Barrack Obama And David Letterman Agree That Mitt Sucks


Yep, they're doing everything they can to obstruct the anit-American Maobama and his communist allies. After all somebody has to.
No one was "drug" through the streets (that was a lie), and Obama going on Letterman has nothing to do with the events in the ME.

Still not understanding the "outrage".

OBAMA’S LIBYA STORY UNRAVELS!… New Info Reveals Terror Attack Was Planned (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, September 17, 2012, 4:20 PM

Obama’s Libya Story Unravels–

** New information reveals the attack on the US Consulate on 9-11 was pre-planned and highly organized.

And… According to an intelligence source there was no protest at the consulate at the time of the attack. This totally destroys the administration’s wild story that a protest over the YouTube Mohammad video was behind the murder of the US ambassador. This is damning new information especially considering the administration had warnings the area was not safe and reportedly refused adequate security at the consulate.

Islamists dragged the dead body of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens from the consulate safe house after his murder. The radical Islamists attacked the embassy with rocket propelled grenades and machine gun fire.

PICTURE AT SITE, can't bring it over

Your link doesn't go to a story, and your story has been proven incorrect - repeatedly.

Ambassador Chris Stevens was still breathing as video emerges showing Libyans trying to rescue him - NY Daily News

I can see why you're so clueless.....because I found this story at the link.

Obama’s Libya Story Unravels–

** New information reveals the attack on the US Consulate on 9-11 was pre-planned and highly organized.

And… According to an intelligence source there was no protest at the consulate at the time of the attack. This totally destroys the administration’s wild story that a protest over the YouTube Mohammad video was behind the murder of the US ambassador. This is damning new information especially considering the administration had warnings the area was not safe and reportedly refused adequate security at the consulate.
OBAMA’S LIBYA STORY UNRAVELS!… New Info Reveals Terror Attack Was Planned (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, September 17, 2012, 4:20 PM

Obama’s Libya Story Unravels–

** New information reveals the attack on the US Consulate on 9-11 was pre-planned and highly organized.

And… According to an intelligence source there was no protest at the consulate at the time of the attack. This totally destroys the administration’s wild story that a protest over the YouTube Mohammad video was behind the murder of the US ambassador. This is damning new information especially considering the administration had warnings the area was not safe and reportedly refused adequate security at the consulate.

Islamists dragged the dead body of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens from the consulate safe house after his murder. The radical Islamists attacked the embassy with rocket propelled grenades and machine gun fire.

PICTURE AT SITE, can't bring it over

Your link doesn't go to a story, and your story has been proven incorrect - repeatedly.

Ambassador Chris Stevens was still breathing as video emerges showing Libyans trying to rescue him - NY Daily News

NYdaily news? really

I know you guys only believe stories from feverishly right-wing unsourced blog sites, but give reality a shot. You might like it.
Your link doesn't go to a story, and your story has been proven incorrect - repeatedly.

Ambassador Chris Stevens was still breathing as video emerges showing Libyans trying to rescue him - NY Daily News

NYdaily news? really

I know you guys only believe stories from feverishly right-wing unsourced blog sites, but give reality a shot. You might like it.

And you only believe in stories from Mother Jones or Mother Goose, Media Matters, ThinkProgress, and and MSNBC. Yellow journalism for sure.
Obama was on David Letterman last night.

Yeah except for the fact he wasn't. You really should verify things before you cut and paste them.

Same goes for everyone else who buys everything that is posted.
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He said that as president he has to work for everybody, not just his base.........

How is he working for.....

- the Republicans he told to get to the back of the bus
- the Americans who cling to their guns and Bibles
- the coal miners he said would bankrupt
- the Cambridge Police Department who he said acted "stupidly"
- the Ft. Hood victims of Nadal Hasan
- George Zimmerman
- the small business owners of Main Street , USA

How is he working for these people?

He's working his mouth......:hmpf:
Actually Obama doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself.......and he's going to prove it if he gets 4 more years.

But he is paying more Americans to stay poor (welfare). He is paying them to live in poverty. Doesn't that prove that he "cares"?
Obama was on David Letterman last night.

