Because ... " There Are


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Devils.Because we hardly dare look ourselves. "
From - The Pledge - { 2001 } starring Jack.And nobody
knows Jack like Mr.Nicholson.And also because
All Work and No Play make a Democrat ... dormant.
And them Democrats don't cotton being dormant.
Except when The Devils are out and about.Like the Devils
of the Mainstream media ... In league { no disputing that iron clad factoid }
with their bretheren who take marching orders from the fraternal order
of WRONG.Used to be " Wrong " was Not good.Try and avoid at all costs.
Not no mores.In fact,being wrong is now viewed by a Political machine
as if healthy and normal.The exact polar opposite of Truth.
But then Danny ... All work and no play make jack a dull boy.
So play around with Lies.Make the use of the Lie a favorite toy
or relative.Maybe the new Mrs.Santa Klaus.Like no one the wiser.
because as sure God made little green apples one factoid is certain,
and manifest.The Democrat Party with it's leftists Do Not VALUE
" We must not fear fear.Fear is a greater evil than the
evil itself." - St.Francis De Sales
" Dissent is essential to an effective judiciary in a
democratic society.Freedom of expression is the well-spring
of our civilization. Liberty of thought soon shrivels without
Freedom of Expression.Nor can TRUTH be pursued in
an atmosphere hostile to the endeavor or under dangers which are
hazarded only by heroes. " - Felix Frankfurter { U.S. Supreme Court Justice }

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