BDS and "The Color Purple."

A decade of accomplishing nothing. A decade of wasting time. May they last another decade of uselessness while Israel continues to thrive and build :)
The Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert has just came from Gaza, and talked about what he has seen - and about SAMUD! arabic for steadfastness. The palestinians have always been filled by samud.Now the UN has to take the burden of their shoulder, make Palestine a free state and end the occupation. Ingunn in Oslo on Blipfoto :: SAMUD! MADS GILBERT :: 29 November 2012 SAMUD so perfectly describes Palestinian resistance to Occupation. A man visits Gaza and what he cannot get out of his head is SAMUD! Sherri
Human nature is to strike back against Injustices like Occupations and Apartheid. The fact there is violent resistance sometimes, taking different forms at different points in time, does not lesson any of the crimes a part of Occupation and Apartheid. This was true about Apartheid in South Africa and Apartheid in Palestine. We all see the crimes of Occupation. Like 1519 Palestinian children killed by Israel listed by name and how they each were killed by Israel on Remember These Children website. BDS is a method to keep these human rights abuses in the spotlight . All of the time. A way to ensure the world never forgets about or stops speaking about these killings of and abuses against children and others in Apartheid and Occupation in Palestine. Sherri
Frau Sherri, you keep on bringing up these same children constantly, but you seem to close your eyes to the thousands of children murdered in the Muslim world. Is there some organization that is keeping track of the names of the murdered children, whether they are Muslims, Christians, Buddhists or Hindus? We all can see how the Arab Propaganda Machine is spinning on and on by all the videos that Frau Sherri seems to have; however, we will never see any videos from her as to what her friends are doing to innocent others in the Muslim world. Any atrocities and murders are shoved under the rug since no Jews are involved so it would be a wasted effort to make such videos.

As for apartheid...........
Israel is no apartheid state, insists Muslim author - Israel Today | Israel News

Apartheid: More Than Just a Word | HonestReporting
"...So, the present Occupation will end too..."

It's almost over, already.

Look at the map.

In the end, the Palestinians will pack-up and leave, and Eretz Yisrael will be complete once again; ending a quest that began in 1948 (or was that 70 A.D.?).

The world will remark upon it, yawn, and go back to sleep; forgetting all about it, at the speed of light.

After 65 years, the world has had enough of these troublesome, uncompromising, irrational Palestinian-Arabs, and will not shed a tear, to see them scattered about the region and out of everyone's hair.

"...and BDS is the tool all can use and all can be a part of to seeing Occupation end in Palestine..."


"...I cannot wait to see the end to this Occupation. Sherri"


No problem, Sherri... almost there... tick, tick, tick...
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It has to be over soon, every day the Arabs in Palestine become a greater majority. It gets harder and harder to carry out Apartheid as the Arab population explodes, over 5 million and growing. Dont you love how God takes care of Injustices like Occupation and Apartheid!
It has to be over soon, every day the Arabs in Palestine become a greater majority. It gets harder and harder to carry out Apartheid as the Arab population explodes, over 5 million and growing. Dont you love how God takes care of Injustices like Occupation and Apartheid!

I don't know what fantasy world you live in, but it sure isn't a world of reality. Wake up Sherri !
Israeli Professor speaks about demographics in Israel and Israels Holocaust Industry and racism and white supremacy thinking. Prifessor Jonathan Anson, Ben Gurion University
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I think we should all BDS this thread.

All its become is a platform for Sherri to spam us with BS.

Who's with me?
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel found itself a friend in major American newspaper USA Today...


"Hokey-Smokes, Batman... a whole Press Release made it almost un-changed into an American paper!"

Hold the presses!!!

Extreee... Extree... read all about it... propaganda gets published... unheard-of, in the real world... sympathizers delude themselves that this means the media outlet is now 'friendly' to them!!!

At this rate, their entire range of bile will have been printed by the mainstream media within the next 100 years.

Some 60-70 years too late to do our Palestinian colleagues any good, but at least the story will all be aired.
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The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel found itself a friend in major American newspaper USA Today recently, when a press release about its efforts to have Alicia Keys cancel her upcoming show in Israel appeared almost verbatim in an article on the newspaper’s website. USA Today Publishes BDS Press Release Almost Word for Word, Accuses Israel of ?Large-Scale Abuses of Palestinian Rights? | The 5 Towns Jewish Times
As you can see, these papers gets press releases from different places and didn't even bother to check. Maybe someone should send this particular newspaper something about all the Christians who have been persecuted by Frau Sherri's friends in the Muslim world. I am sure all the good Christians in this country who are unaware of just what is going on would be interested in learning about this.

USA Today Runs BDS Press Release as a Story | HonestReporting
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel found itself a friend in major American newspaper USA Today recently, when a press release about its efforts to have Alicia Keys cancel her upcoming show in Israel appeared almost verbatim in an article on the newspaper’s website. USA Today Publishes BDS Press Release Almost Word for Word, Accuses Israel of ?Large-Scale Abuses of Palestinian Rights? | The 5 Towns Jewish Times
As you can see, these papers gets press releases from different places and didn't even bother to check. Maybe someone should send this particular newspaper something about all the Christians who have been persecuted by Frau Sherri's friends in the Muslim world. I am sure all the good Christians in this country who are unaware of just what is going on would be interested in learning about this.

USA Today Runs BDS Press Release as a Story | HonestReporting

I'm sure if there was a BDS movement against some Arab states who treat Christians like 29th class citizens, then those associated with the movement will likely start to get killed. We all know how some Arab Tyrant leaders of Muslim states or leaders of a terrorist militia, use fFEAR to intimidate their enemy or anyone who opposes them, including their own civilians. This is the kind of fear that is deterring anyone or group who opposes them or their views to step up and speak.
I wonder what would happen to a Palestinian in Gaza if he openly opposes Hamas and calls them terrorists.

Of course, Israelis don't partake in this kind of "intimidation through fear" bullshit for groups who oppose them, so that makes them an easy target for groups like BDS
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Summer BDS Institute for Student Leaders Quakers and Jewish Voice For Peace host Summer BDS Institute.
How about a Summer Institute, Frau Sherri, for those who can learn how to face up to your friends and tell them it isn't right that people are being murdered for their religious beliefs. Meanwhile, Frau Sherri, although there are those in this silly movement who have tried to get others to boycott this company, it looks like they will be going great guns. I hope the viewers remember to buy KitchenAid products.

KitchenAid, SodaStream teaming up on devices
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. Jewish American Anna Baltzer speaks about BDS at Colorado BDS Conference in April 2013. Three goals of BDS, freedom and equality and justice. Freedom from Occupation Of all people in Palestine Equal rights for Arabs in Israel. JUSTICE for refugees. All of these goals are required by intl law. Sherri
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