Barack Obama Is Rick Perry’s New Best Friend

Sandy relief should not have included money for salmon fisheries in Alaska, that would have helped pass it.

At least $17 billion in the bill was targeted towards emergency spending to assist victims of the Oct. 29 super storm that struck the East Coast and killed 140 people. The House added another $33 billion in unrelated spending that includes $10 million for FBI salaries, $2 billion for road construction across the country, as well as funding for the Head Start program, and roof repairs at the Smithsonian.

House Republicans were successful in cutting some pork, including $500 million for weather forecasting and to help create an ocean zoning plan, one of Obama’s pet projects.

$50B for Sandy relief plus pork clears final hurdle - Conservative News

In a remarkable turn of events, everyone got the pork and there is still no relief for Sandy victims.

The fertilizer factory is a private company and they and their insurance company should be responsible for all damage they cause

Texas does not deserve taxpayer welfare

Yup. I had heard that this place had past safety violations. If this is the case, then in my mind they are 100% at fault and should have to pay.

They had one violation and that wasn't a safety violation, about ten years ago. The plant was an exceptionally safe plant.

So far, the evidence shows that the cause of the plant explosion was heat build up in a rail car carrying some type of ammonia substance that caused it to explode setting off a chain reaction so the plant wasn't at fault at all.
The fertilizer factory is a private company and they and their insurance company should be responsible for all damage they cause

Texas does not deserve taxpayer welfare

Yup. I had heard that this place had past safety violations. If this is the case, then in my mind they are 100% at fault and should have to pay.

They had one violation and that wasn't a safety violation, about ten years ago. The plant was an exceptionally safe plant.

So far, the evidence shows that the cause of the plant explosion was heat build up in a rail car carrying some type of ammonia substance that caused it to explode setting off a chain reaction so the plant wasn't at fault at all.

Private company

No justification to make the taxpayers pay
Newsflash: Even though he only pays about 18% in taxes, President Obama is not using his money to help the residents in Texas.

He is using OUR money.

Disaster relief is something the government has done for a long time.

Whether it should or not is perhaps another story.

But as long as the gubmint provides genuine disaster relief to any state or locality, it would be pretty fucking absurd to deny it to the folks in Texas, now.
Oh really.

What was the "first" time?

The Texas wildfires.


Perry Asks for Federal Funds to Fight Wildfires After Slashing State Fire Budget - ABC News

President Obama Signs Disaster Aid for Texas Wildfires

That was pretty much on Texas..and they eventually got aid.

You don't cut your own firefighting force then complain you can't fight fires.

It's amazing how conservatives just make shit up and think you can't google the truth in 5 seconds.
So the sandy wimps got their money. Why are they whining for more ? And billions went to to fat rich white folks, dont you libbs hate those types ?

Exactly why Texas doesn't deserve any relief money. It will be wasted on pork for Texas fat cats

"Texas" dont deserve nothing. Personally, I think Texas should take a hard look at who owned the plant, and why it exploded, and make sure those who were injured are taken care of, and the owners punished. I feel the same about the Sandy people. They built stupidly. Dont they have insurance, and if so, what were they paying for ? They were entitled to nothing from the government and shout have been told to talk to their insurance companies. Same for those in Texas. They should not even be talking about federal money.

Gee, I wonder when the hands off Texas government last inspected the fertilizer plant? :eek:
How many billions has the federal government leeched out of Texas? Give Texas all the stolen money back and they will take care of it themselves.

I'm laughing my ass off. You do realize that Texas gets far more aid from the federal government than it pays in taxes? That doesn't even take into account that over half of the entire nation's losses in the S & L debacle were from Texas institutions which were notoriously engaged in good ol boy fraud.

Give me a break. Half of my family lives in Texas. Stop blowing this smoke up our asses; it just doesn't work. It hasn't since 1845 when Texas had to get the United States government to pay off the Texas debt. Talk about bailouts!
What did Texas ever do to NJ, retard?

BLOCKED funding for Sandy relief.

That's what they did.

So let me get this straight - because a few politicans voted against a bill, on grounds that it was full of pork, it's fair to have a vendetta against the entire state?

A. You aren't getting the sarcasm.
B. I wouldn't block anything.
C. It is incredibly insulting that an ultra red state like Texas, which constantly says how bad the government is, comes to the trough when they are in trouble.
Newsflash: Even though he only pays about 18% in taxes, President Obama is not using his money to help the residents in Texas.

He is using OUR money.

Disaster relief is something the government has done for a long time.

Whether it should or not is perhaps another story.

But as long as the gubmint provides genuine disaster relief to any state or locality, it would be pretty fucking absurd to deny it to the folks in Texas, now.

