across the country. We will enlist our veterans to find jobs and support for other vets, to be there for our military families. And we're going to grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered, and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy.

We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

If you read only bold letter part that Glen Beck is referring to, it's scary and horrifying. If you look at the whole speech, it gets different meaning.

Just to make it clear - as a libertarian I am not defending Obama's ideas, but I am defending the context of his speech.
I hope that post 130 wil give becks detractor on how to use this thread.
It was not nessacery for be to provide any "facts " to back up what I objected to since the video provide prima fascia evidence of the "hosts" problem with B.D.S.

Post 130 doesn't make any sense to me. There are no full sentences. Hell there aren't many real words in 131, which I quoted here.......and I have no idea what that string of words means.

Baby Duck Syndrome, had to look it up.

I'm still waiting for a substantive demonstratable bad thing that Beck mentions in these videos. Come on, we answered you, now your turn, tell us something he says here that is clearly bad for the nation. I want your input on what he says is wrong and I want to see if it is defensible. Wake up stooges on the right.
"Bush Derangement Syndrome" ("BDS") is a pejorative political neologism coined by the American conservative political columnist, and psychiatrist, Charles Krauthammer in a 2003 column.

from wiki^

Izzat it?

Krauthammer doesn't do much for me. But besides that, what do the rest of the posts mean?

There's no 'there' there.
I hope that post 130 wil give becks detractors insight on how to use this thread.
It was not nessacery for be to provide any "facts " to back up what I objected to since the video provided prima fascia evidence of the "hosts" problem with B.D.S.

Post 130 doesn't make any sense to me. There are no full sentences. Hell there aren't many real words in 131, which I quoted here.......and I have no idea what that string of words means.

Edited, I hope you can understand it now, but I sincerely doubt it.

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