Yeah except for the fact he wasn't. You really should verify things before you cut and paste them.

Actually I wrote that. I didn't cut and paste it.

And he was on the show last night it was reported. Not my fault if the show was taped a day or two ago. He appeared on the show last night.
the middle east burns and innocent civilians get killed and drug thought the streets, OBAMA goes on David Letterman..

please people vote this classless clueless person out of our lives

Apparently "these" people are okay with Obama insulting Christians, but preaching to us that freedom of speech does not apply to anything muslim (especially if it is true). I guess they want what is happening in the ME to happen here (by voting for the same policies that created that mess over there). What is sad is how many will vote to destroy this country for the hint of a handout.
Actually Obama doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself.......and he's going to prove it if he gets 4 more years.

If I was Obama I would beg, borrow and steal to win the house just so I could come down real hard on the asholes that have wasted the last four years of my life and insulted me and my family continually since my innauguration. Frankly I hope he does just that. My real hope is that they pass a law providing for a reward for the scalps of christian fascists.
I know you guys only believe stories from feverishly right-wing unsourced blog sites, but give reality a shot. You might like it.

And you only believe in stories from Mother Jones or Mother Goose, Media Matters, ThinkProgress, and and MSNBC. Yellow journalism for sure.


Perhaps you should re-read the posts you're responding to.

Okay....thanks for the tip..

...okay I re-read it.

Funny thing is this site quotes the posts I'm responding to.'re dumb.
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Actually Obama doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself.......and he's going to prove it if he gets 4 more years.

If I was Obama I would beg, borrow and steal to win the house just so I could come down real hard on the asholes that have wasted the last four years of my life and insulted me and my family continually since my innauguration. Frankly I hope he does just that. My real hope is that they pass a law providing for a reward for the scalps of christian fascists.

Yeah, poor Obama never made fun of anyone. Neither did is liberal friends. None of them every made fun of Romneys wife not working or the fact that Romney has 5 sons. The fact that Anne wore a blouse that costs a few hundred bucks.

I don't even remember them talking about the family dog being in a pet-carrier on the roof.

Never, ever, ever, ever.

Oh, I'm so glad Obama never called me and millions of other Americans ball sucking "Tea-baggers".

the middle east burns and innocent civilians get killed and drug thought the streets, OBAMA goes on David Letterman..

please people vote this classless clueless person out of our lives

No one was "drug" through the streets (that was a lie), and Obama going on Letterman has nothing to do with the events in the ME.

Still not understanding the "outrage".

There are pictures....

But the libs don't care if "fast and furious" moves from rifles to weapons of mass destruction, do they? It is okay if this President gives these weapons to terrorists, to be used against American citizens and their allies, isn't it?
I stopped watching Letterman after the story about his workplace sexual-harassment came out...

Yeah, another lib man telling us the republicans have a war on women.... Then the sexual predator is their mainliner for the convention? I guess the Obamazombies don't pay attention to actions, just believe whatever another "lib" tells them?
Actually Obama doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself.......and he's going to prove it if he gets 4 more years.

If I was Obama I would beg, borrow and steal to win the house just so I could come down real hard on the asholes that have wasted the last four years of my life and insulted me and my family continually since my innauguration. Frankly I hope he does just that. My real hope is that they pass a law providing for a reward for the scalps of christian fascists.

Where you in Libya on the eleventh?
Which parts of Obama's agenda were they speaking on stoping ? Is Obama perfect, and therefore shouldn't have been challenged as a person when making statements or actions that revealed his agenda, in which many felt was not right for America on whole ? Whats wrong with what their opinions were (after learning his agenda), to say these things about Obama ?

Is it the implied notion that people are racist, just because they are against Obama's agenda, and are wanting him because of his agenda, to be a one term President ? If so, then it sure is odd how there are many blacks in the republican party that may differ from that one sided opinion in which is spewed by those who use racism as a tactic, and this because Obama is black.

Whites helped put Obama in office, but it may be that they will regret this action if they are lumped in by the color of their skin, to be considered racist if challenge his policies while he is in the office.

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