Considering that the Congressman from that district and both Senators voted against Sandy relief it is obvious that they do not consider federal relief aid critical

Newsflash: Even though he only pays about 18% in taxes, President Obama is not using his money to help the residents in Texas.

He is using OUR money.

Disaster relief is something the government has done for a long time.

Whether it should or not is perhaps another story.

But as long as the gubmint provides genuine disaster relief to any state or locality, it would be pretty fucking absurd to deny it to the folks in Texas, now.

Considering that the Congressman from that district and both Senators voted against Sandy relief it is obvious that they do not consider federal relief aid critical


Surely those Senators and the representative learned their lesson in the need for Federal Aid to disaster victims and will be all for it next go 'round, right?

I don't think so either.

Of course, a hurricane is a freak of nature and the explosion at a fertilizer factory is man-made so obviously the cause of one was God and the cause of the other was probably Gay Marriage.
The fertilizer factory is a private company and they and their insurance company should be responsible for all damage they cause

Texas does not deserve taxpayer welfare

Yup. I had heard that this place had past safety violations. If this is the case, then in my mind they are 100% at fault and should have to pay.

A lesson learned for Texas about deregulation and cutbacks on state safety inspections

Then they expect the American taxpayer to bail them out for their lax policies

What ever happened to personal responsibility Texas?

Its not so much Texas, as it is the people who run those places. For you this is babble points on a message bored. In reality, Texas needs to get on the owners of the plant, then the survivors need to lawyer up, then the DA needs to look and see if any laws were broken. As far as regulations go, trust me, they have them. Ask me how I know.
Newsflash: Even though he only pays about 18% in taxes, President Obama is not using his money to help the residents in Texas.

He is using OUR money.

Disaster relief is something the government has done for a long time.

Whether it should or not is perhaps another story.

But as long as the gubmint provides genuine disaster relief to any state or locality, it would be pretty fucking absurd to deny it to the folks in Texas, now.

They're a pull-themselves-up-by-their-bootstraps kind of state. Don't see any reason why they need to stop now, do you?
Sandy relief should not have included money for salmon fisheries in Alaska, that would have helped pass it.

At least $17 billion in the bill was targeted towards emergency spending to assist victims of the Oct. 29 super storm that struck the East Coast and killed 140 people. The House added another $33 billion in unrelated spending that includes $10 million for FBI salaries, $2 billion for road construction across the country, as well as funding for the Head Start program, and roof repairs at the Smithsonian.

House Republicans were successful in cutting some pork, including $500 million for weather forecasting and to help create an ocean zoning plan, one of Obama’s pet projects.

$50B for Sandy relief plus pork clears final hurdle - Conservative News

In a remarkable turn of events, everyone got the pork and there is still no relief for Sandy victims.

The fertilizer factory is a private company and they and their insurance company should be responsible for all damage they cause

Texas does not deserve taxpayer welfare
Does the left ever stop whining? They whine when republicans say something bad about Hussein and they whine when republicans say something good about Hussein.

Why is the right begging our President to fix the damage done by a private company?
Does the left ever stop whining? They whine when republicans say something bad about Hussein and they whine when republicans say something good about Hussein.

Why is the right begging our President to fix the damage done by a private company?

Yea, where's that pure and holy "government stay OUT of business" mantra now? Maybe the state of Kotexas will have it when they secede to Mexico.
I guess Rick is glad he didn't secede. :razz:

Now That He Needs Disaster Relief, Barack Obama Is Rick Perry's New Best Friend

Now that he needs disaster relief after the fertilizer plant explosion in West, TX, Gov. Rick Perry is full of praise for, and thanks to President Obama.

During his press conference on the situation in West, Perry said, “President Obama called from Air Force One as he was en route to Boston,” Perry said. “We greatly appreciate his call, and his gracious offer of support, of course, and the quick turnaround of the emergency declaration that will be forthcoming, and his offer of prayers.”

Now that Perry needs something, President Obama isn’t such a bad guy.

It’s almost like Perry wants us to forget his 2011 presidential campaign ad where he accused the president of waging a war on religion.

Fast forward to 2013, and Perry thanked Obama for his prayers. So much for that Obama war on religion. I guess that means that when a Republican needs immediate help from the federal government, President Obama gets to be a Christian. Gov. Perry has also accused President Obama of allowing a “jailbreak of illegal immigrants,” and said Obama disgusted him on gun control.
to get something that is expected from all presidents like disaster relief you usually only have to have a disaster . but unfortunately you have to do some ass kissing first with Obama .
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Hey Rick Perry...

You have a fertilizer factory capable of blowing up a whole fucking town. How much insurance coverage did you make them carry?

Oh yea....I forgot.....this is are "business friendly"

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