Beavis & Butthead Trailer- Subverting the Paradigm of White Privilege


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
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There's a new Beavis & Butthead movie coming out where they somehow get into a college where they are taught they have white privileges by the wokesters infesting the campus.
If you've got special privileges you just found out about, why not use them?

Here's a trailer for the movie- I'm sure it will make some progbot without a sense of humor post a deranged rant somewhere.

I used to have a rubber Beavis mask I wore to a Halloween party once almost 30 yrs ago. My daughter found it in a closet when she was young & it scared the sh!t out of her! After that, I'd put it on occasionally just to keep her on her toes.
I still laugh about that.

I bought my twin sons a B&B shirt when i went to the Bahama's in 1997. They must have been around 7. On B&B's t-shirt they had a marijuana leaf. They of course never noticed but I always chuckled that neither did the school they went to.
There's a new Beavis & Butthead movie coming out where they somehow get into a college where they are taught they have white privileges by the wokesters infesting the campus.
If you've got special privileges you just found out about, why not use them?

Here's a trailer for the movie- I'm sure it will make some progbot without a sense of humor post a deranged rant somewhere.

I used to have a rubber Beavis mask I wore to a Halloween party once almost 30 yrs ago. My daughter found it in a closet when she was young & it scared the sh!t out of her! After that, I'd put it on occasionally just to keep her on her toes.
I still laugh about that.

And a new tv series
This is the only good news
There's a new Beavis & Butthead movie coming out where they somehow get into a college where they are taught they have white privileges by the wokesters infesting the campus.
If you've got special privileges you just found out about, why not use them?

Here's a trailer for the movie- I'm sure it will make some progbot without a sense of humor post a deranged rant somewhere.

I used to have a rubber Beavis mask I wore to a Halloween party once almost 30 yrs ago. My daughter found it in a closet when she was young & it scared the sh!t out of her! After that, I'd put it on occasionally just to keep her on her toes.
I still laugh about that.

Shows how crazy the world has become, when the 20th Century's Beavis and Butthead are now considerably smarter than the current generation.
It's funny because they aren't privileged at all, and didn't know they were until the privileged told them they were privileged. And even after being told they were, they still aren't.

But if you tell impressionable young people like these two teens that they have a privilege they didn't realize they had, of course they are going to exercise the newly discovered privilege.

That's human nature.
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